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Design and Digital Media

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1 Design and Digital Media

2 Lesson: Intro to Design/Logo Manipulation
Commercial Art Day 1 Lesson: Intro to Design/Logo Manipulation Introduce the field of graphic design and see what students know about the elements and principles of art. Bell Work: Get a folder from the table along with a packet and brad the packet it. Grab a sharpie too! Review Syllabus Assign cubbies and folders Write your name in sharpie on the inside and outside of your art folder Start Project #1 – Logo Manipulation

3 You can add an outline like this student did
You can add an outline like this student did. I would stay away from too much text as it gives away your logs and dumbs down the viewer.



6 Commercial Art Day 2 Lesson: Intro to Design/Logo Manipulation
Introduce the field of graphic design and see what students know about the elements and principles of art. Bell Work: Open your journal to pages 10. Start following the activities and be ready to write down the definitions of the Elements of Art Review Element Definitions as a class Complete Elements definitions and illustrations Continue Logo Manipulation Project


8 Continue Logo Manipulation Project
Commercial Art Day 3 Lesson: Intro to Design/Logo Manipulation Introduce the field of graphic design and see what students know about the elements and principles of art. Bell Work: Page 11 Open your folder to the Quiz. Do not reference other pages in your folder. Use these options to answer A. Line B. Shape C. Form D. Space E. Color F. Texture G. Value Continue Logo Manipulation Project

9 Continue Logo Manipulation Project
Commercial Art Day 4 Lesson: Intro to Design/Logo Manipulation Introduce the field of graphic design and see what students know about the elements and principles of art. Bell Work: Page 8 Write down as many logos as you can recognize. After you are done, get with your classmates to try and guess all of them. Continue Logo Manipulation Project


11 Commercial Art Day 5 Lesson: Intro to Design/Logo Manipulation Introduce the field of graphic design and see what students know about the elements and principles of art. Bell Work: Page 9 Match the Brand Slogans Continue Logo Manipulation Project Start Coloring your project today 3. Use complimentary colors on some logos and a double layer.

12 Commercial Art Day 6 1. Review Principles of Design
Lesson: Intro to Design/Logo Manipulation Introduce the field of graphic design and see what students know about the elements and principles of art. Bell Work: Page 11 Read over the Principles of Design and be ready for the class discussion 1. Review Principles of Design Continue Logo Manipulation Project 3. Use complimentary colors on some logos and a double layer.

13 Commercial Art Day 7 2. Continue Logo Manipulation Project
Lesson: Intro to Design/Logo Manipulation Introduce the field of graphic design and see what students know about the elements and principles of art. Bell Work: Pg 12 Principles QUIZ Balance B. Emphasis C. Repetition D. Proportion E. Rhythm/Repetition F. Contrast G. Unity 2. Continue Logo Manipulation Project 3. Use complimentary colors on some logos and a double layer.

14 Commercial Art Day 8 Lesson: Intro to Design/Logo Manipulation Introduce the field of graphic design and see what students know about the elements and principles of art. Bell Work: Pg 15 Guess what logos are at the top of the page Continue Logo Manipulation Project 2. Use complimentary colors on some logos and a double layer.

15 Commercial Art Day 9 Lesson: Introduction to Commercial art
Introduce the field of graphic design and see what students know about the elements and principles of art. Bell work: Vocabulary pg 4 Graphic Design: using creativity and technology to communicate ideas or messages 1. Spray glue Demo 2. Continue Logo Manipulation Project #1 3. Use complimentary colors on some logos and a double layer.

16 2. Use complimentary colors on some logos and a double layer.
Commercial Art Day 10 Lesson: Intro to Design/Logo Manipulation Introduce the field of graphic design and see what students know about the elements and principles of art. Bell work: Ask your neighbor if there are any spots in your work that need more color pencil or better craftsmanship. Last full class day to work on Logo Manipulation Project-discuss due date 2. Use complimentary colors on some logos and a double layer.

17 Lesson: Cross Contour Still Life Design
Commercial Art Day 1 Lesson: Cross Contour Still Life Design With no verbal instructions or demonstrations, successfully use the elements of art and principles of design to complete projects from written steps. Vocabulary: Page 4 Design: A visual plan, organization or arrangements of elements/principles in a work of art. 1. Start the Cross Contours Challenge Supplies will be available but extra instruction is not. Read through page 12 carefully (the cross contours passage is on page 14) You have 4 class periods to complete this.


