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Presentation on theme: "PHONAK HEARING AIDS-MODERN BEST TECHNOLOGY AIDS Source-HearingsolutionHearingsolution."— Presentation transcript:


2 Mission of Phonak There are millions and millions of people who have hearing loss problem at that time. We can not easily connect the people who have hearing loss problem. So, Phonak provide a solution of hearing aid from those people. By Phonak technique, we can easily connect with those people who have hearing loss problem.hearing loss

3 Hearing Aid The hearing aid is a small electronic machine which is fit in our inner ear. The purpose of hearing aid is to make sound louder. At the modern time, Phonak provides best hearing aid techniques for deaf peoples.hearing aiddeaf Phonak is a global provider of hearing solutions. It is responsible to provide the hearing aid in 100 countries at the present time.

4 Phonak hearing aid Phonak provides the best possible hearing solution. It provides those hearing aids which you need at this time. Phonak provides test technology by which you can here in difficult condition also.Phonak The techniques which provide by phonon is AutoSense OS, Phonak rechargeable technology, and direct connectivity.

5 Phonak belong 70 Phonak belong 70 is the best invention of Phonak by Which you can easily hear the background noise. It gives five-year warranty if any problem overcome Between that time then Phonak resolve it.

6 Phonak Quest 30 Phonak Quest 30 provides better range as compair to other Q family hearing aids product. It provides better frequency of voice and it also provides better voice quality.

7 THANK YOU Read more: Understanding Phonak hearing aidsUnderstanding Phonak hearing aids

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