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Reflections Arts Program

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1 Reflections Arts Program 2017-2018
Theme: Within Reach LWPTSA Council Reflections Program LWPTSA Council

2 Introductions Bellevue PTSA Council Reflections
Melissa Saunders – Rules, Submissions, Judging - Celebration and viewing, Best in Show cards ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Need: 4 – 5 Committee Members To help with Council Events – Turn-In Day; Prep for Judging Evening; Judging Evening; Art Show; Prep for State drop-off Tasks include: Set-up, sorting, labelling, clean-up, etc. Events take place during day and/or evening. **Members not expected to help at all events but hopefully at more than one. Not a late night person/an early bird, but will answer questions quickly. Committee Members: not necessarily available for every event but for as many as schedules allow – will send out an Will also send out a sign-up genius prior to an event to everyone because additional help will be needed LWPTSA Council Reflections Program LWPTSA Council

3 Reflections Competition Overview
The Reflections arts competition is a National PTA Arts in Education Program. It was started in 1969 to encourage and recognize students for their creative talents. Reflections is the largest art program of it’s kind in the U.S. 4 ROUNDS Local (that’s you) (Sept –Dec) Council (that’s us) (Dec – Jan) State (Jan – Mar) National (Mar – May) 5 GRADE DIVISIONS Primary (K-2) * Intermediate (3 – 5) * Middle School (6 – 8) High School (9 – 12) Special Artist (all grades) * Primary and intermediate divisions must be judged separately. 6 ART CATEGORIES Dance Choreography Film Production Literature Music Composition Photography Visual Arts Lots of emphasis on academic and athletic talent– but what about kids who have an interest in the arts? Creative and artistic kids often don’t often get the opportunity to be recognized for their talents. Reflections gives those students the opportunity to participate in a competition. In our council, Reflections is the only program where the kids are directly involved. LWPTSA Council Reflections Program LWPTSA Council

4 Bellevue PTSA Council Program, 2016-2017
PTA/PTSAs Participating: 26 of 28 Local PTA/PTSA entries received at Council: ~400 Council award winners that advanced to state: 80 WA State award winners from our council: 12 4 Advanced to Nationals National Award Winners from BSD: 1 Award of Excellence We have had National Winners in the past LWPTSA Council Reflections Program LWPTSA Council

5 Local PTA/PTSA: Setting A Deadline
Each local unit sets their own deadline for turning-in entries Work backwards from Council’s online registration deadline: ** December 10th by 11:59pm ** Actual time needed depends on number of entries expected; experience of the committee members; and number of helpers. LWPTSA Council Reflections Program LWPTSA Council

6 Setting A Deadline October - Register Your PTA Reflections Arts Program - Begin promoting reflections - Allow 4 – 6 weeks for students to work on projects November Promoting Reflections continues Start finding Judges - Deadline Date for entries - After deadline, begin prepping entries for judging, allow 1 – 2 weeks December - Judge entries Judging Evening Sending entries to judges - Determine winners - December 10th or earlier Register winners - December 4-8- prepare winning entries for Turn-In Day Are your entries ready for Turn-in Day December 11th? Opportunity for students to correct entry, disqualified entries Sending entries to judges - Music, Literature, Film, Dance; due by 9th/10th More on prepping – what needs to be done for Judging at the school level and Turn-In Day LWPTSA Council Reflections Program LWPTSA Council

7 Local PTA/PTSA: Promoting to Students
What to include: Informational cover letter/flyer with contact name, where to find Rules and Entry Form, deadline date & time, entry drop off point, etc. Art category rules **Recommend copying the cover letter on the back of the Rules (NOT entry form) Student Entry Form (top portion pre-filled) *It’s a fillable PDF this year. Theme search contest form (optional – careful that students don’t use this for their Reflections entry form.) Found at www. All documents should be obtained from the Washington PTA website (not National)! Creating a Packet versus having Individual documents available: Cost of photocopying – more with packets Students deciding which category – do you give them a packet with all categories or let them choose which ones? Want students to use what is prepared by the local chair Cover letter copied on the back of the Category rules Checklist for Success Student Entry Form - if not filled because got if from state website, can fill later LWPTSA Council Reflections Program LWPTSA Council

