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IB HISTORY Internal Assessment.

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Presentation on theme: "IB HISTORY Internal Assessment."— Presentation transcript:

1 IB HISTORY Internal Assessment

2 What is the history ia? You are required to:
Complete a historical investigation using a range of historical sources focus on a topic or event with a cut-off date that is at least 10 years before the submission date for the investigation; therefore, an investigation submitted in 2018 would have a cut-off date of 2008. Create a research question that will be answered in investigation Produce a written account of between 1,700‑2,200 words for HL The historical investigation will be internally assessed by me and externally moderated by IB. You are being assessed on your demonstration of skills! The IA is worth 20% of your final IB history grade

3 How do I choose my topic? Things to consider:
Are you interested in it? Is the scope narrow? Or is it too broad? Are there multiple perspectives/viewpoints? Is it worthy of investigation? Typically, WWII & genocide topics are not scored well! Is the answer obvious? Will you be able to find a primary source? Are there historians who specialize in this topic? In the end, you need a minimum of 10 sources (5 print, 2 primary & 1 historian) – are these available within your topic?

4 Your homework over break
Exploratory research! When you return, you must have your topic listed/explained on an index card (due 1/8!) You may also want to provide back up options! Research questions are due Friday 1/12!

5 History of the Americas
Internal Assessment

6 Background of IB history & assessments
Syllabus outline (page 2) Concepts and skills for IB history (page 4-6) Assessment outline (page 15)

7 Intro to IA & DEADLINEs Let’s start with the general purpose…pg.18 Topic question – January 12th Final copy – March 15th Follow all checkpoint guidelines on handout!

8 Scope of the historical investigation
You are required to: undertake a historical investigation using a good range of historical sources focus on a topic or event with a cut-off date that is at least 10 years before the submission date for the investigation; therefore, an investigation submitted in 2018 would have a cut-off date of 2008. provide a title for the historical investigation that should be framed as a question produce a written account of between 1,700‑2,200 words for HL The historical investigation will be internally assessed by me and externally moderated by IB. The IA is worth 20% of your final IB history grade Historical Investigation details (page 20)

9 Source Requirements Need to use a minimum of TEN sources
Need to use at least TWO primary sources Need to incorporate text from one historian! At least five sources must be books or historical journals (online journals are acceptable) Thus, no more than five websites used, unless more than ten sources total No general encyclopedias or textbooks Secondary sources cannot have a copyright earlier than 1975 Citation format for all sources needs to remain consistent Keep track of all sources used; don’t wait until last minute to compile a bibliography Watch for biases & opinions in sources – try and get different views/ideas on topic

10 Are you ready for more ia fun?!?!?! 
Turn to page 27 in the Assessment Guide and browse through the example IA. You do NOT have to read it yet, I just want you to get a feel for formatting & the required components. Also, brainstorm questions to ask the seniors about the IA process.

11 Research question (RQ)
Your RQ needs to be historically debatable and have multiple perspectives! Is it worthy of investigation? There should be no obvious answer to the question…… it is your job to use evidence/analysis to reach a conclusion. Must be narrow and focused! If there is an entire book on your topic, it’s probably not narrow enough! Should be of interest to you (*helpful if in IB curriculum) In order to produce a high-scoring IA, you NEED to have a good RQ!!!

12 Research question (RQ)
Wording is key! Can it be proven??? Absolutely no “what-ifs” or conspiracies! “Compare/Contrast” – not an argument; lengthy “What” – too descriptive Genocide topics are NOT a good idea…… can you make an argument? “To what extent” – Implies a multitude of answers; may be too many words so be as specific as possible! “How” “Did” and “was” are good command terms because it leads to an answer Let’s practice!!!!

13 You be the judge….. How did the passing of women’s suffrage affect women’s social freedoms within the 1930’s? Why did Germany lose WWII? How did the U.S. Government differ from the British Royal empire after the Revolutionary War? To what extent was Stalin’s collectivization successful? Was the atomic destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki the most practical way to end WWII? To what extent did Gandhi’s experiences in South Africa between , influence his method of nonviolent resistance?

