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Edouard Dayan Director General International Bureau, Universal Postal Union Rural development opportunities through postal financial services Rome,

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Presentation on theme: "Edouard Dayan Director General International Bureau, Universal Postal Union Rural development opportunities through postal financial services Rome,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Edouard Dayan Director General International Bureau, Universal Postal Union Rural development opportunities through postal financial services Rome, 24 November 2010

2 The three dimensions of the global postal network:
The physical dimension: post offices worldwide The electronic dimension: EDI network operated by the UPU The financial dimension: money transfers, payments of invoices or social benefits, savings, micro credit, assurances, loans, etc. (financial inclusion)

3 1.5 billion people worldwide use Posts for financial services
400 million people have postal accounts

4 The UPU vision To provide all citizens of the world with access to efficient, reliable, secure and affordable electronic payment products, and to link these with basic account-based financial services


6 355 rural post offices Tariffs reduced by 30 to 50% Volumes increase by 61% Connexion between West African countries and with other regions

7 New proposals in the Asia-Pacific and Central Asia regions
Provide access to remittance and social payment services: to more than 800 million rural citizens in 7 countries through rural post offices

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