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Personal Savings and Investment

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Presentation on theme: "Personal Savings and Investment"— Presentation transcript:

1 Personal Savings and Investment
Element 46

2 JAX/Norfolk Purpose Explain common options for investing the money you set aside each month as you build a financial foundation

3 Your options Savings accounts offered by banks and credit unions: Safe (if insured), convenient, and flexible, but very low interest rates Certificates of Deposit (CDs): Safe (if insured), slightly higher interest rates, and less flexible U.S. Savings Bonds: Very safe, very modest interest rates

4 Your options Municipal or Corporate Bonds: Higher returns, higher risk
Mutual Funds: A pooled investment in a collection of stocks and bonds; higher potential returns with more risk Individual stocks: Significant potential for earnings, via dividends and price appreciation, but even greater risk

5 Potential Return Higher Low Low Risk Higher Individual Stocks
Mutual Funds Corporate Bonds US Bonds CDs Savings accounts Low Risk Higher

6 Resources Financial specialist at the command or the Fleet and Family Support Center

7 Questions?

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