14 RQ practice Activity Discuss  How do you write a good RQ?
In your group, come up with one possible RQ! Make sure your question is specific and narrowly focused. Create one question from the following topics – be ready to discuss: U.S. Imperialism Spanish-American War Causes of WWI WWI in the Americas

15 Annotated bibliography – due January 26
What is an annotated bibliography? a list of citations to books, articles, and documents. Each citation is followed by a brief (usually one paragraph) descriptive and evaluative paragraph, the annotation. Calls for the application of a variety of intellectual skills: ability to explain/summarize, analyze, and complete research What is the purpose of an annotated bibliography? The purpose of the annotation is to inform the teacher/student of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited Annotations are descriptive and critical; they expose the author‘s point of view and value to investigation.

16 Steps for creating an annotated bibliography
Research, locate and record citations from books, journals, websites that may contain important information on your topic. (remember to stay within the source guidelines!) Briefly review and examine the documents Cite the document using Chicago format Write a concise annotation that summarizes the central theme and scope of the book or article. In your description, include: Description of the author and source type (can also be purpose) A brief summary Explain how this work relates to your topic/will be used in your IA

17 Annotated bibliography example
Wilson, Woodrow. Address of the President to the United States Senate, January 22, (Washington D.C: Library of Congress, 1917). Woodrow Wilson served as the U.S. president from On January 22, 1917 Wilson gave this particular speech to the Senate in order to explain the consequences of war, possible alternatives to declaring war, and his plans for post-war peace. This speech, given at a very vital time in US history, was seen as Wilson’s final attempt to compromise with Germany. Wilson’s 1917 Senate speech is valuable to this IA because it gives a first-hand perspective in to the struggles U.S. leadership faced with regards to a declaration of war. It also gives insight in to the founding principles of the League of Nations.


19 Annotated bib Do NOTs….. Do NOT rush to find ten sources and use the first ten you find Do NOT type the question into a search engine and use the first sources that come up Do NOT use prohibited sources Do NOT plagiarize descriptions from Amazon, the book description, cliff notes, etc Do NOT procrastinate this assignment Do NOT waste in-class work time Do NOT underestimate the usefulness of an annotated bib!!

20 Possible discussion topics
IA panel: Thursday 1/11 Senior Introductions Possible discussion topics Your IA question (How did you decide? Why did you choose this? How did you narrow it down?) How you approached the research One positive thing about the IA Difficulties during the IA Topic Selection Research Process Finding Sources Time Management Analysis vs. Evidence Helpful Tips

21 Let’s do one together!!! 

22 Gordimer, Nadine. Jump and Other Stories
Gordimer, Nadine. Jump and Other Stories. (New York, NY: Picador, 1991), Gordimer is from South Africa and spoke out against apartheid. She won the Noble Prize in literature and because of the controversial nature, this prize was not recognized by the government and an additional nine books have been banned. This source is a collection of stories that highlight ethnicity and societal problems throughout various countries. This source is valuable to this IA because, although it is fiction, it gives an accurate portrayal of racial divisions and their impact.

23 January 17, 2018 No bellwork today!
Get out your assessment guides and be ready for some more IA FUN!  Tomorrow: Grading a sample IA Individual conferences Talk about changes to your RQ Give an overview of how you plan to approach/answer this topic Review a source – BRING TO CLASS! Friday: Research Day in Lab! Come prepared to work! Sunday: Office Hours at the UA library from 3-5pm Wed 1/25: Annotated Bib due…NO MATTER WHAT!

24 Source suggestions/reminders
Cite as you go! Remember, your annotation needs three basic things – author overview, brief source summary, description of how you plan to use this in your IA Your annotated bibliography should reflect the source requirements – 5 books, no secondary sources pre-1975, one primary source Use books written by historians Consider a counter-argument Google scholar instead of regular books Browse other bibliographies for sources UA Library, Public Library, Public databases

25 Internal Assessment Criteria
The historical investigation is assessed against three criteria that are related to the objectives for the Diploma Programme history course. By dividing the IA into three criteria, you have to show your skills! Section A Identification &Evaluation marks Section B Investigation marks Section C Reflection marks ***Total 25 marks

26 IA GRADING SCALE 25-21 = 7 20-19 = 6 18-16 = 5 15-13 = 4 12-10 = 3
9-8 = 2 7-1 = 1

27 Advice (do’s!) Formatting for all sections needs to be the same!
Keep track of your bibliography as you are working, do not leave it to the last minute (not all sources will be used) A bibliography or list of sources and all citations, using the Chicago method, must be included Any illustrations, documents, or other supporting evidence should be included in an appendix. None of these will form part of the word count but do not use this for crucial information to your analysis. It is not intended as a dumping ground if you go over the word limit! Organize your time and set clear objectives – if you aren’t meeting these seek help. Keep the mark scheme with you at all times and refer to it often. Be prepared to modify your topic; can’t be the same as another student and needs to be specific enough. It also may be changed as you research progresses.