8 Promoting to Students How to Distribute Information
Distribute hard copies in main office, library, lunchroom, etc . Post to PTA/PTSA and/or school websites Bulletin Board Marketing Materials Create your own materials Need to check and replenish quantities – photocopy only what is needed Will send a slide show of displays from last year?? LWPTSA Council Reflections Program LWPTSA Council

9 Promoting to Students Have an information table at lunch time where students can stop by and ask questions and get information packets or individual documents. Have a table in the lunchroom with a blank banner and markers. Invite students to think about the theme and then decorate the banner with their ideas. Then use the banner to promote your program. Distribute a Power Point presentation that could be shown by teachers to introduce Reflections and encourage participation. Use posters, school and PTA/PTSA newsletter, flyers, Facebook/social media, and work with teachers to encourage students to participate. Announcements – Morning, After School – a meeting or workshop Note: Committee member names and contact information should be on all written communications. Other ideas???? Refer also to the Reflections Local Leaders Guide on Washington State PTA website One year the theme was: Diversity Means. Diversity is a big word for young elementary school children so I went to lunches. Give each teacher a note with a flyer attached. The note would have brief explanation of program. LWPTSA Council Reflections Program LWPTSA Council

10 Promoting to Students Student Entry Form:
Download a copy of the official entry form from and pre-fill your PTA information at the top of the form before making copies. Pre-Filling the Entry Form (a fillable PDF) District/Council = Bellevue. Region = 2 / State = WA PTA/PTSA – Use the full name of school State and National ID numbers from PTA/PTSA President or Treasurer or National PTA website PTA/PTSA should be your personal or school’s Reflections program . Do not use Council’s information. Council, State and National need to be able to reach Reflections Chair if questions. If student submits a Student Entry form without this information, just fill it in. LWPTSA Council Reflections Program LWPTSA Council

11 Make sure information is legible!
Promoting to Students Student Entry Form (cont’d): Pre-Filling the Entry Form PTA/PTSA Address is the school’s address. Chairperson phone number should be your personal phone number. Do not use your school’s phone number or Council’s. Make sure information is legible! Council, State and National need to be able to reach Reflections Chair is questions. If student hands in a Student Entry form without this information, just fill it in. LWPTSA Council Reflections Program LWPTSA Council

12 Recognition is important to increasing participation!
Promoting to Students How many entries should be expected? Elementary School: 20 to 50 Factors for variance: Language barrier Access to materials Lack of support from PTA, school staff, teachers Middle School: 10 to 40 (one school had 95 last year) High School: 5 to 25 Factors for variance for MS/HS: Less parental involvement therefore up to student to participate Busier schedules More homework Recognition is important to increasing participation! At Middle School and High School – try to get the art teacher(s) involved More about recognition later LWPTSA Council Reflections Program LWPTSA Council

13 Promoting to Students Changes to the 2017-18 Program:
Visual Arts – 3D is now offered by Washington State, but not at Bellevue Council PTSA Visual Arts – 2D: size and thickness have changed Maximum size is 24” x 30” (includes matting). Maximum size is bigger this year. Thickness is ½” (includes matting) It is no longer 3/8”. Photography: minimum and maximum sizes of photo have changed Minimum size is 3” x 5” Maximum size is 8” x 10” Photo + Mat is no bigger than 11” x 14” Music, Film and Dance: Rules still have CDs and DVDs as an option for submitting entry. It is hard to find CD and DVD players these days. It would great if Chairs could stress that USBs are preferred. A document on changes in packet LWPTSA Council Reflections Program LWPTSA Council

14 Local PTA/PTSA: Judging Entries
Finding Judges Start looking for judges now while students are working on their entries! At least 2 judges per category. Three per category is recommended especially if many entries in the art category. Consider asking teachers, librarians and parents at other schools and private teachers (music, dance) Recruit people who are experienced in the art category they are judging as a professional or a hobby NO teachers or staff from your own school. Parents: NO on parents who have a child participating! If no child participating, may consider a parent if you believe they are capable of being impartial. Judges may judge more than one category if they have a working knowledge in both areas Good places to hold the judging are the school library or cafeteria in the evening, your home. Other ideas?? Literature, Music, Film and Dance can be given to judges to review on their own. For these judges determine drop-off time and place and then a pick-up time and place. Example: 2 music entries – 2 judges / over 10, 3 is preferred. Piano teachers, Dance teachers Photographer – hobby Pair up with Middle School or another school LWPTSA Council Reflections Program LWPTSA Council

