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CORPORATE LEARNING COURSE Seminar 2.4 CAP Structure, Purposes and Procedures
Objectives Define the corporate structure. Discuss the structure CAP’s leadership. Discuss the purpose of each part of CAP’s leadership.
Definitions Structure defines who we are and how we present ourselves to our clients, fellow citizens and communities. Purpose goes to our heart and why we volunteer our time and efforts for our country. Procedures show that we are disciplined in our endeavors.
Various entities make up CAP’s world:
Corporate Structure Various entities make up CAP’s world: The Board of Governors (BOG) CAP Senior Advisory Group CAP Command CAP-US Air Force (CAP-USAF) CAP Wing National Headquarters (NHQ) For each member to become a knowledgeable, efficient and effective corporate member it is important to understand the structure of the corporation that they serve. Understanding the relationship between the corporation, CAP members, CAP-USAF personnel and our corporate employees is crucial to our success. CAP is unique in that it is a federally chartered non-profit organization but it is also the official auxiliary of the Air Force. Both of these relationships have different and unique purposes.
CAP Organizational Chart
Headquarters, USAF Board of Governors HQ Air Combat Command (ACC), USAF Membership Action Review Panel (MARP) HQ 1st Air Force (1AF), USAF CAP-USAF Liaison Region Offices (8) HQ CAP-USAF National Commander/ Chief Executive Officer Chief Operating Officer National Staff CAP Regions (8 Commands) CAP Wings (52 Commands) CAP Groups (Optional) CAP Squadrons (Composite, Cadet or Senior) CAP Flights The CAP Organizational Chart gives us a good overview of how the different bodies interrelate to each other.
The Board of Governors (BoG)
The governing body of CAP. Established in 2001 by the Secretary of the Air Force. Comprised of 11 members, four members appointed by the SECAF, four members appointed by CAP and three members representing interested organizations. Meets at least three times per year. The Board of Governors of CAP is the governing body of CAP in accordance with 10 U.S.C The BoG was established in 2001 by the Secretary of the Air Force (SECAF) under Air Force Instruction The 4 members appointed by the SECAF may be active or retired officers of the Air Force, employees of the U.S or private citizens. Air Force officers will most likely be General Officers or Senior Executive Air Force Personnel. The 4 members appointed by CAP four members selected by the CSAG. The Chair will alternate every two years between a SECAF appointee and a CAP appointee. The three remaining members will be from ‘interested organizations’, such as Federal Government agencies, public corporations, public corporations, non-profit organizations or other organizations that have an interest and expertise in civil aviation and the CAP missions.
Comprised of 13 members National Commander, Vice Commander, Executive officer, 8 Region Commanders, and the CAP-USAF Commander and Chief Operating Officer Last two members do not have voting privileges. Mandated to meet at least twice per year. Advises the National Commander. Recommends policy and proposes Constitution and Bylaws changes to the BoG. Are also members of the CAP Command Council.
Mandated to meet at least twice per year.
CAP COMMAND COUNCIL Comprised of 67 members National Commander, Vice Commander, Executive Officer, 8 Region Commanders, 52 Wing Commanders, CAP-USAF Commander and Chief Operating Officer. Last two members do not have voting privileges. Mandated to meet at least twice per year. Advises the National Commander on operational issues.
Staffed by active duty Air Force and civil service personnel. Comprised of a Commander, Vice Commander and various directorates such as operations, legal, training and safety, and Liaison Regions CAP-USAF Commander is the Air Force program manager for the CAP. Commander is a non-voting member of CSAG and CAP Command Council. The CAP-USAF Commander is in command of all Air Force and civilian personnel assigned by the Air Force to assist CAP. The position is usually that of an active duty Colonel. Most of the personnel are located at the National Headquarters at Maxwell Air Force Base. Additional personnel are located in each Region and comprise of the Region Liaison Commanders and their staff
Operational Unit of the organization.
CAP Wing Structure Operational Unit of the organization. Comprised of a Commander, Vice Commander, Chief of Staff and various wing staff officers, Group, Squadron and Flight Commanders. Wing Commander is a member of CAP Command Council. The Wing Commander is the corporate officer in charge of each Wing, they are appointed by the Region Commander. The Wing is staffed with a Vice Commander, Chief of Staff and various staff positions. All the Groups and Squadrons come under the control of the Wing Commander.
