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Cell Organelles California Standards 1.c. & e..

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Presentation on theme: "Cell Organelles California Standards 1.c. & e.."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cell Organelles California Standards 1.c. & e.

2 Cell Organelles 1. Endoplasmic reticulum (ER): smooth and rough.
2. Golgi apparatus 3. Nucleus

3 4. Mitochondria (plants and animals)
5. Chloroplasts (plants only) 6. Vacuoles (plant and animal) 7. Lysosomes, enzymes 8. Ribosomes, protein

4 Packaging and Distribution of Proteins

5 Cell Organelles Involved in Protein Production
Endoplasmic Reticulum, ER Golgi apparatus Ribosomes

6 ER 1. Allows the movement of material like PROTEINS from one side of the cell to another 2. Acts as the ‘highway’ for the movement of proteins throughout the cell

7 ER Ribosomes

8 Endoplasmic Reticulum, ER, of cells


10 Endoplasmic Reticulum

11 Ribosomes 1. Location for the manufacture of proteins
2. Found on ER and called Rough ER (R for Rough ER) 3. Also found in the cytoplasm of cells

12 Ribosomes Two types of ER: Smooth ER with no ribosomes
Rough ER has ribosomes associated with it

13 Golgi apparatus 1. Packaging and distributing center for the cell
2. Modifies or changes the protein molecule

14 Golgi apparatus and Vesicle

15 Packaging & Distribution of Proteins
1 Endoplasmic Reticulum 2 Ribosome 3 Golgi apparatus 4 Vesicle

16 Protein Molecule


18 Lysosomes 1. Location of enzymes that speed up chemical reactions
2. Break down proteins, nucleic acids and carbohydrates 3. Digest and recycle cell’s used material

19 Nucleus 1. Surrounded by nuclear envelope 2. Location of chromosomes
3. Stores the hereditary information or blue print for life


21 Nucleic Acids in the form of DNA are found in the nucleus of the eukaryotic cell.


23 Mitochondria 1. Energy production and storage
2. Organelle where ATP is made 3. Contain their own DNA 4. Have double walled membrane 5. Powerhouse of the cell

24 Electron Microscope picture of mitochondria
Graphic detail of mitochondria


26 Chloroplasts 1. Found only in plants 2. Location of photosynthesis
3. Pigment ( lipid ) called chlorophyll

27 Electron micrograph picture of chloroplast with graphic picture.

28 Chloroplast Organelle

29 Vacuoles 1. Storage and removal of wastes from cell
2. Storage of water for plants, called central vacuole 3. Store water for Plants 4. Found in plants and animals 5. Much larger in plants

30 Central vacuole in plant cell
Cell wall





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