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Mr. Michael Shoukry 7th/8th Grade Math Teacher

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Michael Shoukry 7th/8th Grade Math Teacher"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr. Michael Shoukry 7th/8th Grade Math Teacher
Welcome Back To School Mr. Michael Shoukry 7th/8th Grade Math Teacher

2 Self Efficient Learners and Leaders

3 09/24/15 Warm-up: Please find a seat and start to fill out the information sheet Today’s objectives: About me Topics Rules Typical day Evaluations Additional Help Contact information

4 Topics Order of operations
Adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing Integers Exponents-Positive and negative Solving one and 2 step equations/ inequalities Leading to variables on both sides Irrational number Pythagorean Theorem Transformation on the coordinate plane Reflection, rotations, translation Functions Slope: graphing and using slope Y=mx+b Solving system of equations/inequalities by: Graphing Substitution Elimination Volume of 3D figures Area of 2D figures Irregular 2D and 3D figures Probability Other topics FOIL Factoring binomials and trinomials Consecutive Integers Graphing Calculators

5 Rules: No talking while others are talking
Don’t be afraid to ask questions Remain in your seat Treat classmates, and equipment with respect Take Notes!!!

6 Typical Student Day: Come in ready for class
Homework out, pencil sharpened and notebook ready Start warm-up…Go over warm-up Go over homework questions Take notes Individual activity and/or Group activity START HOMEWORK

7 Evaluation: Weekly Quizzes Test on every Chapter Mid-term Final
Classwork Homework Every Night

8 Additional Help: I am available everyday before school from 8:00am to 8:15am I am also available after school Monday-Thursday till 3:30pm. The student should communicate with me on the day(s) they would like additional help. After school Restrictions: I need a note/ stating that the student is allowed to stay and how they will be arriving home.

9 RV Placement Testing Mid November: Rancocas Valley High School Math placement test PARCC’s?????

10 Contact Information:

11 8th Grade Honors ONLY SUBJECT TO CHANGE
Students are currently in Honors Middle school Algebra. Students who wish to start freshmen year at RVRH with Geometry Honors must meet the following: Have a an average in Honors Middle School Algebra for the first 3 marking periods and score an 82% on the RV algebra Option 2 Test. Test is given in May to ONLY students that have a 90 average for the 3 marking period. SUBJECT TO CHANGE

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