19 Commercial Art Day 2 Lesson: Cross Contour Still Life Design
With no verbal instructions or demonstrations, successfully use the elements of art and principles of design to complete projects from written steps. Vocabulary: Page 4 Brainstorm: is a group or individual creativity technique by which efforts are made to find a conclusion for a specific problem by gathering a list of ideas spontaneously contributed by its member(s) 1. Continue the Cross Contour Still Life Design Supplies will be available but extra instruction is not. You have 4 class periods to complete this.

20 2. Supplies will be available but extra instruction is not.
Commercial Art Day 3 Lesson: Cross Contour Still Life Design With no verbal instructions or demonstrations, successfully use the elements of art and principles of design to complete projects from written steps. Scoring Guide: Page 13 Review your scoring guide carefully and make sure you are following all directions 1. Continue the Cross Contour Still Life Design 2. Supplies will be available but extra instruction is not.

21 Commercial Art Day 4 (final day)
Lesson: Cross Contour Still Life Design With no verbal instructions or demonstrations, successfully use the elements of art and principles of design to complete projects from written steps. Discuss Due Dates for: Cross Contours Manipulated Logo 1. Last Day the Cross Contour Still Life Design 2. Supplies will be available but extra instruction is not.

22 1. Begin Logo Construction Project Power Point/Instructions on page 16
Commercial Art Day 1 Lesson: Negative/Counter Space Logo Construction Using the counter space in Typography, students will successfully design a logo for an organization, company or event. Vocab page 4 Negative Space: Empty spaces surrounding shapes or forms. The result of negative space in logo design is an elegant visual effect. Counter Space: The negative space in typography. The area entirely or partially enclosed by a letter form or a symbol. This happens in letters such as d, o and s. 1. Begin Logo Construction Project Power Point/Instructions on page 16 Take notes on page 26 Create two designs on page 26

23 Simplicity is the key to effective and memorable logo design
Simplicity is the key to effective and memorable logo design. Creating a logo design you should consider less is more rule and make your logo as simple as possible and creative enough at the same time. Perfect technique to achieve this effect is to use negative space which can help you to achieve brilliant results. Negative space may be most evident when the space around a subject, and not the subject itself, forms an interesting or artistically relevant shape, and such space is occasionally used to artistic effect as the “real” subject of an image. Negative space logos are becoming the next trend in all kind of industries.








31 Typography is the art of the letterform and typographers closely analyze and carefully craft every detail of each character – even the negative space, called the counter. We often ignore and overlook the counter space because that’s not what we normally read. However, the counter can offer some rich forms and creative opportunities that warrant a closer look.

32 Complete the Image Organizer on page 15
Commercial Art Day 2 Lesson: Negative/Counter Space Logo Construction Using the counter space in Typography, students will successfully design a logo for an organization, company or event. Vocabulary Page 4 : Typography: The study of design typefaces Serif: any of the short lines stemming from and at an angle to the upper and lower ends of the strokes of a letter Complete the Image Organizer on page 15 Two sketches on page 18 Photoshop Basics: TAKE NOTES pg 18 2. Go over idea generation pages 19-21




36 Using the counter space in Logo Construction Project
Commercial Art Day 3 Lesson: Negative/Counter Space Logo Construction Using the counter space in Typography, students will successfully design a logo for an organization, company or event. Bell Work: Page 22 Brainstorming Worksheet “Who Says its Ugly?” Fill in the grid for 5 items of your choice. Logo Construction Project Photoshop Introduction: Taking another look around with basics-using google to help 2. Take pictures of your original drawings or create your own in Photoshop.