Located at Maxwell Air Force Base
NHQ Structure Located at Maxwell Air Force Base Led by the Chief Operating Officer who is hired by the BoG. Along with the National Commander’s staff officers are collectively referred to as the National Staff. Staffed by paid employees that are specialists in various professional fields general counsel, financial management, safety, inspector general, logistics, educational programs, member services and operations. HQ staff are hired by the Chief Operating Officer. The National Headquarters is located at Maxwell Air Force Base. The Chief Operating Officer is in charge of all the personnel and activities that take place at the National Headquarters. The National Headquarters handles all the administrative functions of the corporation and works closely with the CAP senior leadership to implement regulations and programs.
CAP’s Purpose Encourage citizens to contribute to the good of the nation through volunteer service. Provide aviation education and training to it’s members and local citizens. Encourage and foster civil aviation in local communities. Provide volunteers to assist in local emergencies. Assist the Air Force in non-combat programs and missions. CAP is unique in that it is specifically charted by Congress to be an aerospace education advocate for the citizens of out nation. Our membership is well represented with citizens who are aerospace professionals and who have a passion to share their knowledge. We train our youth to carry forth that love of aerospace and to be leaders in the aviation and aerospace world. The volunteer that joins CAP is service minded with a desire to serve their community and country. Our ability to provide our volunteers with meaningful volunteer service is one of our most important purposes. Just like the forefathers of our organization, today's volunteers yearn to assist their local communities and their nation in protecting their country. This is accomplished through our homeland security missions.
Govern, direct and manage the affairs of the corporation.
BoG Purpose Govern, direct and manage the affairs of the corporation. Determine long range plans for CAP. Adopt and amend Constitution and By-laws. Directs improvements in CAP programs, financial positions, legislative relations and membership development. Oversees various programs and boards. The BoG is the Governing Body of CAP. It’s main purpose is to determine long range plans for the corporation and look at ‘big picture’ issues. It is not going to involve itself in the day to day operation of the corporation. The main documents it is involved in adopting and reviewing are the constitution and bylaws/ The principal tasks of the BOG are to: Adopt and amend the constitution, bylaws and regulations, review long range plans, direct improvements in CAP programs, serve as expert advisors, appoint the Executive Director, oversee the Inspector General, oversee the ACP Adverse Action Review Board.
Conducting the business of CAP.
CSAG/CCC Purpose Conducting the business of CAP. Advise the CAP National Commander. Recommend policy to the BOG (CSAG). Can be tasked by the National Commander.
CAP-USAF Purpose Oversee all activities conducted by CAP when they are performed as the USAF Auxiliary. Responsible for the day to day Air Force support, advise, liaison and oversight of CAP. Monitors the spending of all federally appropriated funds used by CAP. Provide advice and assistance to CAP Regions and Wings. The main purpose of the CAP-USAF is to oversee the activities of the corporation when it is conducting business as the US Air Force Auxiliary. This is primarily when federally appropriated monies are spent in the execution of any CAP missions. CAP –USAF monitors and approves the spending of these monies so that they meet the approved federal guidelines as delineated in the Statement of Work. The purpose of the Statement of Work is to specify Air Force requirements for service that CAP is to perform in furtherance of the non-combat missions of the Air Force. They are also an advisory body to assist the corporation in conducting their operations in an efficient and effective manner.
Conduct the day to day operations of the organization.
CAP Wings Conduct the day to day operations of the organization. Ensure the mission of CAP are carried out within the wing. Ensure the regulations are effectively carried out within the wing. The main purpose of the Wing is to carry out the missions of the corporation at the local level. The Wing Commander insures the members of the Wing are kept up to date with all new regulations and procedures that are adopted by the BOG. The Wing Commander is also charged with bringing any issues encountered by the members of the wing to the CSAG through our Agenda Item process.
Administers the day to day affairs of CAP.
HQ Civil Air Patrol Administers the day to day affairs of CAP. Translates the will of the BOG into written regulations, manuals and pamphlets. Writes educational and training materials for members. Develops CAP’s information technology tools. Maintains records relating to the operations of the corporation. Coordinates with the Regions and Wings.
Corporate Procedures Outlined in written form through regulations, manuals, pamphlets and policy letters. Not discretionary. Same in all CAP entities. The Procedures of our organization are born out of our need to be more efficient and productive in our endeavors. Our procedures usually start at the grass-roots level with the needs of our members being the focus. Our organization prides itself on being the Auxiliary of the Air Force and therefore we believe in the concept of Chain-of-Command. This concept translates into our belief of following our rules and regulations. We are also an organization of individuals who prides itself in the ‘American Way’ which translates into ‘getting the job done’. We are unique in that we can mesh the two concepts together to become the Civil Air Patrol.
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