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Program Overview Norman-Mahnomen Public Health

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1 Program Overview Norman-Mahnomen Public Health
Communities where all people achieve their optimum health potential. Program Overview

2 Family Health Programs
Universal Newborn Home Visiting Breastfeeding Support WIC Follow Along Program High Risk Family Home Visiting Program Nurse Family Partnership Child and Teen Checkups Program Outreach Communities Caring for Children Comprehensive Family Planning Services Prenatal Education Teen Pregnancy Prevention Education Puberty Education Immunizations Lead Testing Dental Varnishing Early Hearing Detection Intervention and Birth Defects Follow-up

3 Universal Newborn Home Visiting
All families are offered a home visit after hospital discharge. The nurse will assess mom’s health, baby’s growth and development and provide education on a variety of health topics. The nurse will also assess for high risk criteria and identify families who need follow up visits. The family is also connected to community resources as needed.

4 Breastfeeding Support
NMPH provides breastfeeding support and education to prenatal and postpartum women through WIC, over the phone and at home visits.

5 WIC (Women, Infants & Children)
WIC is a supplemental food program for pregnant and postpartum women, infants and children under age 5. It provides healthy food, nutrition education, health information and referrals. NMPH currently offers appointments out of the Ada and Mahnomen office along with monthly clinics in Halstad and Twin Valley.

6 Follow Along Program Age specific developmental and social emotional questionnaires are mailed to parents who wish to participate. The questionnaires are returned to NMPH to be scored. When a delay is identified a home visit is offered for further evaluation. Referrals are made to the special education cooperatives when appropriate. The goal of the program is early detection of delays in order to start early intervention services which lead to better outcomes.

7 High Risk Home Visiting
Weekly to monthly home visits are offered to families with children under 5 when there is an identified need. Evidence shows public health home visiting programs are effective at the following; Improving health status Achieving economic self-sufficiency Improving positive parenting Reducing child maltreatment Reducing juvenile delinquency Achieving maternal goals such as child spacing, education and employment Establishing links to community resources

8 Nurse-Family Partnership Home Visiting Program
Nurse-Family Partnership's maternal health program introduces vulnerable first-time parents to caring maternal and child health nurses. This program allows nurses to deliver the support first-time moms need to have a healthy pregnancy, become knowledgeable and responsible parents, and provide their babies with the best possible start in life. The relationship between mother and nurse provides the foundation for strong families, and lives are forever changed – for the better.

9 Child and Teen Checkups Outreach
Child and Teen Checkups (C&TC) are well child visits for children eligible for Medical Assistance and Minnesota Care. Eligible children receive reminder notices from NMPH when they are due for their well child exams. Assistance is offered to reduce barriers in getting to these checkups. NMPH also provides updates and is available to answer questions to clinic staff, social services, foster parents and community groups who work with this population.

10 Communities Caring for Children
Brightly colored “Health Tracks” newsletters are mailed to families eligible for Child and Teen Checkup Program and Follow Along Program. The newsletters contain age appropriate developmental, health and safety information

11 Family Planning Services
Offers pregnancy and STI (including HIV/Hep C) testing/treatment, exams, all forms of birth control methods, education, counseling/reproductive life planning and referrals. Clinics are held 2-3 times per month in the Mahnomen office and by appointment in both Ada and Mahnomen as needed. Serves both males and females, free or low cost, confidential.

12 Prenatal Education Offered through home visits or at WIC clinics.
Follow up and education when a pregnant women or her baby is at risk for complications. Examples include; History of previous complications Lack of family resources Alcohol, tobacco or drug use Family violence Lack of prenatal care Age (either under 18 or over 35)

13 Teen Pregnancy Prevention Education
Classes are taught in the schools at various grade levels using a variety of evidence based curriculums and materials. One on one education is done as requested

14 Puberty Education Education for 4th, 5th and 6th grade students on hygiene and sexual development.

15 Immunizations Immunizations are offered for free through the Minnesota Vaccine for Children Program. NMPH asks for a $5.00 administration fee per vaccination provided. No one is denied for inability to pay.

16 Lead Testing and Follow up
Capillary blood lead tests are done in conjunction with WIC clinics to identified children ages 9-30 months. If a child is identified with a high lead level, NMPH will work with the family to identify and reduce the lead exposure through the high blood lead case management program.

17 Fluoride Varnishing Fluoride varnish is applied to the teeth of children ages 6 months and older to prevent and stop dental caries by promoting tooth remineralization. The varnish quickly adheres to the teeth making it less toxic then other methods of fluoride supplementation.

18 Car Seat Education and Distribution
NMPH employs a Child Passenger Safety Technician to provide education and car seat distribution to eligible members of health plans and through a grant from the MN Office of Traffic Safety.

