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Wales Essential Skills Assessment Toolkit (WEST)

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1 Wales Essential Skills Assessment Toolkit (WEST)
Michelle Morgan Senior ESF and Essential Skills Policy Manager Employability and EU Funding Division Skills, Higher Education and Lifelong Learning Group

2 WEST Mandation Dates Work Based Learning providers and Adult Community Learning providers: WEST transition period will end on 31st July Providers will be mandated to use WEST from 1st August 2016. Further Education Institutions: WEST transition period will end on 31st August Providers will be mandated to use WEST from 1st September 2016. Pre-Entry Learners: The decision is yet to be taken with regards to a mandation date for Pre-Entry Learners and therefore it has been agreed that for this particular cohort of learners, existing initial assessment methods can continue until a standardised assessment can be identified for Pre-Entry Learners.

3 WEST Policy Current Welsh Government (WG) policy states that all learners undertaking WG funded provision of more than 5 hours per week must have their essential skills levels assessed. WG developed the WEST to provide a consistent and standardised method of completing the Initial and Diagnostic Assessment for learners who have essential skills levels from Entry level to level 3. WG hosted a workshop with practitioners to discuss the issue of Essential Skills Assessments for Pre-Entry Learners on 16 May 2016.

4 Pre-Entry Level Workshop (1)
The main issues identified were: Additional Learning Needs (ALN) - Many learners that are at pre-entry essential skills levels also have ALN from mild to severe; severe to complex and profound Welsh Language availability – Any standardised tool or assessment process must be available through both English and Welsh Involvement - Assessments involve a number of individuals in order to complete them (therefore cannot be completed independently by the learner) The learner The tutor A support worker/career/social worker A parent or guardian

5 Pre-Entry Level Workshop (2)
Time to complete – it is usual for the assessment process to be completed within a 6 week induction period – for WEST the requirement is for assessments to be completed within 2 weeks of a learner starting on their programme of support. Progress can be demonstrated incrementally (moving vertically between milestones); laterally (demonstrating different skills within the same milestones); and by the learner maintaining their skills (for example from one week to the next). Visual – any agreement for a consistent assessment process must take into account that the visual element of questions is integral. Social and Independence Skills – this is integral for all pre-entry and ALN learners. Currently WEST does not assess these skills.

6 Next Steps Work with Tribal Ltd (contracted lead for WEST) to enable the assessment start level to be set at Entry Level 1. Explore the possibility of setting up a working group specifically to review current assessment methods in more depth. Any further queries please contact Michelle Morgan –


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