37 Read Through Planning and Layout and be ready to discuss
Commercial Art Day 4 Lesson: Negative/Counter Space Logo Construction Using the counter space in Typography, students will successfully design a logo for an organization, company or event. Bell Work: Read Through Planning and Layout and be ready to discuss 1. 2 sketches in your journal on pg 18 2. Take pictures of your original drawings or create your own in Photoshop. 3. Logos must use counter space or negative space in the design. SIMPLICITY is key

38 Read Both Apple Articles and answer the short questions on page 29
Commercial Art Day 5 Lesson: Negative/Counter Space Logo Construction Using the counter space in Typography, students will successfully design a logo for an organization, company or event. Bell Work: Pages 27-29 Read Both Apple Articles and answer the short questions on page 29 2. Continue working on the computer to create your logo. 3. Correctly apply the logo to the stationary items and print the sizes of your logo stationary (using a very light grey background can help)

39 Using the counter space in The C.R.A.P. method of Design
Commercial Art Day 6 Lesson: Negative/Counter Space Logo Construction Using the counter space in Typography, students will successfully design a logo for an organization, company or event. Bell Work: Vocab pg 4 The C.R.A.P. method of Design C. CONTRAST – using elements that are very DIFFERENT from each other will catch a viewers eye. If you keep everything the same the design gets boring and the viewer moves on to something else. 1. Review Contrast pg 30 2. Continue working on the computer to create and correctly print the sizes of your logo stationary

40 Commercial Art Day 7 Lesson: Negative/Counter Space Logo Construction
Using the counter space in Typography, students will successfully design a logo for an organization, company or event. Bell Work: Vocab pg 4 The C.R.A.P. method of Design R. REPETITION - repeat visual elements of the design throughout the piece. You can repeat colors, shapes, textures, spatial relationships, line thicknesses, fonts, sizes, graphic concepts, etc. This develops the organization and strengthens the unity. 1. Review Repetition page 30 2. Continue working on the computer to create and correctly print the sizes of your logo stationary

41 Using the counter space in The C.R.A.P. method of Design
Commercial Art Day 8 Lesson: Negative/Counter Space Logo Construction Using the counter space in Typography, students will successfully design a logo for an organization, company or event. Bell Work: Vocab pg 4 The C.R.A.P. method of Design A. ALIGNMENT – nothing should be placed on the page randomly. Every element should have some visual connection with another element on the page. This creates a clean, sophisticated, fresh look. 1. Review Alignment pg 31 2. Continue working on the computer to create and correctly print the sizes of your logo stationary

42 Using the counter space in The C.R.A.P. method of Design
Commercial Art Day 9 Lesson: Negative/Counter Space Logo Construction Using the counter space in Typography, students will successfully design a logo for an organization, company or event. Bell Work: Vocab pg 4 The C.R.A.P. method of Design P. PROXIMITY items relating to each other should be grouped close together. When several items are in close proximity to each other, they become one visual unit rather than several separate units. This helps organize information, reduces clutter, and gives the reader a clear structure. 1. Review Proximity pg 32 2. Continue working on the computer to create and correctly print the sizes of your logo stationary

43 Bell Work: Project Questions!
Commercial Art Day 10 Lesson: Negative/Counter Space Logo Construction Using the counter space in Typography, students will successfully design a logo for an organization, company or event. Bell Work: Project Questions! If you have ANY questions on creating, printing or mounting you must ask today. Due Date Discussion 1. Double Check all vocab is done 2. Print out your items 3. Spray mount them on one sheet of black paper as if you were presenting them to your company.

44 Lesson: Social Issues Montage
Commercial Art Day 1 Lesson: Social Issues Montage Using Photo Shop, a design is created that visual speaks about a social issue. Composition, placement, opacity, contrast and design are focused on. Bell Work: Turn to page 33 Instructions for beginning your montage. 1. Read through the steps with the instructor 2. Read through the scoring guide 3. Take notes throughout the demo if needed 4. Work time on Social Issues Montage




48 Lesson: Social Media Montage
Commercial Art Day 2 Lesson: Social Media Montage Using Photo Shop, a design is created that visual speaks about a social issue. Composition, placement, opacity, contrast and design are focused on. Bell Work: page 35 Use Photoshop as a reference to complete the crossword Work time on Social Media Montage Save work as a Photoshop file as you go Remember you must alter photographs or you are copyright enfringing.

