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The Way Eryk Budi Pratama

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Presentation on theme: "The Way Eryk Budi Pratama"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Way Eryk Budi Pratama
Workshop Pre-Camp 30 September 2012


3 Drupal History

4 Dries Buytaert Drupal Founder Belgian Citizen Open Sourced in 2001

5 Story Build LAN Message Board Dorpje (in Dutch) Little Village Drop

6 What is Drupal ?

7 Content Management System Application Framework
Drupal... Content Management System Application Framework Open Source – GNU GPL

8 Principles Modular and Extensible Low Resource Demands Open Source
Ease of Use Collaboration

9 What can Drupal Be ? Blog Forum Online newspaper, Portal / Directory
Social community site, job post board Video site like youtube Project management site CRM, ERP, SCM, Wiki Shopping cart system E-learning, training site Anything you can think of…

10 tv shows web sites e-books music books podcasts s instant messages news reports papers journals movies blogs letters

11 Drupal Structure

12 Linux / Windows/ OS X / Solaris
Technology Stack Drupal PHP Apache MySQL Linux / Windows/ OS X / Solaris

13 Core module :

14 General Concepts

15 Field The smallest unit of information
Field module allows custom data fields to be defined for entity types (entities include content items, comments, user accounts, and taxonomy terms) Examples of fields include a number, date or some text.

16 Node A piece of content on your web site.
Node module manages the creation, editing, deletion, settings, and display of the main site content. A node consists of several fields. For example : pages in books, discussion topics in forums, entries in blogs, news article stories

17 Module Software (code) that extends Drupal features and/or functionality. Module can be integrated with Drupal core or other modules using Drupal API. Module : Core and Contributed


19 Region, Block, Menu Drupal site are laid out in regions, which can include the header, footer, sidebars, and main content section. Block  Discrete chunks of information Menu  a hierarchical collection of links

20 Taxonomy Classifying the content of website.
You can define your own vocabularies (groups of categories), and add terms (categories) to each vocabulary.

21 Taxonomy Example Vocabulary = Music term = classical
sub-term = concertos sub-term = sonatas sub-term = symphonies term = jazz sub-term = swing sub-term = fusion

22 User, Role, Permission Drupal provides the most flexible authorization system. Users on your site can be assigned permissions via roles. Then assign permissions to the role.

23 Path Path module allows you to specify an alias, or custom URL.
Some examples of aliases : member/jane-smith user/123 about-us/team node/456


25 … 1000s modules and themes

26 Websites



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32 The Drupal Way : “ Less Code, More Configuration “

33 Drupal...

34 Contact Eryk Budi Pratama

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