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Modern Hockey Coaching

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1 Modern Hockey Coaching
In partnership with Coach Logic

2 Topics Modern Hockey is Changing! Key rule changes since mid 90’s
Introduction Topics Modern Hockey is Changing! Key rule changes since mid 90’s Reasons for rule changes Have we changed the way we think and coach? Adult teaching and Academy philosophy Pro League

3 2017 and beyond Modern Hockey is changing!! Modern Hockey is changing
Rules and interpretations are constantly changing - how have our thoughts and ideas changed? Are we embracing and exploring, and exploiting modern rules, or tolerating them? Are we slow as a sport to adapt and develop?

4 Key Rule changes Since 1990s Key Rule Changes Removal of off-side
Modern Hockey Key Rule Changes Key Rule changes Since 1990s Removal of off-side Placement of a free hit rule amended Rolling substitutions Goalie privileges extended Raised ball encouraged - not tolerated! Eg jinking, aerial passes, lifting ball over goalie Self pass Attacking plays around the circle Playing ball above the shoulder Taking of a penalty stroke simplified

5 Translation onto the field
Modern Hockey Translation onto the field Less emphasis on technical breeches eg feet, stick clashes, raised ball Avoid ‘tidying up’complex situations More liberal approach to danger No ‘soft’ free hits or PCs Liberal approach to ball over backline Encourage players to ‘fight for the ball’- a physical contest Free hit placement in the spirit of the rule – rolling ball More flow and advantage ‘Anything goes’ for goalies Less whistle Advantage with regard to self pass

6 Why these changes Reasons for Rules Changes Excitement
Modern Hockey Reasons for Rules Changes Why these changes Excitement Better TV audiences Action Appealing to non-hockey audiences High scoring Global marketing opportunities Open Better spectator appeal More sponsorship potential

7 What do we see on the field?
Modern Hockey What do we see on the field? There is plenty at stake – jobs, careers, earnings etc Emotion and passion is part of the game (eg bench behaviour) Less technical rules – more understanding of the modern game Application of the advantage rule Management skills and communication are trademarks of the best umpires

8 Have we changed they way we coach?
Modern Hockey Have we changed they way we coach? Rolling balls from free hits? Free hit placements? Sideline hit in placement? Why do we see so many repeats??? Eg 16 yard and long corner placement 5 metre rule to allow an aerial ball to be controlled? Positioning???

9 Presentation of the sport
Modern Hockey Presentation of the sport More than ever, the way the game is presented is becoming an important aspect Influence of TV – eg India Hockey League Reducing high profile injuries Time-wasting – 40 sec at PC Crowding umpires at PC

10 Innovations and experimental rules
Modern Hockey Innovations and experimental rules India Hockey League – scoring system Extending video umpire regulations – PS Hawkeye technology – ball tracking? Animations and new ways to televise the sport Successful experiments include playing ball above shoulder and self pass Remote coaching opportunities in the Pro League

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