15 Judging Entries Student Entry Form: Student Portion
Is it complete – all fields? Is it legible – all fields? Is it signed by student and parent? If over 18 years old, parent signature not required. Check if is correct by ing parent at least once. Does it have a Title? Are the art dimensions stated for Visual Arts and Photography? If not, chair can fill it in. Size includes the mat, e.g., Photo + Mat = dimensions Is the Artist Statement 100 words or less? Count because if an entry is moving on to Council, the artist statement will be cut off at 100 words when entering into the Online Registration system. Artist Statement should not continue on the back of the form. It should continue on a separate page or submitted on a separate page. LWPTSA Council Reflections Program LWPTSA Council

16 Judging Entries Preparing entries for Judging: Visual Arts and Photography Use the Checklist provided! - No name on the front of the entry (cover with a removable label) - For judging, art sleeves are not necessary if student did not include one with entry unless image can be smeared or chipped (e.g., pastels) or entry will be handled/transported several times. - For judging, labelling back of entries can be done now or later (only winning entries necessary) - Fold entry forms in half so only the lower portion (below dotted line) is visible to judge Receive a copy of checklist Follow the Checklist now, easier when preparing advancing entries to Council Council requires art sleeves Crossed out what is necessary for prepping for Council Shortcut – saving time and money You will be advancing up to 25 entries, so doing the extra steps for those advancing only LWPTSA Council Reflections Program LWPTSA Council

17 Judging Entries Preparing entries for Judging: Literature, Music, Dance, Film Literature: -Rules do not state submitting copies with entry. Council needs 3 copies + original for Judging purposes. Would like Chairs to supply 3 copies of those literature entries advancing to Council. No staples! Paper clip multiple pages Council does not want literature entries on a USB drive as stated in Rules. Paper only. For judging, labelling back of all pages is recommended now, pages could get misplaced. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Fold entry forms in half so only the lower portion (below dotted line) is visible Literature: 3 copies can be done now or later (only winning entries) Literature: label back of each page not just last page LWPTSA Council Reflections Program LWPTSA Council

18 Judging Entries Miscellaneous Information
Entry forms must be submitted on white paper and legible. Do not alter forms. Use only the forms and documents from the WSPTA website or provided by Bellevue PTSA Council. Local PTA/PTSAs may accept multiple entries from a single student at their discretion. An entry must be the work of ONE student. Other people can perform or appear in a student's original work but may not do any of the creative work. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can create a spreadsheet (word table or excel spreadsheet) and enter the following information: Name of student, art category, grade, , title of artwork, judging score (total or average), and advancing (use *) After judging, enter artist statement of winners. It’s easier to catch typos and then can cut and paste into online registration. Uses for this doc: a record of entries in one place, ing students, creating labels, etc. Saves a lot of time further on in the process. You could also have students register their own pieces on your website using a platform like google docs. Your web manager could help with this, hopefully. If two students want to work on a project, only one gets recognized. If done in Word, checks spelling and word count. In Excel, checks spelling. LWPTSA Council Reflections Program LWPTSA Council

19 Judging Entries Judging must be blind and impartial.
At the elementary level, entries must be separated into Primary and Intermediate entries and then again by art category. Primary and intermediate entries must be judged separately from each other. Judge all entries even if you only have a few entries. Disqualified entries (did not meet the rules): do not judge but hold on to for displaying in the school (e.g. art show). Let student/family know why disqualified. Use the judging scorecard and rubric available from the WA State PTA Reflections webpage. Each judge has their own judging scorecard. (Note: the scorecard is a Word doc so Chairs can type in Title of Entry.) Make sure your judges have access to the artist statements only (no personal information). Provide the judges the Rules for the Art Category they are judging. Judges scores are confidential. Do not share them outside of your Reflections committee. Parents may ask about their student’s scores. Judge = Reviewer (new term). Reviewer Packet on WA State website not helpful because a PDF. Will them. If Judge is scoring VA and Photography, I give them a separate scorecard for each category. Avoids any confusion. LWPTSA Council Reflections Program LWPTSA Council

