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Welcome to Open House.

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1 Welcome to Open House

2 Mathematics Counting and numbering patterns to 120 Length
*The enVision Math program incorporates an interactive component utilizing computer technology.This technology can be accessed at home by going on the district website and clicking EnVision math. Counting and numbering patterns to 120 Computation ( adding and subtracting numbers to 20) Tens and ones Adding and subtracting with tens and ones Length Telling time to the hour and half hour Geometry - Identifying shapes Fractions of shapes

3 Science Some Topics of study in Science :
Our science curriculum is a hands-on, inquiry based program encourages children to be actively involved in science activities. Some Topics of study in Science : Observation and behaviors of a scientist Physical Science * States of Matter (solid, liquid, gas) * Forces and Magnets Physical / Earth Science Weather Types of Weather Clouds Thermometers/ Temperatures Wind/Kites Cardinal Directions Shadows Measurements Life Science * Plant and Animal Organisms Beach, Sea Life, Crustaceans Properties Food Energy * We also have a new program that we are implementing this year called Lions Quest. This is a health program that covers many age appropriate topics for first graders.

4 Social Studies Integrated Social Studies/ ELA Curriculum
Based on New York State Standards. Unit 1: Why Should be a Global Citizen? Unit 2: Is the President the Most Important Person in Government? Unit 3: How Can Families be the Same and Different? Unit 4: Can My Life Fit on a Map? Unit 5: What Do Family Stories Tell Us About the Past? Unit 6: What Choices do we Make with our Money?

5 In first grade, students are immersed in a literate environment and will learn to perceive reading and writing as valuable tools for learning throughout their lives. To be a successful reader, it is important for the children to spend time reading at home with an adult every day. Writing Develop awareness of sentence structure Relate reading and writing to personal experiences Organize writing into meaningful sentences Increase understanding of capitalization and punctuation, using these skills within daily written work Create illustrations that demonstrate an understanding of written work. Reading Develop decoding and encoding skills (Fundations- tapping out words, writing words ) Increase sight vocabulary acquisition (Fundations – Trick words, high frequency words) Discover the power and beauty of literature by listening to and reading a variety of books, poems and stories Begin to develop fluency and comprehension strategies

6 Fundations Fundations is a multi-sensory phonetic program that provides students with a foundation for reading and spelling. The program also has a handwriting component to address proper letter formation.

7 Literacy Collaborative Framework
In first grade literacy collaborative framework incorporates guided and shared reading, interactive writing/reading and read alouds. Children develop reading skills at different rates. Guided reading has levels A-Z. It is our hope that children come to first grade reading at Level D and exit in June on Level J or above. Your child will bring home a reading folder which contains guided reading books to be read nightly. Please be sure to return the reading folder each day.

8 Writer’s Workshop Writer’s Workshop includes independent writing based on personal experiences, conferencing and the sharing of published stories. Attributes of good writing are modeled through mini-lessons. Writer’s Workshop: Provides an opportunity to develop independence as a writer Promotes use of spelling rules Encourages integration of sight words Builds ability to write words and use punctuation Fosters creativity and ability to compose Units of Study Include: *Personal Narrative/ Memoir- Small Moment in Time *Non-Fiction *Poetry *Response to Literature *How-To Texts

9 Green Curriculum We are a “Green” school and this year the students will be learning about what is means to be GREEN! Our school is the first school in the state to get a gold LEED certification in energy efficiency. Topics we will discuss include: Recycling Natural Light Geo thermal Hybrid LEED Certification Environment Pollution Solar Sensors Plastic

10 Grade Reporting Report cards 3 times a year
Parent teacher conferences in December and March upon teacher request Phone conferences to update parents on student progress

11 Community Groups, Tallies, Wow/WBR cards
Classroom Management PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) is a building management system which helps students succeed in academic and social situations. Our goal is to build a community of learners who show mutual care and respect for one another. We often work in cooperative groups which promotes team building and helps students learn how to work with others. Community Groups, Tallies, Wow/WBR cards

12 Homework Students will have homework nightly which will be sent home in the beginning of the week. Please initial your child’s work each night after checking the homework. All important announcements and papers will come home in their travel folders. Please return any homework or notes to school in their folder. Please remind your child if they have a note for me in their folders. Please be sure to review work and empty your child’s Travel Folder each night.

13 We are looking forward to a year of learning, having fun and growing! Thank you for coming to our Open House!

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