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Courtesy Boston Jamaat Lajna Chanda Jaat. Importance of Chanda Who is he that will lend to Allah a goodly loan? So He will increase it manifold for him,

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Presentation on theme: "Courtesy Boston Jamaat Lajna Chanda Jaat. Importance of Chanda Who is he that will lend to Allah a goodly loan? So He will increase it manifold for him,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Courtesy Boston Jamaat Lajna Chanda Jaat

2 Importance of Chanda Who is he that will lend to Allah a goodly loan? So He will increase it manifold for him, and he will have a generous reward. (Chapter 57: verse 12)

3 Today we will discuss…  Chanda Aam and Chanda Wasiyyat  Lajna & Nasirat Subscription Chanda  Lajna & Nasirat Ijtema Chanda  Jalsa Salana Chanda

4 Some Clarifications  Who are considered Seniors? … Members who are 65 years of age or older … Members who are 65 years of age or older  Who are considered students? … Lajna members who are still in school … Lajna members who are still in school … Under the age of 21 … Under the age of 21

5 Chanda Aam/ Wasiyyat  What is Chanda Aam? … Obligatory Chanda to be paid by all working members … Obligatory Chanda to be paid by all working members  What is the rate of Chanda Aam? … 1/16th of take home monthly income … 1/16th of take home monthly income  What is the rate of Wasiyyat Chanda? … 1/10 th to 1/3 rd of monthly take home income or $25 minimum per month for non-earning members … 1/10 th to 1/3 rd of monthly take home income or $25 minimum per month for non-earning members

6 Chanda Aam/ Wasiyyat  Do Moosis also pay Chanda Aam? … No, they pay chanda wasiyyat only … No, they pay chanda wasiyyat only  Who should the check be payable to (both for Chanda Aam and Wasiyyat)? … Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam (AMI) … Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam (AMI)  Who collects Chanda Aam and Chanda Wasiyyat? … Jamaat Financial Secretary … Jamaat Financial Secretary

7 Lajna & Nasirat Subscription Chanda  Who pays Lajna Subscription Chanda? … All members of Lajna Imaillah … All members of Lajna Imaillah  What is the amount for working members? … 1% of monthly take home income (or 1% of yearly take home income) … 1% of monthly take home income (or 1% of yearly take home income)  What is the amount for non-working members? … $30 for the whole year … $30 for the whole year  What is the amount for Students and Seniors? … $15 for the whole year … $15 for the whole year

8 Lajna & Nasirat Subscription Chanda  What is the amount for Nasirat? … $7 for the whole year … $7 for the whole year  Who should the check be written to? … Lajna Imaillah, (local) … Lajna Imaillah, (local)  Who collects Lajna Subscription Chanda? … Lajna Finance Secretary … Lajna Finance Secretary

9 Lajna & Nasirat Ijtema Chanda  What is the amount for Ijtema Chanda? … $15 for the whole year … $15 for the whole year  Is it different for working and non-working members? … No, it is $15 for both working and non-working members … No, it is $15 for both working and non-working members  What is the amount for students and seniors? … $7 for the whole year … $7 for the whole year

10 Lajna & Nasirat Ijtema Chanda  What is the amount for Nasirat? … $7 for the whole year … $7 for the whole year  Who should the check be payable to? … Lajna Imaillah, (local) … Lajna Imaillah, (local)  Who collects Lajna & Nasirat Ijtema chanda? … Lajna Finance Secretary … Lajna Finance Secretary

11 Jalsa Salana Chanda  Who pays Chanda Jalsa Salana? … Only working Lajna members … Only working Lajna members  How much is the amount? … 1/120 th of yearly take home income … 1/120 th of yearly take home income  The check is payable to? …. Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam (AMI) …. Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam (AMI)  Who collects Jalsa Salana Chanda? … Jamaat Financial Secretary … Jamaat Financial Secretary

12 Working Members  Chanda Aam/Chanda Wasiyyat Payable to AMI Payable to AMI  Chanda Jalsa Salana Payable to AMI Payable to AMI  Lajna Subscription Payable to Lajna Imaillah, (local) Payable to Lajna Imaillah, (local)  Lajna Ijtema Payable to Lajna Imaillah, (local) Payable to Lajna Imaillah, (local)

