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Good Morning Today is Wednesday, April 14th , 2015

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Presentation on theme: "Good Morning Today is Wednesday, April 14th , 2015"— Presentation transcript:

1 Good Morning Today is Wednesday, April 14th , 2015
Activity Good Morning Today is Wednesday, April 14th , 2015 Bell work Science – Answer & Justify #s 16- Writing Write one or two interesting things you found out about a topic today Write one or two things you are curious about Add any new topics that interest you in your writing ideas sections This Day in History President Lincoln dies At 7:22 a.m., Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States, dies from a bullet wound inflicted the night before by John Wilkes Booth, an actor and Confederate sympathizer. The president’s death came only six days after Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered his massive army at Appomattox, effectively ending the American Civil War. Did you know… grapes explode when you put them in the microwave its physically impossible for pigs to look up at the sky

2 Morning Meeting - Christian
Today is April 15th We go to today for Activity. You have 30 seconds to greet one another around your desk. Important dates and information: Field Trip Money is due this Friday Career Day April Friday Field Trip April 24th Choose 3 people to share about something. After they have shared, choose 2 people to respond to the person sharing. Quote: Let’s all have a great day and be HAPPY! Take up snack money when you are done. 8:40

3 Test Prep Practice Answer Day 8 Questions 10 & 11
5th EOY Test Prep Practice Answer Day 8 Questions 10 & 11 8:45

4 Day 8 This is another vocabulary question-point out that it has to make sense in the passage!

5 Well since the sentence mentions the word protection that makes me think of danger. I can imagine the moon could be dangerous. I am going to eliminate choices. A-sizable and widespread means big but big wouldn’t necessarily mean they need protection. B does match needing protection. This is my best thinking. I do not think it is bulky or awkard-the suit might be but the environment is what we are talking about. D doesn’t even make sense. The best choice is B.

6 Since I know protection is what I was thinking to help me figure out the meaning of hostile, it see protection in D. As I look over all the choices, the only one that supports hostile being dangerous is D because if you are in danger, you need protection.

7 Reading 9:00

8 Task Analysis Moon Phases Day 3

9 Day 3

10 Teacher Slide The R.I 3 standard is about relationships-So basically, how does one thing affect another. We teach kids to look for linksSometimes when we think about relationships they often (but not always) fall into the following categories: cause/effect, problem/solution, compare/contrast, time sequence. Notice anything  yup-these look like text structures. The difference is when we look at text structure (R 5) we are only looking at the words and how they are organized. In this standard we are wanting kids to see the overall relationship-and that may span over more than one text. Yesterday we read a text and identified the multiple main ideas. Today, we will take that same text and work through the relationship between the Sun, Earth, and Moon.

11 What the R.I 3 standard is all about…
R.I 3 is about relationships between individuals, ideas, or concepts. Relationships and connections are all around us. Everything is connected or related in some ways. You can literally make a connection between almost any two ideas, individuals, or events. Relationships exist between individuals (like you and I), events (like war, an invention, etc) and ideas (like honesty, fairness) and concepts like gravity.

12 Today I am going to share five types of connections that you will notice A LOT when you read informational text. We will use this anchor chart to refer to. As I go over the chart, think about individuals, ideas, or events from the media, text, school, or home that are connected in one of the five ways. The anchor chart sample is on the next slide.

13 R.I 3: Relationships Between Individuals, Ideas, and Events or Concepts
(influences) Big Event One Person (that needs a) Problem Solution (of a specific) Cause Effect (and/or) Similarities Differences Sequence Steps Order What relationships do you see????? c Create the chart and then ask kids if they recognize these relationships. Let them identify some they may already know-for example-Superman is one person that saves the earth :O or Abraham Lincoln end of slavery. A problem that needs a solution-trash that overflows on the curb. A cause that has a specific effect-the ice caused a snow day etc… kids know much more about these relationships but they may not have put them into this context. Let them brainstorm for a few minutes and turn and talk about relationships they know that fall into these categories. Then, we wil turn back to yesterday’s text.

14 What relationship does the Sun, Moon, and Earth share?
Ok, so let’s look at the text we read yesterday. What relationship does the Sun, Moon, and Earth share? Look at our anchor chart and turn and talk about your thinking. The next slide has some guiding questions, give them a chance to see if they can figure it out. Walk around and listen in to their conversations.

15 Let’s think about it in this way-
The rotation of the Earth causes… The revolution of the Earth causes… The position of the Earth, Sun, and Moon result in… The Moon blocking the Sun or the Earth blocking the Moon causes… So, do these thinking stems match up to their thinking of cause and effect? The Earth, Sun, and Moon are all connected in a continual cause and effect relationship. One event causes another event etc…Have kids take each of these and work through the cause and effect chain-you could assign one group the first bullet point etc.. Or do pairs. Then they can share-they have to stay in the text though! Cause Cause Effect

16 Nonfiction Week 2 Day 4 Exploring Nonfiction
Being a Writer Nonfiction Week 2 Day 4 Exploring Nonfiction 10:00

17 Getting Ready to Write Briefly Review Extreme Earth Records and Global Warming
Gather partners on the carpet After hearing parts of Extreme Earth Records and Global Warming, what kind of person do you think Seymour Simon, the author, might be?

18 Getting Ready to Write Read and Discuss “About Seymour Simon”
What clues did you hear that tell you that Seymour Simon is a curious person? How does he get information about things he is curious about? Would you enjoy a life as a nonfiction author? Why or why not?

19 Writing Time Read Nonfiction Texts
Spend minutes browsing through nonfiction materials and reading about topics you are curious about

20 Writing Time Write About Nonfiction Reading
What did you find out from your reading today, and what are you curious about? [pause] Turn to your partner

21 Writing Time Write one or two interesting things you found out about a topic today Write one or two things you are curious about Add any new topics that interest you in your writing ideas section

22 Sharing and Reflecting
What did you write in your notebooks today? What can we ask the volunteers about what they shared? What did you heat that makes you curious about the volunteers topic?

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