20 Judging Entries Again, I only do one art category per Judging Score Card. LWPTSA Council Reflections Program LWPTSA Council

21 Judging: Selecting the Winners
Number of entries advancing from Local to Council Up to 25 entries in total (highest scoring only) Note: most schools do not submit 25. No more than 15 from VA No more than 10 from photography Ideally, you will have winning entries in all or most of the categories, but generally, there are more in Visual Arts and Photography. That is why there is a limit. Plus up to 6 additional entries from the Special Artist division Do not advance the maximum number of entries to Council just because you “have room,” only have a few, or don’t want to hurt any feelings. All entries advancing to Council must demonstrate the theme and must be good enough to compete against the best entries from the other PTA/PTSAs in Bellevue PTSA Council. Last year at LWHS – advanced 1 Literature, 1 Music, 2 Photography, 9 Visual arts and 3 Special Artists; 16 in total LWPTSA Council Reflections Program LWPTSA Council

22 Judging: Selecting the Winners
Use your judge’s scores to select winners. Entries with the highest scores overall should advance. Highest score is 40/40 (20 – theme; 10 – artistic merit/creativity and 10 – mastery of the medium). Reflection Chair/Committee can choose method to determine which entries advance (total score or average score). For example: 3 judges judging primary visual arts Find the average of the 3 overall scores for the entry (e.g., 38, 37, 40 = 38.33/40) or Add the 3 overall scores (e.g., 115/120) Determine a benchmark: Average Score: If a score is 35/40 or above, then consider advancing entry. Total Score: If score is 106/120 or above, then consider advancing entry. May need to adjust benchmark – up (too many entries advancing) or down but not too low (not enough entries advancing) Note: If two entries have the same overall score and you cannot advance both due to number of entries that are allowed to advance in the category, use the highest theme score as the tie breaker. Too many advancing, adjust your benchmark. Example of advancing an entry that did not score well – pencil drawing LWPTSA Council Reflections Program LWPTSA Council

23 Judging: Selecting the Winners
Chair/Committee discretion: “Theme” gets the most points so it’s possible to have a winning entry that is not artistically as good as other entries that don’t have strong themes. What if all entries in a category/division have low scores? Use your judgement with caution. If the judges seemed like they didn’t “get it” consider advancing some of those entries that you feel 1) captured the theme and 2) has artistic merit. Too many advancing, adjust your benchmark. Example of advancing an entry that did not score well – pencil drawing LWPTSA Council Reflections Program LWPTSA Council

24 New Theme and a Theme Search!
Themes chosen via a contest, 2 years in advance $100 prize from NPTA Find Theme Search Contest Entry Form programs/reflections/ Pre-fill and distribute form to students who are interested. Students mail entry form directly to WA State PTA Deadline: November 1, 2017 LWPTSA Council Reflections Program LWPTSA Council

25 LOCAL PTA/PTSA: Advancing Winning Entries
Preparing winning entries for Turn-in day (council) LWPTSA Council Reflections Program LWPTSA Council

26 Advancing Winning Entries
Online Registration: Chairs are creating the database that follows entries through the next stages of the program – Council, State and National. Register WINNING entries advancing to Council in the National Online Registration system (Student Entry Portal). Online registration deadline for local PTA/PTSAs in the Bellevue PTSA Council is Sunday, December 10, 2017, by 11:59 P.M. (that is absolute!) Do not wait to the evening of the 10th! We will How-To instructions to chairs. Unregistered entries will not be accepted at Council Tips for Online Registration Logging in – do before December 10th! Some chairs had trouble last year and had to wait for a response from help desk. All required information from the entry form should be entered into the database. DO NOT UPLOAD the artwork. Double check that all information is correct before submitting the entry—changes can’t be made once you click the “Submit Entry” button! If you find a mistake after submitting, notify the Council Chairs of the error. NOTE: We cannot correct the errors, only State can. We cannot stress the importance of proofreading. It’s only fair to students that errors are not made by the Chair when entering the information. LWPTSA Council Reflections Program LWPTSA Council