49 Lesson: Social Media Montage
Commercial Art Day 3 Lesson: Social Media Montage Using Photo Shop, a design is created that visual speaks about a social issue. Composition, placement, opacity, contrast and design are focused on. Bell Work: Top of page 36 Read through the Photoshop Color Reference Put a star next to CMYK color. We use this the most Work on social media montage Think about imagery and text Use the opacity tool to make things less obvious Use a background copy layer and separate layers

50 Lesson: Social Media Montage
Commercial Art Day 4 Lesson: Social Media Montage Using Photo Shop, a design is created that visual speaks about a social issue. Composition, placement, opacity, contrast and design are focused on. Bell Work: Bottom page 36 Read the “Common Digital Image File Formats” Put a star next to Jpeg Work on social media montage Think about imagery and text Use the opacity tool to make things less obvious Think about filters and experiment

51 Lesson: Social Media Montage
Commercial Art Day 5 Lesson: Social Media Montage Using Photo Shop, a design is created that visual speaks about a social issue. Composition, placement, opacity, contrast and design are focused on. Bell Work: page 37-39 Read and reference the Photoshop tips Reminder: How to mount your work Think about imagery and text Use the opacity tool to make things less obvious Use filters You may not straight up use others photography, either alter it or take it yourself.

52 Commercial Art Day 6 Bell Work: page 40-41 Reference for short cuts!
Lesson: Social Media Montage Using Photo Shop, a design is created that visual speaks about a social issue. Composition, placement, opacity, contrast and design are focused on. Bell Work: page 40-41 Reference for short cuts! Work on Social Media Montage Think about imagery and text Use the opacity tool to make things less obvious Use filters Make sure you are altering any photographs you use

53 Lesson: Social Media Montage/Moving Shapes
Commercial Art Day 7 Lesson: Social Media Montage/Moving Shapes VOCAB PAGE Page 4 Gradients: Two or more colors that gradually blend into each other Magic Wand: Selection tool that selects pixels of similar values Filter: Special effects Pixel: A single point in a graphic image Swatch: Preset group of colors Flatten Image: Merging all layers Thumbnail: Miniature version of an image Feather: Softening the edges so it blends with the background Select: To chose an object to manipulate Layer: The working surface of an image Palette: All our icons that help you modify your image Last class day to work on Social Media Montage Start your Moving Shapes Challenge Discuss Montage Due Date

54 Bell Work: turn to the bottom of page 41
Commercial Art Day 1 Lesson: Moving Shapes Using the step by step instructions, design the project as instructed thinking most about craftsmanship and production value. Bell Work: turn to the bottom of page 41 Be prepared for a new Challenge Start moving shapes I will show you supplies, but you must work using only the instructions on page 41 and your scoring guide. Review the scoring guide BEFORE beginning. You only get 3 days to work!

55 Commercial Art Day 2 Lesson: Moving Shapes
Using the step by step instructions, design the project as instructed thinking most about craftsmanship and production value Bell Work: make sure to read through the scoring guide and instructions carefully! Last day to work I will show you supplies, but you must work using only the instructions on page 41 and your scoring guide. Review the scoring guide BEFORE beginning. You only get 2 more days to work!

56 Commercial Art Day 3 Lesson: Moving Shapes
Using the step by step instructions, design the project as instructed thinking most about craftsmanship and production value Bell Work: Project is due as is today (if you have been absent then you need to see me for an extension) Review the scoring guide BEFORE handing in your project. You must turn in what you have done at the end of class today.

57 Commercial Art Day 1 Lesson: Cover Contest
Using the step by step instructions, design the project as instructed thinking most about craftsmanship and production value Bell Work pg 5 Write down the 5 Graphic Design Basics 1) Audience 2) Layout 3) Typography 4) Image 5) Color Introduction to agenda cover Ray Pec must be on the cover NO COPYRIGHT IMAGES You may use the logos



60 Lesson: Typography Color Collage
Commercial Art Day 1 Lesson: Typography Color Collage Using typography as a basis for a design collage, create a successful composition that has a defined color theory and is completed in markers. Bell Work: Page 48 Be ready for your next “off computer” assignment Vocab Review Typography: Study of the design of typefaces Serif: any of the short lines stemming from and at an angle to the upper and lower ends of the strokes of a letter Introduction to Typography Color Collage Make a one inch border on your paper Decide on the ONE letter you will focus on Begin researching and tracing your letter using graphite paper or other transfer methods.



