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Light rail projects in Denmark

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Presentation on theme: "Light rail projects in Denmark"— Presentation transcript:

1 Light rail projects in Denmark
The Copenhagen Metro Light rail projects in Denmark Henrik Plougmann Olsen, CEO

2 What businesses need from cities

3 Why Urban Rail? Regularity Frequency Speed Station proximity Comfort
Prices of real estate Opportunity to rethink street design

4 The Copenhagen Metro The Copenhagen Metro today
52 mil. passengers a year 22 stations Runs 24/7/365 98,5% of departures on schedule Best metro in the world in and 2010. Operation generates a profit – used to finance the infrastructure With the Cityring (opens 2018) the system will have 130 mil. passengers per year in the whole metro system Total of 37 metro stations

5 Light rail projects in Denmark
Århus Ring 3 Odense Ålborg København

6 Light rail in Ring 3 Figures at overall level Length: 28 km
Average speed: 37 km/h Passengers pr week day: / (including urban development) Price: 3.7 billion kr. Estimated results of operation: /-14 mio. kr. (including urban development)

7 Overall experiences with rail projects
Operate/ maintain Design Build The entire process

8 Design Choice of system Functionality Safety approval
Environmental impact assessment (VVM) Tendering

9 Build Expropriations Cables Construction Neighbours

10 Operate and maintain Commissioning Mobilization Contract follow up
Retendering Coordination with other modes of public transport Passenger information

11 The entire process Responsibility in one place Total economic approach
Cross-cutting competencies

12 Challenges ahead for Danish light rail projects
What is an acceptable level of safety? Balancing speed and price Choosing between cars or light rail in the street Finansing construction and operation Customizing the existing bus network How do we use experience across the various light rail projects?

13 Thank you for your attention

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