28 Disclaimer As your history teacher, I can ONLY read ONE draft per criterion. During this process, I am ONLY able to make general comments regarding content. The submittal process is easier on Microsoft Word!

29 A. Identification and evaluation of sources (6 marks)
Clearly state question Briefly explain focus Select two appropriate and relevant sources to analyse Explain the nature of the two sources selected for detailed analysis With regards to O,P,C, analyse the sources for V & L A crucial element of this section is an appropriate RQ! Scoring criteria  page 24. What do you have to do to receive a 6?

30 Tips for part A words Clearly show what you will address in the investigation. Be objective – don’t exaggerate. For instance, don’t say “it will be proven that……” Be clear in your analysis of OPCVL. “The purpose is….” “This source is valuable because….” Essentially there are three steps you must cover in part A – Brief background/contextual information is provided about the importance of the topic or situation  question is presented Present the two sources and explain their relevance Analyze each of the sources for OPCVL (Guide on pg. 12)

31 B. Investigation (15 marks)
The actual investigation! Show ability to research using a variety of sources (multiple and primary vs. secondary) Analysis using evidence presented Must be an equal balance of evidence and analysis Organization is key! Must also include your conclusion (ANSWER your question!) How should you approach this?

32 Tips for Part B EXACTLY as it sounds – your investigation
words Everything must be cited! Everything! Use footnotes. Keep all paragraphs consistent Show use of variety of sources Consider multiple perspectives Scoring criteria  page 25. What do you have to do to receive a 15?

33 In-text citation faq’s
Citation guide – pages 8 & 9 How do I cite a text without an author? How do I cite a text with multiple authors? How do I cite a sentence with multiple quotes from different authors? How do I cite a website or article? How do I punctuate the sentence? How do I add clarifications to a quote? What if I use the same author multiple times in a row? What if I only paraphrase/summarize the author instead of a direct quote? What if I only want to use a part of the quote?

34 Analysis or Summary? (Guide on page 10)
The Five Year Plan was a series of nation-wide centralized economic policies that were implemented in the Soviet Union starting in 1928. The Five- year plan was well organized and helped to increase the prestige of the USSR abroad. A turning point in WWII was the Battle of Stalingrad, which halted Hitler’s Eastern advance. If Hitler maintained his alliance with Stalin and did not invade the Soviet Union, he would not have been forced to fight on two fronts and the outcome of WWII would undoubtedly be different.

35 Jan 18: Warm-up activity To begin class, read about the requirements for Section 3: The Reflection on page 21 in your assessment guide. On a sheet of paper, respond to the following: What is the reflection asking you to do? What skills are being assessed in this section? List three things you have to do in order to receive a 4 on the reflection. (Refer to the mark scheme on page 26) Make a prediction  why do students struggle writing the reflection? What may be difficult about this section?

36 BELLWORK: February 21st! What are you required to do in Part C?
What are the two major topics you should address in Part C? Make a prediction  What is the biggest issues students face when writing a reflection? Why are reflections important in the IB program? THINKER: In your opinion, what was the biggest reason the League of Nations failed? Explain! Give specific examples!

37 C. Reflection (4 marks) Requires you to reflect on the process of your investigation. Include methods used by, and challenges facing the historian. Consider the questions on page 21.

38 Tips for Part C - Reflection
400 words What did you learn from the process? Links to TOK Can be first person, but isn’t required You do NOT need to address all questions, just the ones pertinent to you investigation Needs to show connection between Part C and the rest of your investigation Scoring criteria  page 26. What do you have to do to receive a 4?

