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XVth International Congress on Animal Hygiene 2011 “Animal Hygiene and Sustainable Livestock Production” Vienna, Austria - July 3 – 7, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "XVth International Congress on Animal Hygiene 2011 “Animal Hygiene and Sustainable Livestock Production” Vienna, Austria - July 3 – 7, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 XVth International Congress on Animal Hygiene 2011 “Animal Hygiene and Sustainable Livestock Production” Vienna, Austria - July 3 – 7, 2011

2 Recent Trials for Diagnosis of Bovine Ephemeral Fever in Egypt by
Nabila Sh. Degheidy; Hassan H.Y.; EL- Sanousi A.A.; Salem S.A.; Beshir E. and Hanan A. El-Sadawy


4 Disease manifestations
The BEFV classified as the type species of the genus Ephemerovirus in the family Rhabdoviridae and is known to cause an acute febrile disease in only cattle and water buffalo. anorexia, depression, ocular and nasal discharges, salivation, muscle stiffness, lameness, rumenal stasis, sternal recumbency and other inflammatory responses. Disease manifestations

5 Drop in milk production in diary herds.
Reduction in condition of prime animals or disruption of stock movements. Abortion. Temporary infertility in bulls. Prolonged recovery in some animals, and Disruption of markets. Importance

6 Transmission Incubation period Geographic distribution
various species of midges and mosquitoes (biting). No transmission by close contact, bodily secretions or aerosol droplets. usually 2 to 4 days. Geographic distribution Endemic in a belt of temperate, subtropical, and tropical countries in, Asia, Australia and Africa. IN EGYPT, it was first described in 1924. Incubation period Geographic distribution

7 Outbreak In Egypt OUTBREAK In Egypt
In the 2004, the primary focus of the disease was the southern Mediterranean coastal plain and the disease agent was apparently brought by infected mosquitoes carried from their breeding site in the Nile Delta by the south- western winds. The disease broke out under optimal ecological conditions, among a vulnerable cattle population and spread rapidly; it showed essentially a spring-summer herd incidence and terminated soon after the night average ambient temperature fell below 16◦C in late autumn. Outbreak In Egypt


9 Isolation and identification of the causative agent of suspected cases of BEFV appeared in Egypt in 2006 and 2009.


11 All samples were collected during feverish time of the infected animals.
during summer season in 2006 and 2009 from 7 Egyptian governorates. 95 blood samples on EDTA were collected from cattle for separation of Buffy coat for virus isolation according to Van Der Westhuzen. 206 nasal swabs were collected as a trial for virus isolation according to Payment & Trudle. 115 Coagulated blood samples were collected for separation Serum samples for serological diagnosis according to Lannette.

12 Isolation of BEF virus in cell culture.
Isolation of BEF virus by intracerebral inoculation of baby mice. Isolation of BEF virus in cell culture. Identification of the viral isolates. IFAT RT-PCR

13 Serological survey Biological materials Serological survey
42 naturally infected cattle out of 115 samples in the main survey served as an indicator of the prevalence of BEF virus activity. Anti-bovine immunoglobulin conjugated with FITC (used for IFAT). Anti sera of BEFV supplied by AHRI. Positive controlled virus strain is kindly supplied from (AHRI) , locally identified isolates with titer 100 TCID50 (field isolate ). New born calf serum was purchased from Sigma USA. It was used to supplement cell culture media and tested to be free from viruses and mycoplasma. Serological survey Biological materials


15 BEF isolation from tissue culture & baby mice resulted 17 positive samples out of 95 samples ( 17.8 %) and 22 positive samples out of 95 samples (23.1 %) respectively.




19 SNT test for serological diagnosis of BEFV with its titration of infected cattle sera in the 7 governorates




23 The governorates that have high titers may be due to the occurrence of unnoticeable inter-episodic outbreak lead to elevation of the titer. In this situation it is worth to note that animals which had high titer of antibodies against BEFV in Damietta governorate were vaccinated before the onset of the outbreak of 2006, a matter that lead us to suggest that the recurrence of BEFV infection among these vaccinated animals might denote to the presence of variant Egyptian strains which had emerged during that time and caused infection among vaccinated animals.

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