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In September 1991.

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1 In September 1991

2 ? 


4 5,300

5 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? WHAT HOW WHO ? ? DID DID

6 ÖTZI 3350 BC – 3100 BC BC - before Christ AD – anno Domini 600 before

7 46 years 1.6m





12 a path ( pa:Ɵ) – a track between two places
an archaeologist (a:ki'ɔləʤist) – a person who studies archaeology corn (kɔ:n)- a plant with yellow seeds a goat (gəut)-an animal similar to a sheep an axe (æks) – a sharp tool a bow (bəu)- a weapon for shooting arrows a tool (tu:l)- a piece of equipment which you use to make something a cloak (cləuk)- an outer piece of clothing with no sleeves sophisticated (so'fistikeitid)- opposite of primitive

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