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Chapter 12 “The New Deal” 1933 - 1940.

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1 Chapter 12 “The New Deal”

2 Ch. 12.1 Notes “Launching the New Deal”
Ch Warm-up Describe 3 causes and/or effects of the stock market crash of 1929.

3 A. The Election of 1932 Roosevelt’s Rise The 1932 Campaign
polio NY Gov. - direct relief program The 1932 Campaign FDR promised jobs FDR attacked Hoover A Landslide Victory FDR won easily Democrats win Congress

4 B. A Political Partnership
Roosevelt’s popularity strength and personality fireside chats Roosevelt’s philosophy Government should provide for people Eleanor Roosevelt wife was his eyes and ears changed the role of the First Lady worked for social issues people wrote her letters for help

5 C. Roosevelt Takes Action
The Banking Crisis FDR announces “bank holiday” Emergency Banking Act Glass-Steagall Act & FDIC The Hundred Days many New Deal reforms passed The New Deal’s three goals: relief, recovery, reforms Civilian Conservation Corps Agricultural Adjustment Act National Industrial Recovery Act Public Works Administration Securities/Exchange Commission Tennessee Valley Authority


7 D. Trouble for the New Deal
A New Relationship government and the people Radical/Conservative criticism Leading Critics Huey Long - Share Our Wealth Father Charles Coughlin Dr. Francis Townsend The American Liberty League Opposition from the Courts FDR creating too much power Supreme Court challenges programs

8 Ch. 12.2 Notes “The Second New Deal”
Ch Warm-up Describe 3 New Deal programs passed during FDR’s first “hundred days” in office.

9 A. The Second Hundred Days
1934 midterm elections Democrats win more seats Second New Deal Emergency Relief FDR halts direct relief programs encouraged work for pay Works Progress Administration largest peacetime jobs program Social Security Act pension and unemployment

10 B. Reviving Organized Labor
NIRA - power to labor unions Wagner Act National Labor Relations Board The CIO is Born AFL - no unskilled workers John L. Lewis - UMW Congress of Industrial Workers The GM Sit-Down Strike sit-down strike becomes effective GM recognized the union union membership growing

11 C. The Election of 1936 Rural Electricity Americans Re-elect FDR
Rural Electrification Administration provided electricity to rural homes Americans Re-elect FDR FDR - success/accomplishment FDR won re-election easily Democrats gained more seats

12 D. A Troubled Year The Court Packing Plan Moving Forward
FDR’s reorganization plan Critics - FDR trying to “pack” the courts Moving Forward The Farm Tenancy Act Supreme Court issues favorable decisions Recovery in Doubt FDR spends more money The deficit grew each year John Maynard Keynes - British economist believed in deficit spending

13 Ch. 12.3 Notes “Life During the New Deal”
Ch Warm-up Describe 3 changes that occurred during FDR’s “second hundred days” in office.

14 A. New Roles for Women and African Americans
Women in the New Deal Frances Perkins first female Sec. of Labor. FDR appointed more women than other presidents Discrimination still a problem African Americans The Black Cabinet Mary McLeod Bethune director of Negro Affairs in NYA Discrimination also a problem

15 B. Telling the Story of the Depression
The Work of Dorothea Lange photographer - chronicled hardships of the Depression brought attention to rural poor Agee, Evans, and Famous Men Writer and photographer depicted lives of sharecroppers “Let Us Now Praise Famous Men”

16 C. Popular Entertainment of the 1930’s
Movies 80 million attend each week Charlie Chaplin/Marx Brothers Gone with the Wind The Wizard of Oz Disney’s Snow White Radio variety of news/entertainment The Lone Ranger The War of the Worlds Jazz - Louis Armstrong Swing music Benny Goodman/Duke Ellington


18 D. Sports in the 1930’s Babe Ruth and Joe DiMaggio
Lou Gehrig’s announcement Babe Zaharias multisport female star Joe Louis and Max Schmeling famous boxing match

19 Ch. 12.4 Notes “Analyzing the New Deal”
Ch Warm-up Describe 3 notable figures of the 1920’s and what they contributed to American society.

20 A. The Impact of the New Deal
Relief, Recovery, and Reform Many people had some relief direct relief government programs No lasting economic recovery mil. people unemployed Reforms more successful FDIC - confidence in banks SEC - regulates stock market WPA - lasting works projects Changing Relationships people and government larger/more involved government

21 B. Limits of the New Deal Relief programs - temporary
4.7 million people went unserved pay low - encourage people to find better jobs Level of assistance varied by state Massachusetts = $60/child. Arkansas = $8/child. Programs also fostered discrimination against women and minorities

22 C. End of the New Deal Weakening Support The 1938 Elections
Anti-New Deal senators attempts to reorganize presidency 1938 – Fair Labor standards Act established a minimum wage The 1938 Elections FDR handpicked candidates FDR’s efforts failed incumbent candidates re-elected After the New Deal FDR lost some support could not pass additional programs Attention turned to conflict in Europe


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