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Vivian Van Lent – Vice President Education

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1 Vivian Van Lent – Vice President Education
SHIFT Conference 2018 How can we embed students as partners? STUDENTS’ UNION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF GREENWICH Vivian Van Lent – Vice President Education Heather Doon – Representation and Advice Manager Cat Moody- Academic Representation Manager SUGREENWICH

2 The Current Picture – ever more focus on Students as Partners
Teaching Excellence Framework; NSS as a matrix NSS; The National Students Survey focusses on academic representation. Introduction of question 26 means a game changer for Student Unions ‘The students’ union (association or guild) effectively represents students’ academic interests.’ Prioritisation of Academic Representation is both beneficial and crucial for the University and Students’ Union There is more emphasis than ever on students as partners, and there has never been a better business case, as the University of Greenwich has successfully harnessed in their Silver qualification in this year’s Teaching Excellence Frame work. The Students’ Union shares and interest in this endeavour –representing students our core mission as outlined in the Education Act - the purpose of a Students’ union if to represent students’ needs and interests. This has been furthered by the introduction of for a new question to the NSS – number 26 which means that as a union our sole measurement of success in the NSS is on how we best represent the academic interests of students. Given this context over the past year we have worked ever more closely with the university in partnership. We have provided specific input and support onthe TEF submission. SUGREENWICH

3 What have we done? We proactively built partnerships at a senior level across the University We worked closely with our students in making our decision as to whether or not we should boycott NSS We engaged with the University during the Teaching Excellence Assessment We made Academic Representation a priority at the SU, and committed to a three year strategy for enhancement We poured more resource than ever into rewarding and recognising excellent teaching through our Student Led Teaching Awards We worked with University stakeholders and student representatives every step of the way to ensure whatever we do is going to work. The student union undertook bespoke research for the TEF submission in partnership with the university. We used our the resource of our primary mechanism for academic feedback - up to 1,000 Programme Representatives that we train and support each year. Qualitative and quantitative data gathered from 200 of those Programme Representatives, both through focus groups and a survey. We aimed to capture the current perspectives of students on the three main remits of investigation within TEF: Teaching Quality, Learning Environment, and Student Outcomes SUGREENWICH

4 Student Led Teaching Awards - SLTAs
The SLTAs is a fantastic celebration of partnership and best practice in teaching. Supports students to see themselves as influencers. For the University, it provides valuable information beyond the snapshot given by the NSS. The opportunity to provide positive feedback on learning is key in the development of engaged students, and provides invaluable feedback on what students value in teaching. Our awards – the SLTAs – ran for a very successful second year in May. The SLTAs is a celebration of partnership and best practice in teaching but also functions as a reflective exercise, giving students a chance to see themselves as influencers within their educational journey. For the University it provides valuable information beyond the snapshot given by the National Student Survey. The goal of SLTA’s is to develop a partnership between students and their teachers, encouraging them to actively participate in their learning experience. We believe that this is key in the development of engaged individuals, and provides invaluable feedback on the performance of teachers at University of Greenwich. A measure of success in this area is the number of nominations to the SLTAs submitted by students; in were received, which we increased by 165% to 275 for the 2017 awards held in May. This increase can be attributed to a more robust communication strategy, a longer nominations period, and involving students in the process from the beginning. In this vein of partnership, we had further involvement from the academic communities of six Union academic focused societies. SUGREENWICH

5 Key findings of the SLTA submission thematic analysis
‘Teaching style’ ‘Personal touch’ ‘Pastoral support’ 41% of nominations for the Inspirational Teaching award were themed around teaching style, which meant that the students who nominated for this category spoke more often about teaching style rather than a more general inspirational attitude, which was the primary theme of only 23% of nominations. Another result which may be different than predicted is that of the Outstanding Personal Tutor Award, where 33% of nominations sited staff giving a ‘personal touch’ as the reason they appreciated a staff member, while 24% established pastoral support as the most important reason. A ‘personal touch’ to communication and meetings were also important in the Supervisor of the Year category, with 33% of nominations themed around this. The category which encompassed any interaction that students had with staff, the Extra Mile Award, was also most heavily themed around a ‘personal touch’, meaning that the most common reason a student submitted a nomination for all category (at 25% of all nominations) was for a staff member making time for them through offering a more individual focused contact. SUGREENWICH

6 Impact for staff “It says so much about a positive relationship and celebrating excellence” “The fact that we were being hosted by students made me proud. The attention to detail with the décor and the presentations was excellent.” “I have been at university for 4 years, and actually receiving the nomination this year made me feel very much appreciated as well as motivated and aspired to implement new ideas” A key theme of the feedback on the event from university staff was that the nominations meant a lot to them personally as they were direct feedback from students This highlighted the partnership of the events, and how both staff and students can be partners in the teaching experience SUGREENWICH

7 Tell us about your best teaching experience
Great Teaching Tell us about your best teaching experience CODE: P133 A key theme of the feedback on the event from university staff was that the nominations meant a lot to them personally as they were direct feedback from students This highlighted the partnership of the events, and how both staff and students can be partners in the teaching experience SUGREENWICH

8 Academic Representation as a Union Priority: Beyond SLTA’s
Throughout the development of our Academic Representation Strategy, we have successfully worked with the University by developing a close relationship with the Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic, Faculty leadership and the Educational Development Unit. Through consultation with key staff, the following strategy has had input from as many key stakeholders as possible. We believe this is why it will work! Increased support and resource for the SLTAs this year has been very successful, and has been a forbearer to the increased emphasis the Student Union as a whole in our new Strategic plan. Specific points? SUGREENWICH

9 Academic Representation Strategy: Our Vision by 2020
Facilitate Academic Representation Structure in partnership with the University Measure the effectiveness Showcase the positive impact on the student experience to the academic community This emphasis has led to our Academic Representation Startegy, the key aims of which are… SUGREENWICH

10 2017/2018 Priority Areas Establish an Academic Representation Working Group in partnership with the University Review and increase Academic Representation training/support for involved students 90% of FOs trained and in their role by November COMPLETED 60% of Programme Reps trained and in role within 2 months of starting – IN PROGRESS 3 additional development sessions available to reps throughout year - COMPLETED Introduce a Union Academic Council - COMPLETED Build and grow the Student Led Teaching Awards Showcase good practice across University and reward high quality teaching – IN PROGRESS Include reward and recognition for Programme Reps at the SLTAs - COMPLETED Review and Increase reward/recognition for students involved in Academic Representation SUGREENWICH

11 Changes this year - Support
We now have an Academic Representation team, staffed by Cat Moody, Academic Representation Manager, and Arushka Theagarajah, Representation Coordinator. You can get in touch with them at We have produced a video which will act as a promotional information source for the role as well as guiding staff and your students through the election process. We have also produced a draft booklet. SUGREENWICH

12 Building Academic Communities Reward and Recognition Enhanced SLTA’s
Next Steps Building Academic Communities Reward and Recognition Enhanced SLTA’s Academic Communities – hope to put more resource into specialised help for academic societies and other groups of students who represent their academic interests – the importance of letting representation be student led SLTAs – include award categories for reps at the SLTAs as part of a wider push on making sure that our representatives feel that their efforts are recognised. We will also make use of the Union and University’s existing recognition schemes for volunteering and employability. - Approaching students at a Department level rather than at a more broad Faculty level to build on what we know about student identity – increasing staff support to that departmental and programme level, incl;uding in the future hoping meeting support with papers SUGREENWICH

13 Contact Vivian van Lent – Vice President Education
Heather Doon – Representation & Advice Manager (Policy & Advocacy) Cat Moody – Academic Representation Manager SUGREENWICH

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