27 Advancing Winning Entries
Turn-In Day After online registration of winners, Chairs deliver winning entries to Council Week of December 11, 2017 at Bellevue Council PTSA Office in ESC West Time: By appointment Chairs will receive an via Sign Up Genius to select a 20 minute time slot, and the opportunity to assist with accepting entries Very Important: Be on time Be prepared Have you used the Checklist for Submission to review entries? Bring entries in a Portfolio. Note: the portfolio stays with Council until after the Art Show LWPTSA Council Reflections Program LWPTSA Council

28 Use the Checklist! Again!
Preparing Entries Preparing Entries for Council Use the Checklist! Again! This year Council will be very adamant about Chairs complying to the checklist. Confirm that Entry Form is complete with title, artist statement, student and parent signature (if under age 18), and that ALL fields are filled in. Confirm that every entry meets the art category rules. Please check each winning entry against the submission checklist. Art sleeves are mandatory for Visual Arts and Photography Label entries as specified by their art category; exception Literature – back of every page is required by Council Council will ask Chairs to leave to fix and/or provide what is needed – e.g., original + 3 copies are requested for literature Have a copy of the rules as you review the entry LWPTSA Council Reflections Program LWPTSA Council

29 Preparing Entries (cont’d)
Preparing entries for Council Remember: Bellevue PTSA Council requires 1 original and 3 copies of literature entries advancing to Council. Why? Hard copies are sent to judges. Council prefers USBs and not CD/DVDs – very hard to find a device to read CD/DVDs Council does not want literature entries on a USB drive as stated in Rules. Paper only. CHECK AND CHECK AGAIN! LWPTSA Council Reflections Program LWPTSA Council

30 Preparing Entries (cont.)
Visual Arts & Photography – Key points to remember Label the back of entry with student name, title of artwork, category, grade division, PTA name and State ID number. Insert entries into a clear sealable art sleeve or wrap in clear cello wrap (not preferred – hard to access actual entry if need to). Place the paperwork into a plastic sleeve (sheet protector) - no substitutions - with the entry form on top followed by the artist statement if on or continued on a separate page. Do not fold the paperwork. Tape the plastic sleeve to the back of the entry, on the outside of the art sleeve/wrap, with masking tape. Leave the top open so that the forms can be removed. Encourage students NOT to put their names and other personal info on the front of the entry. I would like to see art sleeves only. I would replace if student submitted in cello wrap. LWPTSA Council Reflections Program LWPTSA Council

31 Preparing Entries (cont.)
Literature, Music, Dance, Film – Key Points to Remember Literature: original + 3 copies & no staples Place each entry into a manila envelope that has a metal clasp so that the entry doesn’t fall out. Place the paperwork into a plastic sleeve (sheet protector) with the entry form on top followed by the artist statement. Do not fold the paperwork. Tape the plastic sleeve to the front of the manila envelope with masking tape (not the metal clasp side). Leave the top of the plastic sleeve open so that the forms can be removed. Labelling flash drives – see other handout 10 x 13 envelope is best size LWPTSA Council Reflections Program LWPTSA Council

32 ****Note: portfolio will be left with Council on Turn-In Day****
Council: Turn-In Day Turn-In Day Date: Week of December 10th, Times by appointment, Bellevue PTSA Council Office Bring Winning entries only. Separate and label by age division and art category. Entries must be inside of one or more sturdy art portfolios large enough to hold all of your entries. Label each portfolio inside and outside with the full PTA/PTSA name and local PTA/PTSA number. This will help ensure that your portfolio is returned to you. Portfolios available at Michael’s (use a 40% or 50% off coupon), Ben Franklin Craft, Amazon and other retailers. ****Note: portfolio will be left with Council on Turn-In Day**** LWPTSA Council Reflections Program LWPTSA Council

33 Council: Turn-In Day Turn-In Day
A volunteer will review each entry while the chairperson is present and will accept or disqualify each entry. Corrections allowed only if done the same day and returned before the close of TID. No late entries. DO NOT turn in computer generated student entry forms from the Online Registration System. More details and sign-up to come in late November. Local PTA Participation Form? Does not exist yet. LWPTSA Council Reflections Program LWPTSA Council

