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Schematic representation of bone marrow cells capture

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1 Schematic representation of bone marrow cells capture
Genotoxic effects of alkaloids of the genus Banisteriopsis in bone marrow of Wistar rats Gleicy Kelly de Oliveira ¹ ; Alex Oliveira Ribeiro¹ Maria Cristina Mendes Costa¹. ¹Centro Universitário de Lavras- Unilavras INTRODUCION RESULTS Our results showed that neither Harmaline nor Harmine presented an increase in the micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes (P>0.05) using the micronucleus test, suggesting absence of genotoxicity in both tests. The amount of micronuclei was very low among the concentrations, indicating that the test is not significant. We also observed some cells with more than one micronucleus. The lack of more detailed information about the content of toxicity and genotoxicity of the active principles of plants of the genus Banisteriopsis in particular of alkaloids, makes it attractive for studies. Large part of Brazilian native plants still have no scientific studies to allow its safe and effective use, require greater quality control, since the scientific literature indicates that many of these may present toxic substances or variable chemical composition. The genus Banisteriopsis is known for its diversity of psychoactive alkaloids, such as the indole- b-carboline harmina and harmalina found in B. caapi, the latter being used in religious rituals in Brazil, Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru. The aim of this study was to assess the genotoxic activities of the alkaloids Harmina and Harmalina using the micronucleus test in polychromatic erythrocytes in bone marrow of rats in vivo. MATERIALS AND METHODS Schematic representation of bone marrow cells capture Figure 2: (A) Normochromatic. (B) micronucleated erythrocyte (C)micronucleated erythrocyte A B C Alkaloids Positive Control Negative Control                                                        cyclophosphamide water In view of these results it can be concluded that the alkaloids Harmina and Harmalina had no genotoxic action on bone marrow cells of rodents in the concentrations tested, but it is not recommended the use of this kind of plants in folk medicinal purposes. CONCLUSION Wistar rats Gavage Treatments REFERENCES PÁDUA, M.S.;.MENDES-COSTA; MAGALHÃES, J.C; FERREIRA, J.M.S.; CASTRO, A.H.F. Assessment of antimicrobial activity in vitro of ethanolic extracts of Banisteriopsis anisandra (A. Juss.) B. Gates (Malpighiaceae) Rev. Bras. Pl. Med., Campinas, v.15, n.3, p , 2013. PEREIRA. D.G; CARVALHO. S; FONSECA. C.A.. Revista Biotecnologia Ciência & Desenvolvimento- n°29- p nov/dez FLORES. M; YAMAGUCHI, M.U. Revista Saúde e Pesquisa, Maringá, v.1, n.3, p , set./dez.2008 Euthanized animals Femur Stained smears

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