63 Lesson: Typography Color Collage/Handbook cover design
Commercial Art Day 2 Lesson: Typography Color Collage/Handbook cover design Using typography as a basis for a design collage, create a successful composition that has a defined color theory and is completed in markers. /Create a successful cover design for the school year. Bell Work: Page 50 Look at the different fonts on the Periodic table of Typefaces Video: Marker Craftsmanship Make a one inch border on your paper Decide on the ONE letter you will focus on Begin researching and tracing your letter Work on your cover design

64 Bell Work: Color Scheme Review
Commercial Art Day 3 Lesson: Typography Color Collage/Handbook cover design Using typography as a basis for a design collage, create a successful composition that has a defined color theory and is completed in markers. /Create a successful cover design for the school year. Bell Work: Color Scheme Review Take notes on page 4 Color Scheme Presentation/Notes Work on cover design and Typography collage in which ever order you choose. Write the color scheme you have used plus the definition and colors used on the back of your project

65 Color & Color Harmonies

66 Monochromatic Using one color plus tints and shades of that color.

67 Analogous Colors 3-5 colors right next to each other on the color wheel.

68 Triadic 3 colors evenly spaced around the color wheel.

69 Complimentary Colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel

70 Split- Complimentary 1 color plus the 2 colors on the sides of that colors compliment.

71 Double Split Complimentary
4 Colors on the sides of a complementary set.

72 Lesson: Typography Color Collage/Handbook cover design
Commercial Art Day 4 Lesson: Typography Color Collage/Handbook cover design Using typography as a basis for a design collage, create a successful composition that has a defined color theory and is completed in markers. /Create a successful cover design for the school year. Vocabulary pg 5 Copyright-the exclusive right to make copies, license, and otherwise exploit a literary, musical, or artistic work Copyright article page 45-46 Complete the Copyright Quiz on page 47 Complete Copyright Quiz pg 47 Work on cover design Discuss coloring your typography collage

73 Work on cover design first Work on Typography collage
Commercial Art Day 5 Lesson: Typography Color Collage/Handbook cover design Using typography as a basis for a design collage, create a successful composition that has a defined color theory and is completed in markers. /Create a successful cover design for the school year. Bell Work: Vocab Page 5 Typeface: The way a letter collection looks. Font: particular size, weight and style of a typeface Work on cover design first Work on Typography collage Label the color scheme, definition and colors you are using on the back of your collage. For Marker Craftsmanship video

74 Work on Typography collage Use nice craftsmanship with your markers
Commercial Art Day 6 Lesson: Typography Color Collage/Handbook cover design Using typography as a basis for a design collage, create a successful composition that has a defined color theory and is completed in markers. /Create a successful cover design for the school year. Bell Work: Vocab Page 4 Bold Type: A generic description of type that is heavier than the text type with which it is used. Italic Type: a cursive font based on a stylized form of calligraphic handwriting Work on cover design Work on Typography collage Use nice craftsmanship with your markers Review scoring guides

75 Lesson: Typography Color Collage/Handbook cover design
Commercial Art Day 7 Lesson: Typography Color Collage/Handbook cover design Using typography as a basis for a design collage, create a successful composition that has a defined color theory and is completed in markers. /Create a successful cover design for the school year. Bell Work: Vocab Page 4 CMYK Color: the standard color model used in offset printing RGB Color: The name of the model comes from the initials of the three additive primary colors, red, green, and blue JPEG: created by choosing from a range of compression qualities Work on cover design first No computer use 10 minutes before the end of class Trim your Typography Color Collage before handing it in

76 Illustrator Gone Wild Day 1
Lesson: Using Illustrator, create an outline design with inner detail of a cartoon image. The outline should be made up entirely of words. Bell Work: Open to page 51 and prepare for a new assignment Illustrator Demo Go through the instruction sheet Choose a cartoon image off the internet Create your outline using text and fill the cartoon with text. Make sure to lock your cartoon layer, if you type on top of it you will have to start over!



79 Illustrator Gone Wild Day 2
Lesson: Using Illustrator, create an outline design with inner detail of a cartoon image. The outline should be made up entirely of words. Bell Work: Page 53-54 Read through typing text on path and moving/flipping text along a path Illustrator Problem Solving Go through the instruction sheet Choose a cartoon image off the internet Create your outline using text Lock your cartoon layer, DO NOT type on this layer

80 Illustrator Gone Wild Day 3
Lesson: Using Illustrator, create an outline design with inner detail of a cartoon image. The outline should be made up entirely of words. Make sure all your assignments are on your drive and in you folder correctly. You will be using them in a critique to the class Google your issues, watch you tube’s over Illustrator Go through the instruction sheet Choose a cartoon image off the internet Create your outline using text Print and Mount/Save image to drive

