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CSE 575 Computer Arithmetic Spring 2005 Mary Jane Irwin (www. cse. psu

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1 CSE 575 Computer Arithmetic Spring 2005 Mary Jane Irwin (www. cse. psu
CSE 575 Computer Arithmetic Spring Mary Jane Irwin (

2 “Arithmetic is being able to count up to twenty without taking off your shoes”
-- Mickey Mouse

3 synchronous word parallel adders
Binary Adders synchronous word parallel adders ripple carry adders (RCA) carry prop min adders signed-digit fast carry prop residue adders adders adders Manchester carry carry prefix cond. carry carry chain select lookahead sum skip T = O(n), A = O(n) T = O(1), A = O(n) speed versus complexity versus power consumption but have to worry about constants also have bit (digit) serial adders and asynchronous adders T = O(n), A = O(n) T = O(log n) A = O(n log n) T = O(n), A = O(n)

4 Review: Adder Comparisons

5 Coping with Carries Speed up propagation via lookahead and other methods Limit carry propagation to within a small number of bits residue Detect the end of propagation rather than wait for worst-case time asynchronous Eliminate carry propagation altogether! 1 - residue number systems 2 - asynchronous adders

6 For Example 3 6 9 8 addend 4 7 augend interim sum carry 7 3 1 -1 1 2 1
augend interim sum carry 7 3 1 -1 1 2 1 for lecture Consider a decimal example where the carry ripples from the lsd to the msd Note that all of the interim sums and carries can be computed in PARALLEL. What’s the catch??? interim sum: -8 to interim carry: -1 to 1

7 Signed-Digit Representation
Allow more digits in the digit set than r r=2, d=[-1,0,1] r=4, d=[-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3] or d=[-2,-1,0,1,2,3] or d=[-3,-2,-1,0,1,2] or d=[-2,-1,0,1,2] symmetric maximally redundant asymmetric minimally redundant symmetric versus assymmetric The result is that numbers have more than one representation (redundant) r=  0110 and and 1-110

8 2  + 1 > r so  > (r+1)/2
Formal Definitions Signed-digit representation for base r has the digit set [- ,-  -1, …,-1, 0, 1, …, -1, ] where  is in the range (r+1)/2 <   r-1 More than r digits in the digit set guarantees redundancy 2  + 1 > r so  > (r+1)/2 (symmetric) r=2, alpha=1; r=3, alpha=2; r=4, alpha=2; r=5, alpha=3; r=6, alpha=3; r=7, alpha=4; r=8, alpha=4 In base 4, with two digits Maximally redundant, -3-3 to 33, 7**2 = 49 reps, but 31 distinct numbers (-15 to +15) Minimally redundant, -2-2 to 22, 5**2=25 reps, but 21 distinct numbers (-10 to +10) so more numbers have two (or more) reps in maximally than minimally redundant, but some numbers have only ONE rep Redundancy coefficient k = alpha/(r-1) and if k=1 maximally redundant, K = 1/2, no redundancy minimally redundant maximally redundant

9 Redundant Rep. Facts The representation of zero is unique (and is the bit string all zeros) The sign of a redundantly represented number is the sign of the most significant non-zero digit (so there is no need for a “separate” sign bit/digit) The complement of a redundantly represented number is simply computed by changing the sign of every (non-zero) digit can you prove them? (proof by contradiction for the first two)

10 Conversion Conversion to a conventional representation is equivalent to rippling the carry (subtract the negative digits from the positive digits) = 0 0 1

11 Representation Overhead
base 2 3 4 8 10 16 32 #bits red. 5 6 #bits conv. 1 overhead 100% 50% 33% 25% 20% So in 8 bits can represent 2 2/3 base 4 signed digits (as opposed to 3 digits + sign in conventional), so there is some representation loss

12 Redundant Rep. Uses Used to eliminate (or severely limit) the carry in addition Used to recode multipliers to reduce the number of partial products recoding the multiplier digits from the digit set 0, 1, 2, 3 to the digit set -2,-1,0,1,2 doubles the speed of multiplication Used to make quotient digit selection easier in division (SRT and higher radix division)

13 Signed-Digit Addition
xi+1 yi+1 xi yi xi-1 yi-1 ici ici+1 isi-1 isi ici+2 isi+1 I I isi = (xi+yi) - r ici+1 where ici+1[-1,0,1] isi[-(r-2),…-1,0,1, …(r-2)] carry chain si si+1 II xi, yi, and si all in the signed-digit set -(r-1) to +(r-1) II si = isi + ici Range on si should be the same as the range on either xi or yi, so si can be reused as an input operand in latter additions

