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Do Now: What are the three steps to writing a Visual Basic Program?

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now: What are the three steps to writing a Visual Basic Program?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now: What are the three steps to writing a Visual Basic Program?
1. Create the interface 2. Write the code 3. Test data

2 3.2 Visual Basic Events An Event Procedure Walkthrough
Properties and Event Procedures of the Form The Header of an Event Procedure

3 Event An event is an action, such as the user clicking on a button
Usually, nothing happens in a Visual Basic program until the user does something and generates an event. What happens is determined by statements.

4 = setting
Code A set of statements that carry out tasks Sample Statements txtBox.ForeColor = Color.Red txtBox.Visible = True txtBox.Text = “Hello World” General Form: = setting

5 Structure of an Event Procedure
Private Sub objectName_event(..)Handles objectName.event statements End Sub (...) is filled automatically with (ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Header

6 Create the following Sample Form
txtFirst txtSecond btnRed

7 Create an Outline for an Event Procedure; i.e. header and End Sub
1. Double-click on a control or 2. Use the Class Name and Method Name boxes. (We primarily use the first method.)

8 Double Click on txtFirst
Sample Form Double Click on txtFirst txtFirst txtSecond btnRed

9 Code for Walkthrough Public Class frmDemo
Private Sub txtFirst_TextChanged()Handles txtFirst.TextChanged txtFirst.ForeColor = Color.Blue End Sub End Class

10 Automatically pops up to give the programmer help.
IntelliSense Automatically pops up to give the programmer help.

11 Double-click on btnRed
Sample Form Double-click on btnRed txtFirst txtSecond btnRed

12 Code for Walkthrough Public Class frmDemo
Private Sub txtFirst_TextChanged()Handles txtFirst.TextChanged txtFirst.ForeColor = Color.Blue End Sub Private Sub btnRed_Click(...)Handles btnRed.Click txtFirst.ForeColor = Color.Red End Class

13 Event Procedure txtFirst.Leave
Select txtFirst from Class Name box drop-down list. Select Leave from Method Name box drop-down list.

14 Code for Walkthrough Private Sub txtFirst_Leave(...) Handles txtFirst.Leave txtFirst.ForeColor = Color.Black End Sub Private Sub txtFirst_TextChanged()Handles txtFirst.TextChanged txtFirst.ForeColor = Color.Blue Private Sub btnRed_Click(...) Handles btnRed.Click txtFirst.ForeColor = Color.Red

15 Handling Multiple Events
Event procedure can be invoked by two events. Private Sub Button_Click()Handles btnRed.Click, txtSecond.Leave txtFirst.ForeColor = Color.Red End Sub

16 JUST SOME NOTES  A font's
name, style, and size properties cannot be altered in code with statements of the txtBox.Font.Name = "Courier New" txtBox.Font.Bold = True txtBox.Font.Size = 16 If you want to know the settings, you can display them using lines like these: 1stBox.Items.Add(txtBox.Font.Name) 1stBox.Items.Add(txtBox.Font.Bold) 1stBox.Items.Add(txtBox.Font.Size)

17 More Notes  The following won't work: frmDemo.Text = "Demonstration"
The form is referred to by the keyword Me. Me.Text = "Demonstration"

18 2 EXAMPLES: The form contains four square buttons arranged in a rectangular array. Each button has the caption "Push Me." When the user clicks on a button, the button disappears and the other three become or remain visible.

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