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Macroscopic Density Characteristics

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1 Macroscopic Density Characteristics
Chapter 7 Macroscopic Density Characteristics 거시적 밀도 특성

2 Introduction Use of Traffic Density Definition of Traffic Density
Primary measure of LOS for uninterrupted flow condition System-wide traffic performance evaluation On-line traffic responsive freeway control systems Definition of Traffic Density Number of vehicles occupying a length of roadway (length is usually 1 mile and single lane) Range of Density Value From 0 to values for bumper to bumper condition Bumper to bumper cond.  jam density ( veh/mile; veh/km)) Relationship with average distance headway

3 Density scale subdivisions
1-42 veh/lane-mile Demand < capacity HCM LOS A,B,C,D 42-67 veh/lane-mile Demand  Capacity HCM LOS E Optimum density (because system is most productive in terms of veh-miles of travel) >67 veh/lane-mile Demand > Capacity HCM LOS F

4 Percent Occupancy Percent of time a point or short section of roadway is occupied Used as an indicator of density characteristics in freeway control systems (because of the ease of measurement) Value ranges from 0 to 100% Relationship with density

5 Summary %occupancy or density is an indication of LOS
Used as control variable in on-line RMS Density analysis permits : Shock wave analysis Travel time estimation Traffic demand estimation

6 7.2 Density Measurement Techniques

7 Photographic Technique
Earliest and principal technique before 60’s  Recently, automatically extract density from video images Camera mounted on aircraft flying along the route 10-20% overlapping between photographs 10 mile length typically used as study scope Manually count vehicles to determine density for each subsection

8 Input-Output Count Technique
Density = (Initial count + input – output) / length Detectors should be very accurate Limited to very special situations Initial count Detector Detector Input Output Section length

9 Speed-Flow Calculation Technique
Density calculation by “q=ku” (k=q/u) Requires measurement of count and speed through detectors Problems Time-mean speed used (not space mean speed) Coverage of the calculated density is vague (density is a measure for spatial roadway length)

10 Occupancy Measurement Technique
Density calculation based on occupancy Requires average vehicle length and detection zone length


12 7.3 Density Contour Maps

13 Density Contour Map (Aerial Photo)
Free flow condition Forward recovery shock wave Frontal stationary shock wave Capacity increase (lane addition + grade changes) Recovery Triangular Shape (Traffic condition changes along the boundaries)  SHOCK WAVE Congestion over 4.5 miles and 2.5 hours  330 minute-miles of congestion Congestion extending upstream Backward forming shock wave Congestion moving dowstream (Trucks+Upgade) Congestion (on-ramp/upgrade) Near-capacity condition Near-capacity condition Free flow condition

14 Contour Map by FTMS

15 Contour Map by Computer Simulation

16 Contour Map by Aerial Photography

17 7.4 Introduction to Shock Waves

18 Shock Waves Definition
Boundary conditions in time-space domain that demark a discontinuity in flow-density conditions For simplicity and clarity, only density contour of 60 veh/lane-mile will be considered

19 Example-Signalized Intersection
Demand = constant Capacity varies over time Discontinuity Backward Recovery + Backward Forming

20 Example - Freeway Bottleneck
Demand varies over time 1.5  2.5  2.0  1.5 (lanes of capacity) Capacity is fixed = 2.0 lanes Input=output Backward forming Forward Recovery

21 Generalized Illustration of Shock Waves
Forward forming shock wave Bottleneck occurred Forward Recovery Incident Frontal stationary shock wave Incident removed Frontal stationary shock wave Frontal Stationary Frontal stationary Backward Recovery Trucks slowed down at upgrade Bottleneck re-established Backward forming shock wave Backward recovery (reduced demand between E and C) Reduces velocity of shock wave (9-11) Congestion splits (due to bottleneck at E) Frontal stationary shock wave Frontal Stationary Backward forming shock wave Forward Recovery (Further reduction in demand) Rear Stationary (Demand decreases until input=output) First congestion begins Second congestion begins

22 Classification of Shock Waves
Backward forming When congestion occurs Excess demand storage area in t-s domain Forward recovery Demand decreasing below bottleneck capacity Rear stationary Demand = capacity flow rate at the rear edge of congestion Backward recovery Increased bottleneck capacity Forward forming “Moving” bottleneck(e.g. slow trucks) Steeper slope = fast forming or recovery

23 Shock Wave Animation Backward Recovery + Backward Forming
Forward Recovery Forward Forming


25 7.5 Estimating Total Travel Time

26 Formulation Number of vehicles in the system at time interval t
Average number of vehicles in the system Total travel time (TTT) n = number of subsections in the system Kit= density in subsection i at time t (veh/lane-mile) Li = length of subsection i (miles) Ni = number of lanes in subsection i m = number of observations during the time period vt= number of vehicles in the system at time t T = time period of observation (hours)

27 Example 3:45-6:30 TTT=813.2 x 2.75 hrs= veh-hours

28 7.6 Estimating Traffic Demand

29 Traffic Demand Rate Definition Demand vs. Capacity
Number of vehicles that currently wish to pass a point or short section in a given period of time Expressed as a rate of flow in veh/hr Demand vs. Capacity If Demand < Capacity Demand = measured flow rate If Demand > Capacity Demand ≠ measured flow rate  Unknown !!

30 Importance of Estimating Demand
Quantifying the need for capacity improvements / demand controls Measured flow rate at high density section upstream of the bottleneck, at the bottleneck, and downstream of the bottleneck do not represent demand  Need to determine demand ; To estimate how much increase in bottleneck capacity is needed To assess how much traffic demand must be controlled

31 Example Demand flow rate Lane density Excess veh (15-min) Excess
만일, 용량초과현상이 (2-3)TP에서 90만큼 한번 일어났고 다음 TP에서 초과수요가 없다면 (3-4)TP의 VEXE 값은 90으로 유지되어야 하고, 90만큼 계속 초과라면 180이며, 이 예제와 같이 줄어든 값인 경우 수요가 용량을 초과하는 현상은 이미 없어졌으며 거기에다 감소까지 일어났다는 것을 의미 Demand flow rate Lane density Excess veh (15-min) Excess flow rate Measured flow rate

32 Flow Rates at Bottleneck
Actions  6-7% improvement in bottleneck capacity  Demand control (i.e., ramp control)

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