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Student Expectations: Please be seated in SILENCE.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Expectations: Please be seated in SILENCE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Expectations: Please be seated in SILENCE.
PE Department Student Expectations: Before we begin learning, please ensure that you: Are standing behind your desk in silence; Have your learning diary and pencil case on your desk; Have a smart uniform. Please be seated in SILENCE. Copy and underline today’s date and title. Saturday, 15 September 2018 LO2: Components and benefits of a cool down

2 Activities during a cool down
Standards: Equipment out Planners on desk PE and Sport Faculty On the Bell Activities during a cool down Create a mind map on the activities that you would include during a cool down after exercise Extension: Can you identify any of the physical benefits of a cool down?

3 Big Picture PE and Sport Faculty
Last lesson we identified and described the physical and psychological benefits of a warm up and the key components of a warm up What were the physical benefits of a warm up? What were the psychological benefits of a warm up? What were the 5 stages of a warm up? This lesson we will be looking at the physical and benefits of a cool down including the key components of a cool down

4 PE and Sport Faculty Title: Components and benefits of a cool down
Saturday, 15 September 2018 Title: Components and benefits of a cool down Lesson Outcomes: Identify the key components of a cool down Describe the physical benefits of a cool down Explain the physical benefits of a cool down and relate these benefits to the key components of a cool down Analyse past exam questions on this topic area and apply your knowledge and understanding

5 Preview PE and Sport Faculty
Michelle is a competent netball player but does not understand the importance of warming up before matches. Explain the benefits of warming up before starting physical activity (8 marks) Use your planning sheet from last lesson to produce a 8 mark answer for the question above. Extension: Check your answer, have you added enough detail to achieve full marks? Is each benefit related to a key component of the warm up? Highlight key parts of the question. How many marks is it worth? How will we get full marks? ANSWER QUESTION – you can use the mark scheme to help you to create an answer to this question

6 PE and Sport Faculty Preview Print

7 PE and Sport Faculty Preview Print

8 Extension: What activities should be included in a warm up?
PE and Sport Faculty What is a cool down? A cool down is a period of lower intensity exercise which is done after a more intense activity, to allow the body to gradually transition to a resting or near-resting state. Extension: What activities should be included in a warm up?

9 What are the key components of a cool down?
PE and Sport Faculty What are the key components of a cool down? 1. Pulse lowering – exercises which gradually lower the heart rate and reduce body temperature e.g. easy movements such as light running, walking etc. Activities during a cool down 2. Stretching – maintenance stretches such as static stretches (the stretches that you perform whilst the body is still) e.g. hamstring stretch Add these two stages of a cool down and their descriptions to your mind map from the start of the lesson. Use a different coloured pen.

10 Physical benefits of a cool down
PE and Sport Faculty Physical benefits of a cool down Watch the video below on the benefits of a cool down. Whilst watching the video make a list of any of the key benefits of a cool down. Start video at 1:55

11 Physical benefits of a cool down
PE and Sport Faculty Physical benefits of a cool down The first key benefit of a cool down is it helps to helps the body to return to its normal state. One way in which this is done is by gradually lowering the heart rate because when the body is not exercising the heart does not have to work as hard to pump blood and oxygen to the working muscles. Another benefit is the cool down helps to gradually lower the body’s temperature back to its normal state and gradually lowers breathing rate back to its normal state. The cool down also helps to continue to circulate blood and oxygen around the body and to the muscles. When exercise is stopped suddenly without a cool down, blood pools in the muscles which can make them sore. This is because the blood is not flowing around the body at a high enough intensity to remove the lactic acid and waste products from the muscles which makes them sore and stiff, therefore reducing the risk of muscle soreness and stiffness is another benefit. A final benefit of the cool down is when we stretch our muscles are then lengthened and strengthened which prepares them for their next work out/use. This helps to reduce the likelihood of injury the next time we exercise. Read the information and make 8 detailed bullet points on the physical benefits of a cool down

12 PE and Sport Faculty How might a cool down aid recovery from exercise? (3 marks) Highlight key parts of the question. How many marks is it worth? How will we get full marks? ANSWER QUESTION – you can use the mark scheme to help you to create an answer to this question Extension: Check your answer, have you added enough detail to achieve full marks? Have you identified three different points

13 PE and Sport Faculty How might a cool down aid recovery from exercise? (3 marks)

14 On your whiteboards identify: **Do this without using your notes**
PE and Sport Faculty On your whiteboards identify: 3 physical benefits of a warm up 2 psychological benefits of a warm up 3 physical benefits of a cool down **Do this without using your notes**

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