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The Path to Citizenship

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1 The Path to Citizenship
C & E


3 EQs How can people become citizens of the United States?
How are both legal and illegal aliens able to live in the U.S.?

4 Key Terms Naturalization Alien Immigrant Deport

5 Key Concept Becoming a citizen

6 Who Are American Citizens?
“born or naturalized in the United States” 2 ways to become a citizen: Birth Naturalization

7 Citizenship by Birth Born in 50 states, District of Columbia, or American territory Born to parents who are citizens or one citizen parent who lived in the US Children born here to noncitizens Exception – Diplomats’ children Dual citizenship = both US and another country

8 Naturalization Process
Noncitizens = aliens Came to US to study, visit, or work Immigrants Steps of Naturalization Sign statement declaring desire to become citizen Filed w/ Immigration & Naturalization Service (INS) Live 5 years in US Take special classes to prepare for citizenship 18 yrs old & lived in same state for 3 months – file an application Interview w/ INS Take a citizenship exam Questions about reading, writing & speaking English and basic history facts concerning US and gov’t Final step is oath of allegiance & ceremony Sign doc.

9 American soldier during the Vietnam War

10 A Lifelong Privilege Keep citizenship forever
Only fed gov’t can take away (& give) citizenship If someone voluntarily gives up citizenship – can never regain citizenship

11 Aliens in America Millions of people apply to enter US each year
~675,000 allowed in People allowed in based on particular skills, talents, or money to invest in our economy

12 Illegal Aliens Some refused permission to enter, other never applied for fear of rejection Agnst law to hire illegal aliens Risk capture and deportation back to their country Border patrols try to regulate & prevent illegal immigration

13 Legal Aliens Both legal & illegal aliens may hold jobs, own property, attend public schools, & receive gov’t services Have to pay taxes Guaranteed legal protection Do not have full political rights Cannot vote or run for office Must carry identification cards at all times

14 Citizens Aliens How Alike? How Different? Have full political rights
Can work Can own property Guaranteed protection Attend public school Pay taxes Receive gov’t services How Alike? How Different? Have full political rights Can run for office Can vote Can go anywhere w/o ID Do not have full political rights Have to always have ID Cannot run for office Cannot serve on juries

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