19 Early Hearing Detection Intervention and Birth Defects Follow up
Public Health is notified from the Minnesota Department of Health about children in our counties who have been diagnosed with a congenital birth defect or have been identified as needing follow up hearing testing. The purpose is to ensure families are connected with necessary resources for early intervention.

20 Adult Health Programs Foot Care Special Needs Basic Care MNChoices
Case Management Personal Care Attendant Assessment Immunizations Health Screenings

21 Foot Care Foot Care is provided to members of the community in either of our offices for a $25 fee.

22 Special Needs Basic Care
Special Needs Basic Care (SNBC) is a voluntary managed care program for people with disabilities ages 18 through 64 who have Medical Assistance (MA). A PHN works with the enrollee to help them get health care and support services.

23 Case Management The nurse provides assistance to individuals receiving waivered services in their home. The case manager authorizes and coordinates services and monitors the delivery of services, adjusting them to meet the ever changing needs of the client. Includes being an advocate for the client to assure their safety.

24 Personal Care Attendant Assessment
The public health nurse assesses the personal care needs and develops a plan of care for those in need of extensive personal care services such as bathing, feeding, dressing and grooming.

25 Immunizations Vaccines are available free of charge to uninsured and underinsured adults through a program from the Minnesota Department of Health. Clients are asked to pay a $5.00 administration fee per immunization. No one is denied because of inability to pay.

26 Health Screenings Blood pressure checks are provided free of charge in both offices. Cholesterol and blood sugar checks are provided by request for a small fee when available.

27 Community Health Programs
Disease Prevention and Control Environmental Health Protection Healthy Homes Assessments Health Disaster Preparedness School Health Services Community Education Statewide Health Improvement Program IPI Clinic Assessment

28 Infectious Disease Surveillance
Detect acute disease spread from person to person Assure reporting to the Minnesota Department of Health Prevent spread of the disease (including immunizations) Control the spread of the disease Examples include, Tuberculosis, STI’s, Vaccine preventable diseases, bio-terrorism.

29 Environmental Health Surveillance
Detect things in the environment that pose a risk to human health Investigation and follow up regarding reports of public health nuisance in which the health of the public is at risk or in danger Questions answered and referrals made using existing resources Examples include food, water, lead, radon, mold, rabies, vector borne diseases

30 Healthy Homes Assessments
The healthy homes approach uses well-documented, evidence-based interventions to address housing-related health hazards. A “healthy home” is a home designed, constructed, maintained, or rehabilitated in a manner that supports the health of residents. The healthy homes approach focuses on the “Seven Principles of Healthy Homes” established by National Center for Healthy Housing: dry, clean, well ventilated, pest-free, contaminant free, safe, and maintained. A PHN performs assessments, provides education and referrals, recommends interventions and options for cost sharing mitigation and follows up with clients.

31 Public Health Emergency Preparedness
Staff are trained to be ready to respond and assist communities with a disaster. Works with providers and county/tribal emergency managers to plan and prepare for potential disasters. NMPH distributes health information to identified community partners about disease outbreaks, environmental threats, natural disasters and acts of terrorism.

32 School Health Services
NMPH contracts with the school districts to provide school nursing services. The licensed school nurse is in the school building between 4-6 hours/week but is always available by cell phone to provide the necessary oversight and direction for the trained health assistants to respond and plan for student needs. Health screenings, referral, education and follow up are also provided.

33 Community Education Community groups (Local Advisory Teams)
Monthly Kalidescope radio program Weekly newspaper articles Facebook page Health Fairs One on one education either by phone or face to face

34 Statewide Health Improvement Program
Statewide Health Improvement Program strives to help Minnesotans lead longer, healthier lives by preventing the chronic disease risk factors of tobacco use and exposure, poor nutrition and physical inactivity. SHIP seeks to create sustainable, systemic changes in schools, worksites, communities and health care organizations that make it easier for Minnesotans to incorporate healthy behaviors into their daily lives.

35 Immunization Practices Improvement Program
Public Health monitors the Immunization practice of local medical clinics to identify areas of vaccine handling and storage improvement for the Minnesota Vaccine for Children Program. The program also identifies “missed opportunities” for vaccination.

36 Influenza Vaccinations
NMPH’s role in community influenza clinics has decreased over the years as flu shots are more readily available at pharmacies and through other providers. We do provide influenza vaccinations to the County and School staff and their families and have vaccine available for children eligible for MnVFC program and un/underinsured adults.

37 Norman-Mahnomen Public Health 15 2nd Ave E E Madison RM PO Box 266 Ada, MN Mahnomen, MN

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