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Developing Maths Improvement Practitioner Team.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing Maths Improvement Practitioner Team."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing Maths Improvement Practitioner Team

2 Objectives To highlight areas of Maths that can be developed alongside vocational courses. To demonstrate Maths activities and strategies that can be developed and taught in a vocational setting. To enable lecturers to feel more confident that they can develop Maths in their vocational areas and evidence good practice. To have a clearer understanding of what kind of Maths will be covered in the first term of a Maths course.

3 Title WARMER. A Spot the mathematician……..who do you think looks like the maths expert? Choose One.

4 PISA 2015 Maths League Tables (Programme for International Student Assessment OECD)
1. Shanghai (China) 2. Singapore 3. Hong Kong (China) 4. Taiwan 5. South Korea 6. Macao (China) 7. Japan 8. Liechtenstein 9. Switzerland 10. Netherlands 11. Estonia 12. Finland 13. Canada 14. Poland 15. Belgium 16. Germany 17. Vietnam 18. Austria 19. Australia 20. Ireland 21. Slovenia 22. Denmark 23. New Zealand 24. Czech Republic 25. France 26. United Kingdom 27. Iceland 28 Latvia 29. Luxembourg 30. Norway 31. Portugal 32. Italy 33. Spain 34. Russian Federation 35. Slovak Republic 36. United States 37. Lithuania 38. Sweden 39. Hungary 40. Croatia What conclusions can we draw from this league table? What do we need to be aware of when judging maths ability?

5 WARMER. B: Which statement would shock you most if you heard it?
In a Restaurant: “Excuse me, can you work out this bill please? We want to split it between 4 of us but we are awful at maths and can’t work it out!” “Excuse me, could you read the menu out to us? We want to order but we are awful at reading and don’t know what is on the menu!”

6 What Maths Topics Do You Think A Maths Teacher Should Cover In The First Term?
Building pie charts Read and measure temperature Estimating the cost of items Approximate by rounding Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division Calculating with money Calculate ratio and direct proportion Find percentages Work out various averages Use formula to complete calculations Calculate area Construct bar charts Place Value Decimal Numbers

7 Maths which needs to be covered early from a Maths perspective:
Some Areas A Maths Teacher Would Usually Cover Over The First 6 Weeks Of A Maths Course Maths which needs to be covered early from a Maths perspective: Estimating the cost of items Approximate by rounding Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division Calculating with money Decimal Numbers Place value Maths which needs to be covered early for this vocational area: Use formula to complete calculations Calculate area Calculate ratio and direct proportion

8 Building a single skin brick wall 4m x2m
STRATEGY FOR EMBEDDING THIS MATHS INTO VOCATIONAL SESSIONS PRACTICAL TASK: Building a single skin brick wall 4m x2m STRATEGY TO DEVELOP MATHS SKILLS: A project/workbook related to specific practical assessments carried out in vocational construction sessions.

9 RATIONALE Continuous exercise which can be used for various practical tests. Easy to follow up in maths sessions. Explicitly linked to practical and theoretical vocational topics. Builds on the work done in maths sessions. Helps students to see the relevance of maths to their chosen vocational area. Is easy to evidence as embedded learning material. Is linked to employability.

10 What Maths Is Being Covered?
Please look at the activity booklets and task sheets and decide which areas of Maths each task is developing. Work in small groups to complete the tasks. At the end of each task take some time to think how we could extend the activities into different vocational areas.

11 Can We Link Any Of The Maths To Functional Skills More Abstract Questions?
Look at the two Functional Skills Maths Questions: Can we link the more abstract questions to any of the maths students have done today in their practical vocational session? If so which areas of maths are linked to these questions?

12 OBJECTIVES REVISITED To highlight areas of Maths that can be developed alongside vocational courses. To demonstrate Maths activities and strategies that can be developed in a vocational setting. To enable lecturers to feel more confident that they can develop Maths in their vocational areas and evidence good practice. To have a clearer understanding of what kind of Maths will be covered in the first six weeks of a course.

13 Slide title

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