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Amendment Review 1-27 First 10 Amendments make-up the Bill of Rights.

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1 Amendment Review 1-27 First 10 Amendments make-up the Bill of Rights.
Anti-federalist would not approve the Constitution until a Bill of Rights was added.

2 First Amendment: RAPPS 5 Basic Freedoms
R: Religion A: Assembly P: Press P: Petition S: Speech

3 Freedom of Religion includes: Establishment Clause: The government cannot set up a state religion. Free Exercise Clause: The right of individuals to practice their religion as they wish (within reason).

4 2nd Amendment: 3rd Amendment: 4th Amendment:
right to bear arms (weapons) 3rd Amendment: forbids quartering of soldiers 4th Amendment: limits searches and seizures (need a warrant)

5 5th Amendment: due process of law (“No person shall…be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.” The due process clause in the Fifth Amendment applies to federal crimes and federal criminal prosecutions.  This is procedural due process. protection against self-incrimination I plead the 5th! double jeopardy cannot be tried for the same crime twice

6 6th Amendment: 7th Amendment: 8th Amendment:
right to a lawyer, right to a speedy & public trial in criminal cases 7th Amendment: right to a jury trial in civil cases 8th Amendment: forbids “cruel and unusual punishment” forbids excessive bails & fines

7 9th Amendment: 10th Amendment
entitles you to rights not listed in the Constitution. Unenumurated Rights  "retained by  the people," 10th Amendment powers not given to the U.S. government are reserved to the states or the people (reserved powers)

8 11th Amendment: 12th Amendment:
places limits on an individual’s right to sue states 12th Amendment: separate ballots for president and vice president

9 Civil War Amendments 13th Amendment: 14th Amendment: 15th Amendment:
abolished slavery 14th Amendment: guarantees rights of citizenship, due process (substantive due process) and equal protection under the law. (“nor shall any State…deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” The equal protection clause applies to state governments. 15th Amendment: voting rights for former slaves (African American men)

10 16th Amendment: 17th Amendment: 18th Amendment:
created a federal income tax 17th Amendment: U.S. Senators are elected directly by the people rather than by state legislatures 18th Amendment: prohibition-made the manufacture, sale, and transport of alcoholic beverages illegal

11 19th Amendment: 20th Amendment: 21st Amendment:
gives women the right to vote (suffrage) 20th Amendment: sets the dates of presidential and congressional terms 21st Amendment: repealed (ended) prohibition-alcohol becomes legal again

12 22nd Amendment: 23rd Amendment: 24th Amendment:
limits the president to two terms 23rd Amendment: gives people in D.C. the right to vote for the president; D.C. received three electors 24th Amendment: bans poll taxes (forbids having to pay a tax to vote)

13 25th Amendment: establishes presidential succession
In case of the removal of the President from office or of his death or resignation, the Vice President shall become President. When the President is temporarily unable to carry out his/her duties, the Vice President will become acting President. When there is a vacancy in the office of Vice President, then the President can nominate a successor. A majority of both house of Congress have to approve this nomination.

14 25th Amendment (continued):
If the Vice President and over ½ of the President’s Cabinet vote to remove the President due to a lack for fitness to perform his duties and 2/3rd’s of each house of Congress vote to confirm that decision within 21 days of the vote then the Vice President will become President.

15 25th Amendment: 26th Amendment: 27th Amendment:
establishes presidential succession 26th Amendment: lowers the voting age to 18 Passed in response to Vietnam War. 27th Amendment: regulates the salaries of members of Congress (rules for creating pay raises)

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