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TOPOGRAPHIC MAP Map that shows the picture of the Relief of the earth according to a certain size 

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1 TOPOGRAPHIC MAP Map that shows the picture of the Relief of the earth according to a certain size 

Teknologi dan Rekayasa

3 Gambaran roman face of the earth can be:
Picture natural  The description of a cultural Teknologi dan Rekayasa

4 Natural Picture Form that occurs due to natural events:  Hill  River  Sea  Mount  Other forms of nature caused by  Teknologi dan Rekayasa

5 Example Gamabaran natural
Teknologi dan Rekayasa

6 Gambaran cultural Form that occurs as a result of human culture such as:  Building building  City  Way  Railway  etc.  Teknologi dan Rekayasa

7 Example Lýsing cultural
Teknologi dan Rekayasa

8 Gambaran kultaral and natural topography on the map
Teknologi dan Rekayasa

9 Elements in the topographic map
Type and title of the map Indek map  Orientation map  Legend  The net map  Indek administration  Direction and distance  Position  Area  Source and year of making  Teknologi dan Rekayasa

10 TYPE MAP AND TITLE  Teknologi dan Rekayasa

11 Orientation MAP Penunjuk arah ON THE MAP:  North Meredian (Grid North / GN): Utah is the direction parallel to the central meridian and perpendicular to the local standard.  Magnetic North (Magnetic North / MN): the north and shown through the polar magnit earth.  North Geographic (Geographic North / True North): the north through the north and south poles the earth.  Teknologi dan Rekayasa

12 Teknologi dan Rekayasa

13 Legend Teknologi dan Rekayasa

14 Administrative Index Teknologi dan Rekayasa

15 Index Map Teknologi dan Rekayasa

16 The coordinates system
A set of parameters designed to    the one location, where    one of its parameters projection  Projection: a way to mendisplaykan  object that is located on the surface of the earth  a rounded into a flat permukaa  (Map sheets)  Teknologi dan Rekayasa

17 GEOGRAPHY grid system Nature Grid Geography:
Poryeksi: Longitude / Latitude WGS 84  Zero longitude: longitude Berimpit with time                           Greenwich  Latitude Zero: Berimpit the equator. positive                       towards the north and negative if going to south  Units: Meters  For Indonesia, starting from 90 up to 144 BT BT line parallel to the border (Latitude / Latitude 10 N and 15 LS)  Teknologi dan Rekayasa

18 UTM Grid System Attributes specific UTM Grid:
Projection: Transverse Mercartor                                    (WGS 84)                                    with a wide zone 6                                    degree  First axis: Meredian from Central                                    each zone (3 degrees)  Units: Meters  Absis Semu: 500,000 On Central meridian  Ordinate Sem: 0.0 meters at the equator to the                                   the earth's north.                                  10,000,000 meters at the equator to                                   the southern hemisphere. Teknologi dan Rekayasa

19 Division of UTM ZONE (DGN 95)
Teknologi dan Rekayasa

20 ADVANCED Numbering zones: Zone 1 starts from 180 BB s / BB and 174 d onwards to zone 60 of the 174 BT s / d 180 BT. Indonesia from zone 46 to zone 54. Quoting Latitude: N 84 LS and 80 for Indonesia's 15 LS 10 LU  Teknologi dan Rekayasa

21 MAP numbering system DGN 95
Giving the number grid map DGN 95 starts from the tip of the left of the meridian that is perpotongan BT 90 and 15 parallel LS  To have a 1: scale map grid measuring 1.5 x1 starts with the number 0101 with the bottom left corner of the map located on the BT perpotongan 90 LS and 15 with the top-right corner is located at perpotongan 91.5 BT with 14 LS  Teknologi dan Rekayasa

22 1:250. 000 scale maps have a grid size of 1. 5 width and 1
1: scale maps have a grid size of 1.5 width and 1.0 degrees higher. For the grid position on the field to 12 and to position the line 9 will be the map with the number 1209 which has a corner left of the boundary map is located on the perpotongan BT -7 LS and top-right corner is located at 108 BT perpotongan with -6 LS Teknologi dan Rekayasa

23 Teknologi dan Rekayasa

24 ADVANCED Map 1: scale, grid size 30'x30 'form of the grid map scale 1: to 6 parts. Numbering the map scale 1: added pembagiannya order from left to right, such as the with the left bottom corner is located at perpotongan BT 7 with LS and top-right corner is located at perpotongan BT with 6.50 LS.  1: scale maps, grid size of 15'x15 'in form of grid scale 1: map into 4 bagian.Penomoran numbering the map scale 1: added pembagiannya order from left to right, for example, the bottom left corner is located at perpotongan BT 7 with LS and top-right corner is located at perpotongan BT 6.5 with the LS.  1: scale maps, grid size 7.5 'x7, 5' form of 1: scale map into four sections. Follow the numbering numbering map scale 1: added pembagiannya order from left to right, for example with bottom left corner is located at perpotongan with BT LS and top-right corner is located at perpotongan BT with 6.75 LS  Teknologi dan Rekayasa

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