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Reducing Fraud Risks Through Effective Information Governance in the Tech Sector September 15, 2017 The Input area of the Beam is a shape with a picture.

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Presentation on theme: "Reducing Fraud Risks Through Effective Information Governance in the Tech Sector September 15, 2017 The Input area of the Beam is a shape with a picture."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reducing Fraud Risks Through Effective Information Governance in the Tech Sector
September 15, 2017 The Input area of the Beam is a shape with a picture fill. To change this, ensure you have the image you wish to use (ideally a .jpg or a .png file) in an accessible folder. The image should have a ratio of 1:1 to ensure it does not appear distorted. When choosing an Input image, follow the principles on The Branding Zone. Customize the Input area of the Beam as described below. In the View tab, click Slide Master from the Presentation Views group. Right-click on the Input graphic and select Format Picture. From the Fill menu, select Picture or texture fill and click Insert from file. Navigate to the folder containing the image you wish to insert in the Input area. Highlight the image and click Insert. You can now preview the image before continuing. If you are happy with how it looks, click OK to continue. Otherwise, repeat the process until you are happy with your selected image. To exit from Slide Master View, click Normal from the Presentation Views group in the View tab. The change you made to the Input graphic should now be visible on the slide.

2 Leading challenges in realizing a more effective anti-fraud program
Information assets are the new currency of business, but are not consistently treated as a business asset Fraudsters are working with increased sophistication and more collaboratively- including with some nation states Volume of enterprise data is growing exponentially making it more difficult to manage and protect critical information assets Many anti-fraud controls can be effective, but they are often not installed in the right places or lack richer business rules Companies have invested heavily to enhance their anti-fraud and cybersecurity programs to better protect their information assets, but cyber fraud and breaches remain a material board concern Information governance can materially and effectively improve corporate performance in reducing cyber risks

3 The better the question. The better the answer
The better the question. The better the answer. The better the world works. Do you believe that … IG’s value to the business … the annual growth of enterprise storage is increasing at an unsustainable rate? Faster Find what you need, when you need it Accelerate business decisions based on more reliable intelligence Increase efficiencies of anti-fraud programs $ … companies are keeping more data than they need to, which results increased costs and risk? Smarter Create richer intelligence based on data-driven insights Predict future events based on past activities Identify anomalies and enhance broken processes … storage glut is impairing the operational efficiencies across the enterprise? … up to ~80% of corporate data may no longer have business value and could be disposed of? Lower costs Dispose of data that no longer holds value, yet is costly to maintain Extend the use and life of expensive enterprise storage Reduce fees for fraud incidents and cyber breaches $ … you could save or avoid IT costs (potentially millions of dollars) while also reducing your business risk profile?

4 EY’s 7 information governance principles
1 “EY’s Information Governance Principles starts with “know your information” Until companies understand where their “jewels & junk” information assets reside, they will remain in a reactive and risky position Dispose of everything else Know your information 7 2 ? Keep it only as long as you need Know where you have it EY’s IG Principles 6 3 Know how to respond to external events Know who can and who should have access 5 Know how it is protected 4

5 EY’s 7 information governance principles
1 Know your information ? EY’s IG Principles

6 EY’s 7 information governance principles
1 Know your information 2 ? Know where you have it EY’s IG Principles

7 EY’s 7 information governance principles
1 Know your information 2 ? Know where you have it EY’s IG Principles 3 Know who can and who should have access

8 EY’s 7 information governance principles
1 Know your information 2 ? Know where you have it EY’s IG Principles 3 Know who can and who should have access Know how it is protected 4

9 EY’s 7 information governance principles
1 Know your information 2 ? Know where you have it EY’s IG Principles 3 Know how to respond to external events Know who can and who should have access 5 Know how it is protected 4

10 EY’s 7 information governance principles
1 Know your information 2 ? Keep it only as long as you need Know where you have it EY’s IG Principles 6 3 Know how to respond to external events Know who can and who should have access 5 Know how it is protected 4

11 EY’s 7 information governance principles
1 Dispose of everything else Know your information 7 2 ? Keep it only as long as you need Know where you have it EY’s IG Principles EY’s IG Principles 6 3 Know how to respond to external events Know who can and who should have access 5 Know how it is protected 4

12 EY | Assurance | Tax | Transactions | Advisory
About EY EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a critical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities. EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients. For more information about our organization, please visit Ernst & Young LLP is a client-serving member firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited operating in the US. © 2017 Ernst & Young LLP. All Rights Reserved. ED None This material has been prepared for general informational purposes only and is not intended to be relied upon as accounting, tax or other professional advice. Please refer to your advisors for specific advice.

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