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OPP 1 2 Continuous improvement of our Safety culture. Recognise the impact of our own behaviour, and ensure that the rest of the team demonstrate exemplary.

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Presentation on theme: "OPP 1 2 Continuous improvement of our Safety culture. Recognise the impact of our own behaviour, and ensure that the rest of the team demonstrate exemplary."— Presentation transcript:


2 OPP 1

3 2 Continuous improvement of our Safety culture. Recognise the impact of our own behaviour, and ensure that the rest of the team demonstrate exemplary safety behaviour Practice good safety Correct unsafe behaviours using a coaching style of conversation. Listen to the advice from workforce and Supervisors and take action as necessary.

4 OPP 3

5 4

6 5 What Employees Want: A Safe Workplace A Positive Workplace To Take Care of One Another To Stop the Hurt!

7 OPP 6 What Management Wants: An Accident Free Workplace Empowered Employees Pro-active Rather Than Re-active Work Process To Minimize Direct and Indirect Costs and Threat of Liability From Accidents

8 OPP 7 Disabling injury Or Death 1 600 Near Miss 8 L.T. Accidents 30 First Aid 12 Medical Treatment

9 OPP 8 Definition: Behavior: Any directly measurable thing that a person does, including speaking, acting, and performing physical functions.

10 9  Activators (what needs to be done )  Competencies (how it needs to be done)  Competencies (how it needs to be done)  Consequences (what happens if it is done)  Consequences (what happens if it is done) Human Behavior is a function of :

11 OPP 10 Definitions: Activators: A person, place, thing or event that happens before a behavior takes place that encourages you to perform that behavior. Activators: A person, place, thing or event that happens before a behavior takes place that encourages you to perform that behavior. Activators only set the stage for behavior or performance - they don’t control it. Activators only set the stage for behavior or performance - they don’t control it.

12 OPP 11 Some examples of activators

13 OPP 12 Some example of Consequences: MOTHER FATHER SON

14 OPP 13 ABC Model Antecedents (trigger behavior) Behavior (human performance) Consequences (either reinforce or punish behavior)

15 OPP 14 Why is one sign often ignored, the other one often followed? Un-enforced by the low Don’t understand it No concentration Overconfidence

16 OPP 15 Use your senses that are safe to use, but don’t put yourself in danger! - Sight - Sound - Smell -Touch -NEVER TASTE Experience Gut Feel (Intuition) Check List

17 OPP 16 Electricity Gas Radiation Falling Objects Temperature Extremes Noise Steam Pressure Energy Source

18 OPP 17 Other People above, below or adjacent Trip Hazards Fall from Height Confined Space Poor Lighting Blind Corners Waste Material Escape Routes Blocked Work Site

19 OPP 18 Pushing Pulling Lifting Static Posture Repetitive Movements Overexertion Twisting Human Kinetics

20 OPP 19 Leak Spill Overflow Wrong Mix Product Escape Material/Chemical Exposures - (MSDS) Inhalation Contact Absorption Ingestion

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