81 Illustrator Gone Wild Day 4
Lesson: Using Illustrator, create an outline design with inner detail of a cartoon image. The outline should be made up entirely of words. Make sure all your assignments are on your drive and in you folder correctly. You will be using them in a critique to the class Discuss Due Date Go through the instruction sheet Choose a cartoon image off the internet Create your outline using text Print and Mount/Save image to drive

82 Illustrator Gone Wild Day 5
Lesson: Using Illustrator, create an outline design with inner detail of a cartoon image. The outline should be made up entirely of words. Make sure all your assignments are on your drive and in you folder correctly. You will be using them in a critique to the class Reminder of final due date Go through the instruction sheet Choose a cartoon image off the internet Create your outline using text Print and Mount/Save image to drive

83 Lesson: Design Challenge: Stippling a Skull
Commercial Art Day 1 Lesson: Design Challenge: Stippling a Skull Using the step by step instructions, design the project as instructed thinking most about craftsmanship and production value. BELL WORK VOCAB: Page 55 Read through the directions slowly 1. Read page 55 and the scoring guide on page 56 Find a skull image and print it off full page Transfer your outline using a light box Stipple your skull using sharpie and thinking about weight. Load your drawing into Photoshop and EXPERIMENT Print and Mount both artworks You have 4 days to complete this challenge


85 Lesson: Design Challenge: Stippling a Skull
Commercial Art Day 2 Lesson: Design Challenge: Stippling a Skull Using the step by step instructions, design the project as instructed thinking most about craftsmanship and production value. Vocabulary Pg 5 Visual Weight: The visual weight of an element is a measure of how much the element attracts the eye of the viewer 1. Find a skull image and print it off full page Transfer your outline using a light box Use Sharpie to stipple your drawing thinking about weight Load your drawing into Photoshop and EXPERIMENT Print and Mount both artworks You have 3 more days to complete this project

86 Lesson: Design Challenge: Stippling a Skull
Commercial Art Day 3 Lesson: Design Challenge: Stippling a Skull Using the step by step instructions, design the project as instructed thinking most about craftsmanship and production value. Use experimental paper if you want Find a skull image and print it off full page Transfer your outline using a light box Use Sharpie to stipple your drawing thinking about weight Load your drawing into Photoshop and EXPERIMENT Print and Mount both artworks You have 2 more days to complete this project

87 Lesson: Design Challenge: Stippling a Skull
Commercial Art Day 4 Lesson: Design Challenge: Stippling a Skull Using the step by step instructions, design the project as instructed thinking most about craftsmanship and production value. Use experimental paper if you want Find a skull image and print it off full page Transfer your outline using a light box Use Sharpie to stipple your drawing thinking about weight Load your drawing into Photoshop and EXPERIMENT Print and Mount both artworks You must turn in what you have completed today

88 Geometric Animals Day 1 Lesson: Create an animal design using geometric line patterns and hand draw it in front of a watercolor simple shape(s). Vocabluary Page 5 Wet on Wet: Watercolor technique where you apply pigment to paper that is already wet in the areas you want th ecolor to go. Project Introduction pg 57 Watercolor Demo Choose an animal and print it full page. No cartoons, drawings or outlines are to be used. Use a wet on wet watercolor tech to add a shape(s) Transfer or hand draw the outline of the animal Divide animal into shapes and fill with repeating line patterns





93 Geometric Animals Day 2 Lesson: Create an animal design using geometric line patterns and hand draw it in front of a watercolor simple shape(s). You can do one big shape of any kind for your wash, or do smaller repetitions of shapes. Use salt for an effect if you would like. Use a wet on wet watercolor tech to add a shape(s) Transfer or hand draw the outline of the animal Divide animal into shapes and fill with repeating line patterns More Examples:

94 Geometric Animals Day 3 Lesson: Create an animal design using geometric line patterns and hand draw it in front of a watercolor simple shape(s). Use fine line sharpie to add your geometric lines and a RULER! Review Scoring Guide: Page 58 Use a wet on wet watercolor tech to add a shape(s) Transfer or hand draw the outline of the animal Divide animal into shapes and fill with repeating line patterns More examples on You will be able to continue this project even after the next computer project is introduced.

