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Published byMercy Chambers Modified over 6 years ago
Simovska V., Damjanovski D, Pavlova V., Martinovski S., Vidin M.
University “St. Clement of Ohrid” – Bitola, Faculty of Technological and Technical Sciences – Veles Evaluation of dietary habits and physical activity level monitoring as basis for a new health promotion strategy inMacedonia Hello, I am an associate professor at the University of “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Faculty of Nutrition and Biotechnology in Republic of Macedonia. Wellcome to my power point presentation. Thank you very much. I'm very happy to present this. This is actually the first time I've ever presented it anywhere to the school with multidisciplinary collaboration between medical doctors, nutritionists and biotechnologists. Simovska V., Damjanovski D, Pavlova V., Martinovski S., Vidin M.
The epidemiological and experimental evidence on health determinants have led to numerous initiatives to develop national strategy for health promotion through diet and physical activity in Macedonia. WHO HEPA European guidelines, (Health-Enhancing Physical Activity) WHO Global strategy for diet, physical activity and health, UN Moscow declaration and UN High-level group meeting, European Health Information System (EHIS), Life-style risk factors (RF) and biological RF for NCD, accumulated throughout the life course have economic, social, gender, political, behavioral and environmental determinants From public health perspective, it is of key importance to prevent rather than treat a NCD through promoting healthy behaviors, surveillance of cases and life-style changes.
Physical acivity in public health nutrition
NCD nutrition-related diseases and represent a huge public health problem (75% of total mortality in Macedonia). Integrated approach, targeting main behavioural factors: diet, physical activity and tobacco
An integrated approach to prevention of NCD
Smoking Unhealthy nutrition Physical inactivity Alcohol CVD Diabetes Cancer Pulmonary disease Musculo-sceletal Oral health The highest priority in prevention and reduction of NCD is addressing to common life-style RF: nutritional factors, physical inactivity, tobacco use, higher level of alcohol consumption and a chronically stressful life and anxiety.
Cultural & Environmental
Non-modifiable Risk Factors Age Sex Genes OBJECTIVE With the aim to develop a national strategy for health promotion and NCD prevention, we have made analysis and evaluation of the results obtained from the new “cross-sectional” study for common lifestyle risk factors focused on dietary habits and physical activity levels monitoring conducted in May 2011. Behavioral risk factors Diet Physical Activity Tobacco Alcohol Socio-economic, Cultural & Environmental Conditions
Methods The survey was comprised of a self-administered questionnaire. Dietary habits were monitored by using the questionnaire to examine the frequency of consumption of various foods during the week (Food frequency questionnaire). . According to the survey, regular consumption of certain foods meant 5 and/or several times a week. Occasional consumption of certain foods meant 2-4 times a week and the third group included respondents who were once a week or do not consume certain foods. Leisure-time physical activity (LTPA) was preferred measure in the study. The study was conducted in five regions in the republic of Macedonia. The total sample was 800 participants aged 10 to 65 years, divided into three age groups. The results were presented in percentages (%) of total numbers of the participants
Најмногу се консумира белиот и полубелиот леб, дури 76% од испитаниците го употребуваат, додека само околу 1/5 употребуваaт интегрален или црн леб.
Најмногу се консумира бел леб
Најмногу се консумира бел леб. Интегрален, односно црн леб помалку се консумира, но старостната група над 50 год. повеќе го користи во однос на другите старостни групи.
Еден добар показател е фактот што поголем број анкетирани граѓани редовно косумираат свежо овошје. Но сепак, околу 1/3 од населението ретко консумира свежо овошје.
Еден показател е фактот што околу 2/3 анкетирани граѓани
од сите старостни групи косумираат свежо овошје.
Најголем дел од анкетираната популација консумираат пилешко и
свинско месо, помалку риба, а јагнешко и телешко многу малку.
Вкусот најмногу , цената и квалитетот помалку, а амбалажата
најмалку влијае врз одлуката да се купи одреден прехранбен производ. Здравствените ефекти за популацијата не се одлучувачки фактор за купување на прехранбен производ што наметнува потреба од здравствена едукација.
Испитаниците од женски пол имаат лесна по интензитет физичка активност како што е пешачењето, додека
машкиот пол повеќе е вклучен во организираните спортови како кошарка, ракомет, фудбал и слично.
The first complex results of our study indicate that the action for health through improving physical activity levels and dietary habits should be focused on younger age groups, especially girls and adult population over 50 years, particularly women. Concerning the changes in dietary habits, the most important is radical change in the food market and changes in food production including availability of whole grain bread, fresh fish and eliminating “fast food.” The first complex results of our study indicate that the action for health through improving physical activity levels and dietary habits should be focused on younger age groups, especially girls and adult population over 50 years, particularly women. Concerning the changes in dietary habits, the most important is radical change in the food market and changes in food production including availability of whole grain bread, fresh fish and eliminating “fast food.” Conclusion The first complex results of our study indicate that the action for health through improving physical activity levels and dietary habits should be focused on younger age groups especially girls and adult population over 50 years particularly women Concerning the changes in dietary habits, the most important is radical change in the food market and changes in food production including availability of whole grain bread, fresh fish and eliminating “fast food.” Application of population-based prevention, acting on changes in dietary habits and other risk factors associated with the lifestyle of the whole population is the most stable and effective way to reduce the NCD morbidity and to promote health in combination with high risk strategy.
Рангови за просечен внес
Популациони глобални нутритивни цели на СЗО Вкупна енергија Обезбедува нормален раст, развој, бременост, лактација, физичка активна работа и здрава тежина (BMI =18.5 – 24.9 кг/м2) Рангови за просечен внес кај населението Долна гран Горна гран. Вкупни масти – SFA, PUFA, Trans FA 15 < 30 Заситени масни киселини-SFA/TransFA < 10 Моно (MUFA) Полинезаситени МК (PUFA) 10 6 Холестерол од храна - мг/ден < 300 Вкупни јаглени хидрати - % DEI 55 75 Комплексни јаглени хидрати 50 Диетни влакна (фибрични) - вкупни 25 40 - нескробни полисахариди 20 Прости шеќери:моно,дисахариди,мед,сок Овошје и зеленечук 400 500 Протеини - % DEI Готварска сол - гр/ден < 5
Thank You Пирамида на здрава исхрана (Harvard School, 2008)
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