13 Non-Working Members  Chanda Wasiyyat (only Moosi members) Payable to AMI Payable to AMI  Lajna Subscription Payable to Lajna Imaillah, (local) Payable to Lajna Imaillah, (local)  Lajna Ijtema Payable to Lajna Imaillah, (local) Payable to Lajna Imaillah, (local)

14 Finance Jeopardy

15 Working Non- Working Seniors/ Students NasiratMoosis 100 200 300

16 Working for 100  What is the rate of Chanda Aam for working lajna members?  1/16 th of your take home income

17 Working for 200  What are the four chandas working women must pay…  They are: 1- Chanda Aam/Chanda Wasiyyat 2- Chanda Jalsa Salana 3- Lajna Subscription Chanda 4- Lajna Ijtema Chanda

18 Working for 300  What two chandas are paid to AMI?  Chanda Aam and Chanda Jalsa Salana

19 Non-Working for 100  What is the yearly subscription rate for non- working members  $30

20 Non-Working for 200  What is the yearly lajna Ijtema chanda rate for non-working members  $15

21 Non-Working for 300  Who collects Lajna Subscription and ijtema chandas  Lajna Finance Secretary

22 Seniors/Students for 100  What is the age for senior group?  65 years or older

23 Seniors/Students for 200  What is the age after which a student must pay full subscription and ijtema chandas?  21 years

24 Seniors/Students for 300  What is the rate for seniors and students?  Subscription: $15 for the whole year  Ijtema: $7 for the whole year  Total: $22 for the whole year

25 Nasirat for 100  What are the 2 obligatory chandas for Nasirat?  Nasirat Subscription  Nasirat Ijtema

26 Nasirat for 200  What is the amount for each Nasirat Chanda?  Nasirat Subscription: $7 for the whole year  Nasirat Ijtema: $7 for the whole year  Total: $14 for the whole year

27 Nasirat for 300  All Nasirat Chandas go to?  Lajna Imaillah

28 Moosis for 100  Chanda Wasiyyat replaces which chanda?  Chanda Aam Note: It goes to AMI Note: It goes to AMI

29 Moosis for 200  Who collects Chanda Wasiyyat?  Jamaat Financial Secretary

30 Moosis for 300  What is the rate of Wasiyyat Chanda?  1/10 th to 1/3 rd of take home income or $25 minimum per month for non-earning members

31 Obligatory Chandas TypePayment Cycle AmountPaid ToWho Pays this Chanda? Chanda AamMonthly1/16 th of monthly incomeAMI Working Members Jalsa SalanaOnce a year1/120 th of annual incomeAMI Working Members Chanda WasiyyatMonthly1/10 th to 1/3 rd of monthly income AMI Moosis Only Note: Chanda Aam and Jalsa salana chandas are to be paid by all working jamaat members. Moosis (both working and non-working members) will pay Chanda Wasiyyat instead of Chanda Aam. - These chandas are collected by Jamaat Financial Secretary

32 Lajna Subscription TypePayment CycleAmountPayable ToSend To Working Members Lajna SubscriptionMonthly1% of monthly take home income Lajna ImaillahLajna Finance Secretary Ijtema ChandaOnce a year15.00 included in the 1% Lajna ImaillahLajna Finance Secretary Non-Working Members Lajna SubscriptionOnce a year30.00Lajna ImaillahLajna Finance Secretary Ijtema ChandaOnce a year15.00Lajna ImaillahLajna Finance Secretary Students under 21 Years Lajna SubscriptionOnce a year15.00Lajna ImaillahLajna Finance Secretary Ijtema ChandaOnce a year7.00Lajna ImaillahLajna Finance Secretary Senior Citizens Lajna SubscriptionOnce a year15.00Lajna ImaillahLajna Finance Secretary Ijtema ChandaOnce a year7.00Lajna ImaillahLajna Finance Secretary Nasirat Nasirat SubscriptionOnce a year7.00Lajna ImaillahLajna Finance Secretary Ijtema ChandaOnce a year7.00Lajna ImaillahLajna Finance Secretary

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