95 Lesson: City Silhouettes
Commercial Art Day 1 Lesson: City Silhouettes Using the step by step instructions, design the project as instructed thinking most about craftsmanship and production value Bell Work: Assignment Inroduction Open your folder to page 59 Assignment Intro and Demo Choose a City that has many items to represent it, write your city on the board Research items that represent your city, list them at the bottom of page 60 Create a compositions of silhouettes




99 Scoring Guide Review Page 60 Create a compositions of silhouettes
Commercial Art Day 2 Lesson: City Silhouettes Using the step by step instructions, design the project as instructed thinking most about craftsmanship and production value Scoring Guide Review Page 60 Read through what you will be graded on for the City Silhouette project. 1. Choose a City that has many items to represent it, write your city on the board Research items that represent your city, list them at the bottom of page 52 Create a compositions of silhouettes

100 Lesson: City Silhouettes
Commercial Art Day 3 Lesson: City Silhouettes Using the step by step instructions, design the project as instructed thinking most about craftsmanship and production value BELL WORK VOCAB: Page 60 Make sure you have written down 5 things that landmark/represent your city. 1. Choose a City that has many items to represent it, write your city on the board Create a compositions of silhouettes Think about color schemes and composition Read your scoring guide!

101 Lesson: City Silhouettes
Commercial Art Day 4 Lesson: City Silhouettes Using the step by step instructions, design the project as instructed thinking most about craftsmanship and production value BELL WORK VOCAB: Page 60 Make sure you have written in your color scheme near the top in the blank provided. 1. Choose a City that has many items to represent it, write your city on the board Create a compositions of silhouettes Think about color schemes and composition Read your scoring guide!

102 Lesson: City Silhouettes
Commercial Art Day 5 Lesson: City Silhouettes Using the step by step instructions, design the project as instructed thinking most about craftsmanship and production value BELL WORK VOCAB: Page 60 Make sure you have written in your color scheme near the top in the blank provided. 1. Choose a City that has many items to represent it, write your city on the board Create a compositions of silhouettes Think about color schemes and composition Read your scoring guide!

103 Lesson: Design Challenge: Final Project
Commercial Art Day 1 Lesson: Design Challenge: Final Project Using typography and a portrait, create an expressive Photoshop product that reveals your subject’s personality. Open to page 61: Be ready for a discussion over your last project Take a portrait of someone or use a photo of a famous person off the internet (solid background) Upload your photo into Photoshop and use one of the following tutorials (or find your own) to start your project. Text should describe your subject Print and mount project/save it to your drive




107 Lesson: Design Challenge: Final Project
Commercial Art Day 2 Lesson: Design Challenge: Final Project Using typography and a portrait, create an expressive Photoshop product that reveals your subject’s personality. Tutorials: Take a portrait of someone or use a photo of a famous person off the internet (solid background) Upload your photo into Photoshop and use one of the following tutorials (or find your own) to start your project. Text should describe your subject Print and mount project/save it to your drive

108 Lesson: Design Challenge: Final Project
Commercial Art Day 3 Lesson: Design Challenge: Final Project Using typography and a portrait, create an expressive Photoshop product that reveals your subject’s personality. Tutorials: Take a portrait of someone or use a photo of a famous person off the internet (solid background) Upload your photo into Photoshop and use one of the following tutorials (or find your own) to start your project. Text should describe your subject Print and mount project/save it to your drive

109 Lesson: Design Challenge: Final Project
Commercial Art Day 4 Lesson: Design Challenge: Final Project Using typography and a portrait, create an expressive Photoshop product that reveals your subject’s personality. Tutorials: Take a portrait of someone or use a photo of a famous person off the internet (solid background) Upload your photo into Photoshop and use one of the following tutorials (or find your own) to start your project. Text should describe your subject Print and mount project/save it to your drive

110 Lesson: Design Challenge: Final Project
Commercial Art Day 5 Lesson: Design Challenge: Final Project Using typography and a portrait, create an expressive Photoshop product that reveals your subject’s personality. Review Scoring Guide on Page 62 Reminder-this counts for more than half of your “final” grade which is 10% of your total grade in the course. Take a portrait of someone or use a photo of a famous person off the internet (solid background) Upload your photo into Photoshop and use one of the following tutorials (or find your own) to start your project. Text should describe your subject Print and mount project/save it to your drive

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