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Islamic Beliefs Key Beliefs: Life of Muhammad and beginnings of Islam.

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Presentation on theme: "Islamic Beliefs Key Beliefs: Life of Muhammad and beginnings of Islam."— Presentation transcript:

1 Islamic Beliefs Key Beliefs: Life of Muhammad and beginnings of Islam.
Nature of God (Immanent, Transcendent, Omni’s) Six Articles of Faith in Sunni and Usul ad Din in Shia Islam Tawhid, Qur’an Surah 112. Angels (their nature and role, including Jibril and Mikail) Predestination, human freedom and the Day of Judgement. Akirah (life after death), human responsibility. Authority: Risalah Holy Books (The Qur’an, Psalms, Gospels, Torah) and their authority. The Imamate in Shia Islam.

2 Islamic Practices Worship:
Five Pillars in Sunni Islam and 10 obligatory acts in Shia Islam. Shahadah Salah and its significance Duties and Festivals: Sawm Hajj Zakat Jihad Festivals of Ashura, Eid ul adha, Eid ul Fitr.

3 Christian Beliefs Key Beliefs:
The Nature of God (i.e. what is He supposed to be like?) Different Christian views on Creation Different Christian views on the afterlife (judgement, heaven and hell) Jesus: The incarnation and Jesus as Son of God The crucifixion, resurrection and ascension Sin, including Original Sin Salvation (including law, grace and spirit). The role of Christ in salvation, including the idea of atonement.

4 Christian Practices Worship and Festivals
Different forms of worship and their significance (liturgical, non-liturgical; private and public worship). Prayer and its significance (including set and informal prayer) The role and meaning of Sacraments (adult and infant baptism, communion). The role and importance of pilgrimage (Lourdes and Iona). Celebration of Christmas and Easter in UK today. The role of the Church in local and global community: Food banks and street pastors. The place of mission, evangelism and church growth. The importance of global church in reconciliation and responding to persecution. The work of a Christian charity (can be CAFOD, Christian Aid or Tearfund).

5 Theme A – Families and Relationships
Theme B – Religion and Life Marriage Same Sex Relationships Contraception Sex, relationships and polygamy. Divorce and Remarriage Families and Upbringing Gender Equality and Prejudice You should know Secular, Christian and Muslim beliefs on all of the above. Abortion Euthanasia Animal Experimentation Environment Pollution/Climate Change/Global Warming Natural resources Science vs Religious origins of the universe Life after Death You should know Secular, Christian and Muslim beliefs on all of the above.

6 Theme E – Crime and Punishment
Theme C – The Existence of God. The Death Penalty Forgiveness Corporal Punishment Good and Evil Reasons for Crime Attitudes to Criminals Views on crimes Aims of Punishment Prisons Community Service You should know Secular, Christian and Muslim beliefs on all of the above. Define Theist, Atheist and Agnostic Nature of God – Omni’s! Design Argument First Cause Argument Miracles Atheist argument from Evil and Suffering. Revelation – Special and General Enlightenment Visions You should know all theories and the theist and atheist arguments surrounding them, plus strengths and weaknesses of them

7 The following slides have info/arguments/quotes that can all be used in each of the exams.

8 Islam - Basic Quotes ‘God is closer to you than your jugular vein’
Followers should do what is ‘Sunnah’ (i.e. if Muhammad did it, then it’s good and his examples should be followed) The world and all its diversity is Allah’s design Life is sacred/sanctity of life because Allah created it Khalifah role – duty to look after all Allah will reward us in Paradise for our good deeds The greatest sin is to take life without just reason The Ummah – responsibility to other people Allah is just and merciful – we should be the same

9 Christian Quotes Love thy neighbour
Imago Dei – all humans were created in the ‘image of God’. SOL – life is good because God created it. ’There is neither Jew nor Greek, you are all one in Christ’ 10 Commandments tell followers: ‘Do not commit adultery’, ‘Do not murder’, ‘Do not Steal’ ‘An Eye for an Eye, tooth for tooth’. Stewardship and Dominion Genesis 1 – God created the world from nothing and it was good Treat others as you want to be treated (Jesus) Faith without action is pointless (Jesus) God will reward us in heaven for our good deeds

10 Quality of Life Argument
The idea that a person’s life should be evaluated by how much pain they are in and how worthwhile they find life. The Sanctity of Life The Argument that all life is sacred and a gift from God. Only God can give or take life.

11 The Slippery Slope The Lesser of Two Evils
The idea that if we allow something small now it could become something worse and more extreme in the future. E.g. allowing Euthanasia in strict cases now could lead to unnecessary killings in the future. The Lesser of Two Evils The idea that ending a life or doing something bad is better overall for someone or not as bad as the alternative. E.g. Aborting a foetus because it will save the life of the mother.

12 Stewardship The belief that humans were given a duty and responsibility by God to look after the world for future generations. Dominion The belief that humans are the superior species and we were given the right to do whatever we want with the world.

13 Anthropomorphic Occam’s Razor
When God is given human traits that ‘brings him down to our level’. E.g. Comparing God to Paley’s Watchmaker makes him sound more human, which is wrong because anyone could then be God. Occam’s Razor The theory that the simplest answer/theory is usually the correct one. E.g. it is simpler to argue that God created the universe than any other theory.

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