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There is a difference between not knowing and not knowing YET!

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Presentation on theme: "There is a difference between not knowing and not knowing YET!"— Presentation transcript:

1 There is a difference between not knowing and not knowing YET!
On-Level Seventh Grade Language Arts Contact Information Class Materials Mrs. Angie Phelps Room 128 Third Period Conference (10: :35) My website: For this course, you will need the following resources: Folder with pockets Wide-ruled loose-leaf paper Blue or black pens and/or pencils 4. Bound composition book 5. Book to read daily Description of Course In this course, we will be reading a variety of texts in various genres and analyzing them. We will be exploring various concepts to become better readers and writers. All seventh grade students will take the STAAR Writing test this year, so we will work hard mastering our writing and revising and editing skills. We want the learning to be in the hands of the students. We will accomplish this by assessing where we are and then, making a plan for where we will go next until mastery. We will have a great year with a strong growth mindset that anything is possible with hard work and grit! There is a difference between not knowing and not knowing YET! - Sheila Tobias Course Objectives First Nine Weeks: Fiction and Drama Unit #1- Plot, theme Unit #2- Historical fiction, dialogue and stage directions in drama Second Nine Weeks: Expository/ Informational Unit #3 and #4- Writing expository pieces of text; Analyzing expository text Third Nine Weeks: Poetry and Literary Nonfiction Unit #5- Figurative language in poetry Unit #6- Making thematic connections across multiple genres of texts Unit #7- Literary Nonfiction and personal narrative Fourth Nine Weeks: Informational and Persuasive Unit #8- Legends, Myths and Folktales (Traditional Literature) Unit #9- Supporting an argument with facts and evidence Class Resources: Various genres of texts from Seventh Grade Literature book and from online resources The Outsiders novel Other novel choices for independent reading and book clubs STAAR Test Dates: Writing- Tues., April 10 Reading- Tues., May 15

2 Other Classroom Info Grading Guidelines Make Up Work ELA Test Days
Grading Percentages: 60% for major grades and 40% for daily assignments. Late Work: Daily assignments will be accepted up to 3 days late for 10 points off per day. After 3 days, late assignments will be accepted up to 10 days after the due date, with the assignment grade, reduced by 50 %. Major assignments will be accepted for up to 3 days late for 10 points off per day. Retests: Test can be retaken if a grade is 80% or below, and must be taken within a week. To qualify for a retest, students must come to tutorials, self-assess, and practice area of need. Make Up Work When absent, please check the teacher for missing work. If a quiz or test is missed, set up an appointment to make it up. Work missed due to an absence should be made up within the same number of days missed. **If absence is due to a scheduled school sponsored activity such as a band contest or athletic event, assignments are due before leaving to participate in the event or by the end of that school day. ELA Test Days Wednesdays and Fridays Skyward I encourage you to check your child’s grades often on Skyward. If you are not familiar with Skyward, check the Klein ISD website for more information. Tutoring Times I am available before school every morning at 8 am. Students can make an appointment with me for after-school tutoring. Technology Doerre is a 1:1 campus this year, so we will be utilizing various resources to access the Internet to research, review material, and submit assignments. You must hold yourselves to high expectations when you use these resources. Cell phones must be put away at all times in the classroom unless I asked to use it. I have a stop sign in class that will indicate whether or not we will be using the chrome books or cell phones during the class period for learning experiences. I will explain the procedures for using technology in class within the first two weeks of school. Other Policies Please raise your hand to speak. Come prepared to class with your materials and a positive attitude. Be an active participant in the classroom. Be respectful to everyone and the property in the classroom. Clean up after yourself and return the desks to it proper place. Limit bathroom breaks during; class time is limited and it disrupts important instructional time. Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again. -Nelson Mandela

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