39 Why did the U.S. fail to join the league of nations?
Methods used by historians Challenges facing historian

40 Part b feedback w/c = word choice (need to re-word for clarity!)
Too much background info and proposal of question = move to Part A! Citation issues = ibid, multiple footnotes, variety, ellipses, punctuation Style/font changes??? Quotes need context! Do not expect them to speak for themselves! Do not just re-summarize the quote = analyze it! Take this feedback seriously – go back and make edits

41 Part B Grading Letter Grade CDO Score IB Part B Score # of students A
30-27 15-13 3 B 26-24 12-10 7 C 23-21 9-7 8 D 20-18 6-4 4 F 17-below 3 and below

Today you are going to play the role of an IB History Moderator! You will be put to work marking a sample IA. Using the mark scheme/rubric on pages 24-26, grade the sample IA starting on page 27. Pay close attention to what is required in each section. Remember, IB uses a “best fit” approach. Continuing on your sheet of paper, list the mark awarded for each section, as well as, a justification for this score. Be ready to discuss!

43 OPCVL PRACTICE! Continuing on your sheet of paper, you are going to create an outline for a sample OPCVL source analysis. It is up to you which source you practice with! It can be one of your IA sources, a Lit text, Wilson’s speech, etc. Remember to be specific and to the point! Component Description Value Limitation Origin Purpose Content

44 Part A Review and Practice (Tues 2/21)
With a partner, discuss the following  What are you required to do in Part A? Essentially there are three steps you must cover in part A – Brief background/contextual information is provided about the importance of the topic or situation  question is presented Present the two sources and explain their relevance Analyze each of the sources for OPCVL (Guide on pg. 12) words Clearly show what you will address in the investigation. Be clear in your analysis of OPCVL. “The purpose is….” “This source is valuable because….”

45 OPCVL (Guide on page 12) Origin – who created it? When? Where? Is there anything about the author that is important to investigation? (ex: general, politician, socialist, etc.) Purpose – be able to think like the author: why was it created? What was the intent? Who is the audience? Can it tell you more than is on the surface? Content – what does the source say? Summary? Value – Based on who wrote it, when/where/why it was written, what value does this document have? What is the context – bring in outside information! What can we tell about the time period from the source? What was going on in history at the time the piece was created and how does this piece accurately reflect it? Limitation – What part of the story can we NOT tell from the document? Does it inaccurately reflect anything? What is not addressed? What does the author leave out and why? (If you are going to comment on the bias, you must go into detail… Who is it biased towards? Against? Why?) You are becoming an expert on these sources!!!

46 Why are these statements good?
The author, Arther Ferrill, is a current professor at the University of Washington. He received his PhD in ancient military history from the University of Illinois, and he is a respected expert in the field of Ancient Rome and military history. The book was written by Robert Brigham, who has a PhD from the University of Kentucky and worked for Professor George Herring, a Vietnam War expert. He learned the Vietnamese language and frequently speaks at Vietnam War conferences.

47 What is wrong with these statements?
“This source is valuable because it gives a wide variety of information and uses multiple primary sources.” “The source is limited because it contains bias by the author.” “The authors are persuaded by the situation that happened.” “Communist rule isn’t typically considered a good thing….”

48 OPCVL Practice FDR’s Fireside Chat in which he introduced the New Deal

49 Upcoming ia reminders….
Start editing your sections now – do not wait until the last minute! Part C is due THIS Wednesday 3/1! THIS Sunday 3/5  office hours at Starbucks (Ina & Oracle) from 3-5pm Monday 3/6: CDO Library work day NEXT Wednesday 3/8: One complete rough draft due for peer-editing NEXT Friday 3/10: Final IA due! Then, we party! 

50 Part A feedback Intro – clearly pose RQ, establish scope, present two sources and explain relevancy Vague statements make Ms. Bruggeman cry inside…. The author was born in 1930 which is valuable since they grew up during WWII The content is valuable because it covers a number of perspectives The purpose was to educate the reader so it is valuable in increasing knowledge Since the source is secondary, it inherently limits the legitimacy of the source Too much summary  not enough analysis    Take analysis deeper! Don’t just say “what” limited the source – explain exactly HOW and WHY that makes it limited. BAD: Since the Fireside Chat is meant to promote programs/instill confidence, it limits the source. BETTER: The purpose of this Fireside Chat was to instill confidence in the American populace which limits the source because it is used to promote the programs and is positive in nature; therefore, it does not address problems that remain unsolved. Analysis needs to be specific to YOUR investigation. Remember, you are asked to analyze OPCVL for historians studying your topic. EX on IA regarding U.S. failure to join the LofN: The content of this source is limited because it does not address Germany and the USSR’s failures to join the League. This source is valuable because it goes into detail about the effects of the League. Word count issues! You are responsible for figuring out what to cut/add….not me!