34 Local PTA/PTSA: Recognize Your Students
Very Important for the students and your program! After judging, notify all participants (not just the winners), parents and staff of the results. Use the same methods you used to promote the program to - newsletters, announcement, etc. – to highlight winners and thank all participants. Consider recognizing all participating students with your own art show; in conjunction with another school event, like an assembly; or a display in the library. Give ribbons and/or certificates to everyone who submitted an entry. Officially, the top awards are Outstanding Interpretation, Award of Excellence, Award of Merit, but you can choose your own award names. (1st, 2nd, 3rd or “Finalist” for those advancing to Council, etc.) Non-award winners can receive recognition as “participants’. Recommended ribbon vendor is (inexpensive, quick turnaround) Other ideas for recognition? How I recognized students at RHMS – all receive a participant ribbon, an assembly LWPTSA Council Reflections Program LWPTSA Council

The print shop will print posters and flyers at a low cost. You provide the artwork. Use the poster and flyers on website or create your own. For assistance contact the Print Shop at Information on how-to has been ed to Chairs. FEDEX/KINKOS PTA members receive special rates from FedEx/Kinkos. Black and white copies are 4¢ each (single-sided) and color copies are 39¢ each (single-sided), when ordering through their website. PTA members will also receive 15% off on all other production services. Use Washington State PTA Account Number: when ordering. For more information about this offer, go to involved/member-benefits/ KING COUNTY LIBRARIES Free printing of up to seventy five 8.5” x 11” pages per week, per library account. (Color pages count as 3 pages.) See your local library for assistance. LWPTSA Council Reflections Program LWPTSA Council

This is a group where the councils and Local PTA/PTSAs in our state can ask questions of other members of the group. It is monitored by the Washington State Reflections committee. To sign up (or have your name removed), please send your request to: Note: you will get lots and lots of if you join the Washington State Listserve FACEBOOK Mostly for promoting the program. Will try to include shareable content for your own school or PTA/PTSA Facebook pages. If you use Facebook, please like and follow the page: Facebook LWPTSA Council Reflections Program LWPTSA Council

37 Awards and Supplies AWARD RIBBONS (flat ribbons)
(ribbons, medall AWARD CERTIFICATES Microsoft Word has Certificate templates ART SLEEVES Ben Franklin Crafts, Redmond, WA (Also for mat board, foam core) ebay, Amazon and other online retailers PLASTIC SLEEVES (SHEET PROTECTORS), MANILA ENVELOPES, CELLO WRAP Fred Meyer, Staples, art stores and any major office supply retailer LWPTSA Council Reflections Program LWPTSA Council

38 Other Important Dates and Deadlines
Council Winners Announced Last week of December Very Important: Local Chairs still have additional tasks to perform in January. LWPTSA Council Reflections Program LWPTSA Council

39 Other Important Dates and Deadlines
Art Show Artwork: Hanging art (by Local Chairs) – must send a representative TBD Art Show Art Show Take Down (by Local Chairs) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Some VA and Photo entries are chosen by the Council Chair and will be retained for display at these events. Council Chair will let the Local Chair know which entries have been selected. For these events, I choose dance, film, music and literature piece. I contact parent/student to see if want to and available to perform at these events. I do not necessarily choose Council winners. LWPTSA Council Reflections Program LWPTSA Council

40 Return of Artwork Council Competition
Local chairs will pick up non-advancing entries at the Open House tear down event. State Competition Non-advancing entries will be available for chairs to pick up from Bellevue PTSA Council by the end of May. National Competition Visual arts and photography entries that receive national awards will be returned within 2 years. Film, dance, literature and music entries may or may not be returned. LWPTSA Council Reflections Program LWPTSA Council

41 Entries From Outside Your PTA/PTSA
Students from outside your PTA/PTSA may participate in your program under the conditions listed below. This includes home-schooled and private schooled students, and students whose schools have a PTO instead of a PTA or PTA/PTSA. The student may enter Reflections through a PTA/PTSA in good standing. The school should be at the same grade level to match the student's grade level (elementary to elementary, middle to middle, etc.) The student must have consent of the host PTA/PTSA.  The host PTA/PTSA is not required to accept outside entries. The host PTA/PTSA must be in the district where the student resides. Entry is treated as if the student attends the host school. LWPTSA Council Reflections Program LWPTSA Council

42 We look forward to seeing your entries at Council!
Thank You! Questions? We look forward to seeing your entries at Council! LWPTSA Council Reflections Program LWPTSA Council

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