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Calibrations What’s new in Kurt Woschnagg, UCB

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1 Calibrations What’s new in Kurt Woschnagg, UCB
IceCube Collaboration Meeting, Ghent, October 10, 2007

2 Selected Calibration Topics
Waveform Calibration DOMcalibrator [C. Roucelle] Linearity/Saturation [S. Seunarine] Relative DOM efficiency [H. Johannson] Golden DOMs [M. Inaba] Ice Properties Dust logger update: deep ash layer found [R. Bay] Standard Candle Waveform analysis [M. Inaba] Azimuthal asymmetry [J. Kiryluk] New data (IC22+TWR) Ice Shear Interstring flasher data [KW] Muon tomography [M. Olivo] Inclinometers [R. Bay]

3 DOMcalibrator [Cécile Roucelle] : icecube/

4 Dual t droop correction

5 General case

6 PMT linearity/saturation
[Suruj Seunarine] Sketch of the method Measured V Expected V

7 PMT linearity/saturation
DOMs have different saturation levels Will be parameterized → DB → DOMcalibrator In-situ flasher data

8 Relative DOM efficiency
[Henrik Johansson] Calculate average nphotons seen by a DOM from a track at distance r (use well-reconstructed tracks) Fit curve according to theory: exp(a-b·r) Use <nphotons(r=0)> as measure of DOM efficiency Relate individual efficiencies to mean efficiency

9 Relative DOM efficiency
Two ways to estimate <nphotons> exp(a-b·r) nHits from FE Use track detection probability

10 Relative DOM efficiency
Attempt to decouple ice effects Use average b, refit a Grouping by b, abs, z

11 Relative DOM efficiency

12 Calibration of ROMEO with GDOM Outline
[Kotoyo for Mina Inaba] Comparison DOMINANT + ROMEO Simulation PMT Calib. Data Glass+Gel Calib.Data DOM Challenging : Large PhotoCathode area … Difficult to do overall ABSOLUTE calibration - Combine RELATIVE 2D measurement small-area ABSOLUTE efficiency measurement ( )

13 Glass + Gel : Acceptance simulation New transmittance and DOMINANT
Outline Transmittance of glass/gel is updated Gel : available for all DOMS ! :) Glass : still small sample(less than 10), need continuous monitoring New Acceptance Photon Acceptance Old DOMINANT Simulation Injection angle : 0deg (off-axis) Beam size : 8mm Beam location : center of PMT Parallel beam Updated DOMINANT(Geant4) New glass/gel transmit. Harness, MB, FB, HV installed Fresnel reflection ON Wavelength [nm]

14 Outline Golden DOM calibration Summary
We averaged available PMT calibration data New Glass/Gel transmittance table is applied to DOMINANT simulation The averaged absolute calibration of GDOM and Romeo + DOMINANT simulation with averaged calib data shows GOOD agreement over all wavelength range New Romeo + DOMINANT simulation represents Stoyan’s In Water Angle Acceptance measurement This plots shows the comparison between DOM measurements and the PMT measurement+glass-gel simulation. The histogram is the expected efficiency which is provided by the simulation explained in the previous slide. The red points are the value of DOM measurements. The difference between simulation and data was 12% at 337nm at first, and then We found that a shift of -3 nm of the penetration curve of a glass and a gel make the difference 0.5%. You can see that data and simulation agrees well over the wavelengths.

15 Dust logger update [Ryan Bay]
First ash layer identified in instrumented volume: Corresponds to known 92,000 year old ash layer in Dome C core

16 Dust logging in the coming season

17 Standard Candle Basics
Standard Candle I Standard Candle Basics Full intensity: (4.0±0.4)×1012 /pulse 40” N2 laser 8”

18 Standard Candle I: waveform analysis
[Aya for Mina Inaba] ATWD based total estimated Npe 100% ? First guess center of brightness COBy [m] COBx [m]

19 Standard Candle I: ATWD waveforms on str39

20 Standard Candle I: ATWD waveforms on str40

21 Standard Candle I: waveform analysis
[Aya for Mina Inaba] Charge Ratio MC/Real 1690m 1910m 1680m 1920m SC

22 Standard Candle I: azimuthal asymmetry
[Joanna Kiryluk] Standard Candle data 1.30 [rad] 4.34 [rad] 2.35 [rad] 3.45 [rad] SC DOM Number

23 Standard Candle I: 22-string data
[Taboada/Filimonov] Data taken on September 18, 2007 pDAQ IC22+TWR default configuration PnF running 7 filter wheel settings: 0.5%-100% 1Hz, 2000 pulses/setting 80 GBytes of raw data → SC filtering needed Filtered data now in Data Warehouse: /data/exp/IceCube/2007/internal-system/ DebugData/1004/DebugData_SCData_Oct03.tar.gz First pDAQ calibration data taken without detector downtime (as envisioned in the PDD) Milestone

24 Standard Candle I: 22-string data
run run 100% 50% 30% 10% 5%

25 Standard Candle I: 22-string data
5% setting, ~120 DOMs 100% setting, ~250 DOMs [AMANDA hits not shown]

26 How to take future Standard Candle data
[I. Taboada] Write a Standard Candle trigger Base trigger on multiplicity, topology, timing Create a pDAQ configuration that enables this trigger Otherwise configuration identical to default Add a PnF filter that runs all the time to select events with a SC trigger No downtime and automatic filtering of SC data

27 Standard Candle II To be deployed on string 55 (3rd of the season)
Between DOMs 42 and 43 λprop (2150 m) ~38 m (SC-II) λprop (1813 m) ~22 m (SC-I) Pointing down (SC-I points up) About 10 times brighter than SC-I Filter wheel dynamic range: SC-II: 1500 SC-I:

28 Standard Candles Standard Candle II deploy next season
57 Standard Candle II deploy next season pointing downward

29 Three experimental approaches: 1. Using the three deep AMANDA strings
Ice Flow and Shear flow model Three experimental approaches: 1. Using the three deep AMANDA strings 2. Muon tomography 3. Inclinometers

30 Using the deep AMANDA strings
● 48/57/58: recently deployed = ~vertical ● 11/12/13: in the ice for >9 years

31 Pilot Runs 9/17 Dawn Williams Andreas Gross ~1700 m ~2000 m ~2300 m

32 What resolution can we achieve?
Zoom in: 1 bin = 5 ns ≈ 1 m ~2300 m

33 muon tomography [Martino Olivo] Reconstruct tracks (include the DOM)
Move DOM around (virtually), keep tracks stationary See how reco likelihood changes → Pandel function

34 muon tomography

35 muon tomography Under development…

36 Pressure vessel <2” I.D.
Biaxial tiltmeter for constraining ~2430 m (on 3-4 strings 2007/08) [Ryan Bay] Special Devices breakout y x ~0.5°/year 3 strings meters per year Angular resolution: 0.01° Angular range: +/- 25° Operating temp: to 85 °C Pressure vessel <2” I.D. (TBD)

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