14 Base 4 Redundant Addition
Box I xi+yi ici+1 isi -6 -1 -2 -5 -4 -3 1 2 3 4 5 6 xi, yi, si  [-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3] xi yi xi-1 yi-1 yi+1 xi+1 ici ici+1 ici+2 isi-1 isi isi+1 I ici+1  [-1,0,1] si si+1 II isi  [-2,-1,0,1,2] Addition only possible if we can span the range of xi + yi with the digit sets allowed for isi and ici+1 isi + 4 ici+1 = xi + yi = -6 to +6 xi, yi, si and isi can each be encoded in 3 bits; ici+1 can be encoded in 2 bits

15 Base 4 Example 1 3 -3 -2 X 2 -1 Y xi+yi IS IC S 3 -1 1 6 2 1 -5 -1 -1 2 -2 1 -3 1 -1 4 1 for lecture in nonredundant

16 Possible Implementations
Carry chain ripple limited to one digit position! I&II I II 3bRCA For lecture tradeoffs in complexity - number of cells, fan-in of cells separate I and II cells - lower fan-in, two cell level delay, all custom logic (II is really just a 3b RCA) merged I and II cells - bigger fan-in, one cell level delay (but probably a slower cell time), all custom logic using RCA’s - only custom logic is the middle “correct” cell

17 Signed-Digit Addition – Base 2?
xi+1 yi+1 xi yi xi-1 yi-1 I isi = (xi+yi) - r ici+1 where xi and yi [-1,0,1] ici+1[-1,0,1] isi[-(r-2),…-1,0,1, …(r-2)] = [0] !! ici ici+1 isi-1 isi ici+2 isi+1 I si si+1 II xi, yi, and si all in the signed-digit set -(r-1) to +(r-1) Apparently doesn’t work for base 2 ? But there is a way to make it work by letting carries ripple two positions

18 Redundant Binary Addition
xi yi xi-1 yi-1 xi-2 yi-2 I xi, yi, si  [-1,0,1] tci  [0,1] Ii I I II xi+yi = 2 ici+1 + isi where when tci-1 = 0 ici+1[0,1], isi[-1,0] when tci-1 = 1 ici+1[-1,0], isi[0,1] tci tci-1 tci-2 IIi II ici-1 Note the carry chain of two digits ici+1 isi ici isi-1 carry chain IIIi III III si = isi + ici si-1 si Carry chain ripple limited to two digit positions!

19 Binary Addition Tables
Box I Box II Box III xi yi tci xi + yi tci-1 ici+1 isi ici si X 1 -1 2 -2 possible carry of 1 ti tell whether or not there is a POSSIBILITY of a carry of 1 (tci=0) or -1 (tci = 1) It provides the “link” to avoid the carries in box III (“looks behind” one more digit position) possible carry of -1 never both 1 or -1 from right neighbor

20 Carry Transfer Example
1 1 1 xi-2 yi-2 1 -1 Ii I I 2 1 tci-2 IIi II ici-1 For lecture Note the carry chain of two digits 1 IIIi III si si-1

21 Binary Example X 0 0 0 X 1 1 1 X 0 0 0 X 1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 1 -1 1 -1 -1
1 -1 X Y TC IS IC S X X X X 1 -1 1 1 1 -1 1 -1 -1 For lecture

22 Possible Implementations
Carry chain ripple limited to two digit position! I&II&III I II III

23 Digit Serial Implementation
What if inputs are arriving digit-serially? lsd first msd first II III si I xi yi tci xi +yi isi ici latency of two xi yi I xi +yi tci latency of zero show conventional bit-serial add on the board first? define on-line and on-line delay - latency of two in msd first reflects the carry across two digits maybe give an animated example? II ici isi III si

24 Key References Avizienis, Signed-digit number representation for fast parallel arithmetic, IRE Trans. Electronic Computers, 10: , 1961. Kornerup, Digit-set conversions, IEEE Trans. on Computers, 43(8): , 1994. Metze, Robertson, Elimination of carry propagation in digital computers, Information Processing ‘59, pp , 1960. Nagendra, Power, Delay and Area Tradeoffs in CMOS Arithmetic Modules, PhD Thesis, Penn State Univ., 1996. Parhami, Generalized signed-digit number systems, IEEE Trans. on Computers, 39(1):89-98, 1990. Parhami, Computer Arithmetic, Oxford Univ. Press, 1999. Phatak, Koren, Hybrid signed-digit number systems, IEEE Trans. on Computers, 43(8): , 1994.

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