51 Part A Grading Letter Grade CDO Score IB Part A Score # of students A+
20-19 5-6 A- B C+ 18-15 3-4 18 C- D 14-10 1-2 5 F 9-below

52 Part c feedback BE SPECIFIC!!!!

53 Part C Grading Letter Grade CDO Score IB Part C Score # of students A+
20-19 4 1 A- B 18-16 3 9 C 15-14ish 2 5 D 14ish-12 6

54 Final ia steps…. Editing Appendix Title Page Table of Contents
Bibliography Page Numbers Candidate Number Formatting Submittal

55 Appendix NOT required This could be included if you make reference to graphs, charts, maps, pictures, propaganda, etc. Remember, this does NOT count towards your 2,200 words!

Photograph A: New tractors being driven from a factory in 1935 ¹ Photograph B: Propaganda poster promoting Stalin as “one of the workers”

57 Title Page Your title page must include your topic question, name, IB candidate number, date, and word count. Keep in mind….. Footnotes, title, bibliography, and appendix do NOT count towards the word count Choosing an appropriate title will lead to an appropriate investigation. YOU DECIDE!! Which title is probably easier to investigate and discuss effectively within the 2000 word limit??? 1. An investigation into African warfare: Why did the British army struggle in Southern Africa in the 1860’s? 2. An investigation into African colonial warfare: To what extent was the defeat of the British by the Zulu at Isandlwana in 1879 due to the mistakes made by Lord Chemsford? Make sure your title is focused and narrow enough to ensure your discussion/analysis are not vague. Access candidate numbers on Managebac!

58 Title Page Requirements To what extent does Ms
Title Page Requirements To what extent does Ms. Bruggeman’s awesomeness influence students’ historical understanding? Student name: George Washington Candidate Number: 1 March 2017 Word Count: 2104

Title Page Table of Contents Part A: Identification and Evaluation of Sources Part B: Investigation Part C: Reflection Bibliography

60 Useful websites › International Baccalaureate › History

61 Rough draft: Wednesday march 8th
Title Page Table of Contents Each section is labeled & formatting is consistent Page numbers Appendix with explanations Correct bibliography This will be the last time someone will read your entire IA…..make it count! Make it as close to the final as possible. Make all corrections this weekend!

62 BELLWORK 3/8: IA Reflection
Now that you are finished (almost) with the IA, I want some feedback! Keep your comments constructive. Be ready to discuss! To what extent did the practice activities prepare you for writing the IA? (Practice OPCVL, evidence vs. analysis, class outline, etc.) Where do you think needed more practice? What was the most difficult part of the IA process? Why? What was the best/easiest/most helpful part of the process? If you had to give the incoming cohort one piece of advice regarding the history IA, what would it be? What could Ms. Bruggeman do in the future to better prepare students for the internal assessment? Suggestions? Be realistic!

63 Bibliography Everything needs to be cited in the same format!
Divide the citations based on source type Book Web Primary All ten sources need to be alphabetized Refer to your bibliography sheet for formatting examples By this point, you should’ve already cited everything in your annotated bibliography, so remove the annotations and use the citations! Does NOT count towards the word count

64 Steps for final submittal Upload a copy to Managebac Print out a hard copy to turn in to Ms. Bruggeman

65 Peer editing instructions
You have been pre-matched with a partner and will assess each other’s IA’S. Write on the IA and peer editing wkst. Use the IA markschemes on pages Best fit! Each section has a checklist, score card and place for comments. Take your time. I will be grading your grading – be as accurate as possible. At the end, provide suggestions for areas of improvement. Make this count! Take it seriously! This is the last chance for good, constructive, and helpful feedback.

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