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Kil-Hun Lee1,*, Moon-Seok Jun1, Hyeon-Hong Kim2,

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Presentation on theme: "Kil-Hun Lee1,*, Moon-Seok Jun1, Hyeon-Hong Kim2,"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Study on the Automatic Emergency Alert Broadcast using a Coordinates Techniques in an T-DMB System
Kil-Hun Lee1,*, Moon-Seok Jun1, Hyeon-Hong Kim2, 1 Department of Computer Science, Soongsil University Sangdo-Dong, Dongjak-Gu, Seoul, , South Korea Abstract. This thesis suggests a method awaring that separate message used by T-DMB broadcast and emergency alert broadcast could lead to national network paralazation or chaos and protecting malice attacks. The current structure and security technique used by automatic emergency alert broadcast is prone to Hijacking type of attacks, so research is progressed introducing coordinate Zero Knowledge Proof adding to the existing AEAS structure. Also, automatic emergency alert broadcast model applying the suggested technique is implemented, the difference between the exsting system and additional research plan is studied. Keywords: T-DMB, AEAS, EAS 1 Introduction 1-1. Research Background and Necessity T-DMB we normally use could lead to extra damage when there is catastrophe because of its personal and portability characteristics. When T-DMB sends automatic disaster alert message, the receiver(people) does not know if it is true or not. When malice Hijacking attack occurs, there will be a serious damage to both nation and the people. It will be possible for safe data transferring process if the suggested method of this thesis, prohibiting the attacker sending malice information, is practiced. 2 Related Research 2-1. AEAS(Automatic Emergency Alert Service) T-DMB AEAS means when emergency occurs, National Emergency Management Agency uses T-DMB and other multi-medias to broadcast the automatic emergency alert. 2-2. Zero Knowledge Proof * T-DMB : Terrestrial Digital Multimedia Broadcasting ICCA 2013, ASTL Vol. 24, pp , © SERSC 2013

2 Figure 1. Suggested protocol certification process
Proceedings, The 1st International Conference on Convergence and it's Application Zero knowledge proof means the method which the testifier P and the verifier V prove through interaction. The testifier proves the secret information to the verifier without explicating the justification of a fact. 3 Suggested Context This thesis suggests stream data transfer security, which coordinates value is applied as random numbers of emergency alert message, from the section beginning from emergency alert transferring agency to the receiver. Stream data provides transferring module and creates zero knowledge proof process and coded coordinates information random value. All verification process is only formed out of information used during possibility statistics value. The message sent through T-DMB network is the statistics information used for zero knowledge proof; time, instrument, emergency data related coordinates are included in the heather and it is certified after compared verification is held. Figure 1. Suggested protocol certification process The packet added in data frame for zero knowledge proof is, in some cases the volume could be changed according to the type of the certification message of voice, text or other extra means. To maintain the efficiency the largest certification value should be set below the capacity of the data packet, the certification packet and the 184

3 4 Performance Evaluation
A Study on the Automatic Emergency Alert Broadcast using a Coordinates Techniques in an T-DMB System message packet is separately sent. Until the zero knowledge proof is done, the transmission contents are sealed by adding to coordinates certification heather for decoding the specific message by mixing the segments of emergency alert data. As a result, decoding is possible only when the transmission possibility of the certification process is both about equal. To verify related message, random form of conversation or related information is asked and each answers are confirmed of safety of digital signature sent and formed through padding creation module, then the automatic emergency alert broadcasting begins. 4 Performance Evaluation 4-1. Implementation result This paragraph evaluates the suggested service of automatic emergency alert broadcasting service. To implement suggested system, Home Premium K (x64), MS Windows Phone SDK 7.1 and MS Visual Studio 2010 is used. Figure 2. suggested system implementation monitor As a result of automatic emergency alert broadcasting of coordination zero knowledge proof process, to get the zero knowledge possibility statistics between the server and the client the limitation range of insert value is needed. When using multi- factor zero knowledge proof is introduced, only zero knowledge verification process is replayed without extra verification. (The keyboard safety of the input value is supposed.) The [Table 1] below describes the analysis and safety compared verification of Man-in-the-Middle attack, Zero day attack to certify the security of the suggested system. Table 1. Compare the safety of existing systems and Verification Existing System The Suggested System Hijacking, Sniffing, etc unknown Coordinates Vector Zero Day Attack Sub Channel Defense Zero Knowledge Proof 185

4 5 Conclusion References
Proceedings, The 1st International Conference on Convergence and it's Application 5 Conclusion This thesis is suggested to supplement the existing emergency alert message sending system simply using sub-channel. Current system emphasizes the efficiency of output of transmitted data without additional certification. However when emergency occurs and the suggested method is applied, the range and possibility of the damage of the nation decreases by verifying zero knowledge before it is sent. Additional research should be made before applying to the system, but security of mobility is guaranteed while securing the existing characteristics. References Jinhee Park, Jinwook Chung, Hwijin Kang, “Design of disaster alerting information disseminator”, NISS, 5th International Conference on New Trends in Volume 1, 2011. Linda K. Moore, “The Emergency Alert System(EAS) and All-Hazard Warning”, June 26, 2009. Seong-Geun Kwon, Heeyoung Jun, Suk-Hwan Lee, Ki-Ryoung Kwon, “TII BASED T-DMB LOCATION AEAS RECEIVER MODEL”, ICME2009. Seong Jong Choi, “Analysis of Emergency Alert Services and Systems”, Convergence Information Technology, 2007. 186

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