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Contents The Gentt Group The concept of text genre as the core of the project Research objectives Methodology Phases of the Gentt Project Main results.

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2 Contents The Gentt Group The concept of text genre as the core of the project Research objectives Methodology Phases of the Gentt Project Main results Future work GENTT - Universitat Jaume I

3 The Gentt Group GENTT (Géneros Textuales para la Traducción, Text Genres for Translation) Translation Department, Universitat Jaume I, Spain Gentt coordinator: Isabel García-Izquierdo – Legal field coordinator: Anabel Borja Albi – Medical field coordinator: Vicent Montalt Resurrecció – Technical field coordinator: Silvia Gamero Pérez Team: 9 senior researchers, 2 PhD students, 2 research assistants 15 R&D projects since 2001 GENTT - Universitat Jaume I

4 The concept of text genre as the core of the project GENTT - Universitat Jaume I Different languages, cultures and socio- professional contexts Different ways to conceptualise reality Text genre features Contrastive analysis

5 The concept of text genre as the core of the project García Izquierdo (2002: 15) defines ‘genre’ as: – […] a conventionalised text form that has a specific function in the culture to which it belongs, and which reflects a purpose that is intended by the sender and can be foreseen by the receiver. This definition has been gradually shaped by taking propositions from: – systemic functional linguistics – genre theory applied to translation – sociology of professions GENTT - Universitat Jaume I

6 The concept of text genre as the core of the project Three perspectives (formal, communicative and cognitive) form the definition of genre Gentt project focused on the study of the formal and communicative aspects Some research on the cognitive perspective (acquisition of translation competence; readability) GENTT - Universitat Jaume I

7 Research objectives Overall objective Application of the concept of text genre as a conceptual and methodological tool to analyse, from a multilingual perspective, different fields of specialised translation and communication – Working languages: English, Spanish, Catalan, French, German – Communication fields: medical, legal and technical GENTT - Universitat Jaume I

8 Research objectives Specific objectives To reflect on the concept of text genre to propose an exhaustive definition of the notion To establish a genre tree with prototypical text genres of the legal, medical and technical fields – Observation of the socio-professional world – Opinions of expert users To compile a multilingual comparable corpus of text genres for the legal, medical and technical fields To undertake an empirical analysis of the compiled corpus GENTT - Universitat Jaume I

9 Research objectives Specific objectives To provide researchers with a methodological model for genre investigation, procedures for genre selection and corpus methodology To develop an electronic encyclopaedia of genres for textual, conceptual, terminological and linguistic consultation (Corpus Gentt) To develop an electronic document management system with genre models, samples and documentary sources for translation and experts in the fields under study (Corpus Gentt 3.0) GENTT - Universitat Jaume I

10 Research objectives Specific objectives To test the Corpus with scholars, lecturers and professional translators To design and develop a multilingual specialised document management system that allows the automation of document retrieval, indexing, semi-controlled writing and assisted translation for legal and medical translators and experts (JudGentt and MedGentt platforms) To carry out socio-professional research (action research) to obtain information from specialists and non-specialists in the fields under study To test these document management systems with real users GENTT - Universitat Jaume I

11 Methodology Quantitative methods: corpus analysis and exploitation techniques, computer linguistics applications – Mapping, classification and characterizarion of genres from medical, legal and technical fields – Formal aspect of genre Qualitative methods: surveys, focus groups, interviews – Socio-professional research – Complement to the construction of the electronic document management system – Communicative aspect of genre Action research – Active participation of researchers in the socio-professional contexts under study GENTT - Universitat Jaume I

12 Phases of the Gentt project Exploitation of the Gentt Corpus (2005-) Translator training and research Compilation of the Gentt Corpus (2000-2005) Theoretical background debate: the concept of genre (2000-) Development of Gentt Corpus 3.0 (Web 2.0 philosophy) (2009-2012) Research transfer to socio-professional contexts JudGentt and MedGentt documentation management systems

13 Main results - Corpus Gentt 3.0 Corpus Gentt 3.0 - Electronic document management system (Corpus Gentt and Corpus Gentt 2.0 in former versions) GENTT - Universitat Jaume I Formal and communicative aspects of genre Corpus analysis and exploitation

14 Main results - Corpus Gentt 3.0 Textual and contextual information of more than 450 genres and subgenres in 5 languages 1279 texts (more than 2,500,000 words) compiled – Legal field: 695 texts – Medical field: 303 texts – Technical field: 268 texts GENTT - Universitat Jaume I

15 Main results - Corpus Gentt 3.0 GENTT - Universitat Jaume I

16 Main results - Corpus Gentt 3.0 Types of users and main functions – Basic users can: Search and download documents Introduce new documents Create subcorpora and edit data created by themselves – Administrators can carry out the same functions as basic users, and Manage and invite new users Modify the classifications/genre trees Create reports on the state of the Corpus GENTT - Universitat Jaume I

17 Main results - Corpus Gentt 3.0 Example of a genre tree – medical field GENTT - Universitat Jaume I

18 Main results - Corpus Gentt 3.0 Example of advanced search GENTT - Universitat Jaume I

19 Main results - Corpus Gentt 3.0 Example of document description sheet GENTT - Universitat Jaume I

20 Main results - Corpus Gentt 3.0 Example of subcorpus creation GENTT - Universitat Jaume I

21 Main results JudGentt and MedGentt platforms Development of a multilingual documentation management system for legal and medical translators GENTT - Universitat Jaume I Communicative aspect of genre Socio-professional research in the legal and medical fields

22 Main results JudGentt and MedGentt platforms Contexts: – JudGentt Valencia High Court of Justice (TSJ) – MedGentt Oncology Unit of the Valencia Clinical Hospital Sample populations: Legal translators at the TSJ, and medical and healthcare personnel at the hospital GENTT - Universitat Jaume I

23 Main results JudGentt and MedGentt platforms Methodology: – Qualitative: interviews, focus groups, surveys – Quantitative: exploitation of comparable corpora Research phases: 1.Needs analysis 2.Design and development of the documentation management systems 3.Implementation with real users GENTT - Universitat Jaume I

24 Main results JudGentt and MedGentt platforms Contents and utilities of the platforms: – Search engine with access to a corpus of documents – Catalogue of legal and medico-legal documents – Monolingual and bilingual glossaries (specialised terms, phraseology, and contexts of use) – Documentary and terminological resources Platforms will be available on the web shortly GENTT - Universitat Jaume I

25 Main results JudGentt platform GENTT - Universitat Jaume I

26 Main results MedGentt platform GENTT - Universitat Jaume I

27 Future work (2012-2015) Action research Transfer to the “real world” Contexts and sample populations: – Legal field: Legal and judiciary freelance and in- house translators – Medical field: Oncology Units from different public hospitals and cancer patients associations in the Valencia Community GENTT - Universitat Jaume I

28 Future work Medical field Objectives: – Identify the needs for (multilingual) written resources for cancer patients in hospital settings – Study the quality (and quantity/diversity) of the existing resources (i.e., fact sheets for patients) – Design and propose new ways to disseminate written information Systematise communication related to cancer diagnosis and treatment in a hospital setting GENTT - Universitat Jaume I

29 Future work Medical field Research phases: – Initial exploration on the types of fact sheets that patients receive and how they are provided – Analysis of the quality of these fact sheets: readability tests, surveys with linguists experts, interviews with healthcare personnel and patients – Editing of new fact sheets and other useful materials – Testing of the quality and usefulness of these materials with patients GENTT - Universitat Jaume I

30 For further information… Isabel García-Izquierdo GENTT - Universitat Jaume I

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