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Diagnosis and Remediation of Reading Difficulties

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1 Diagnosis and Remediation of Reading Difficulties
Facilitator Name & Credentials Reading 415

2 Week 1 Stages of Reading Factors Affecting Reading Success and Failure
Types of Reading Difficulties

3 Week 1 Objectives Identify the stages of reading development.
Identify factors that affect reading success or failure. Examine how writing may influence reading success or failure. Identify reading difficulties that students experience.

4 READING ACQUISITION Stages of Reading Acquisition Emergent literacy
Early reading – Grades K–1 Growing independence-fluency level – Grades 2–3 Reading to learn – Grades 4–6 Abstract reading Source: Gillet, et. al. (2012)

5 READING ACQUISITION The Interactive Nature of the Reading Process
Reading is a parallel process rather than sequential process. Listening, speaking, reading, and writing Reading and writing are complementary processes. Orthographic, phonological, meaning, and context Reading instruction has five interrelated components: reader, text, instructional approach, and context. Source: Gillet, et. al. (2012)

Factors That Affect Reading Success or Failure Environment Socioeconomics Cultural Language acquisition and development Biogenetics Cognitive aptitude Prior knowledge and experience Instructional delivery Learner attitude and learned helplessness Source: Gillet, et. al. (2012)

How Writing Can Influence Reading Success or Failure Importance of integrating reading and writing Writing experiences can help a child’s reading and visualization abilities. Allow successful approximations of spelling. Importance of writing in student’s processing of information, such as response journals, note-taking, and clarifying information Source: Gillet, et. al. (2012)

Types of Reading Difficulties Dyslexia Aphasia Dysgraphia Strephosymbolia – letter reversal Slow processing speed Decoding problems Lack of reading strategies Comprehension problems Recall and retrieval problems Lack of fluency Lack of motivation Aliteracy Source: Gillet, et. al. (2012)

9 Conclusion Add any final notes or announcements for the next class meeting. Post the presentation AFTER the first night of class.

10 References Gillet, J. W., Temple, C., Temple, C. , & Crawford, A. N. (2012). Understanding reading problems: Assessment and instruction (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education.

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