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Development of the heart

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1 Development of the heart
Dr. Altdorfer Development of the heart

2 Overview Cardiogenic plate Heart tube Devel. of the atria
Devel. of the ventricles Aorticopulmonary septum Malformations

3 1. Cardiogenic plate 3. week
Cardiogenic plate (in front of the buccopharyngeal membrane), splanchnopleura Anterior folding (4. week):

4 1. Cardiogenic plate Lateral folding:
fusion of the endocardial heart tubes

5 2. Heart tube Arterial and venous ends

6 2. Heart tube Arterial and venous ends Bulbo-ventricular loop
Transverse sinus of pericardium

7 3. Atria – interatrial septum

8 3. Atria 2 sources of the sources of the right atrium left atrium

9 3. Atria – interatrial septum
Septum spurium (sinu-atrial junction)

10 3. Atria – interatrial septum
Septum spurium Eustach Thebesius

11 4. Ventricles – interventricular septum

12 5. Aorticopulmonary septum
Divides the bulbus cordis and truncus arteriosus → aorta + pulmonary trunk Neural crest cells! Endocardial swellings, cushions Truncal ridges, bulbar ridges → spiral course

13 5. Aorticopulmonary septum + semilunar valves

14 6. Malformations Situs inversus totalis < 1:10000 Dextrocardy

15 6. Malformations Atrial septal defects (ASD)
- ostium secundum type - persisting foramen ovale (PFO) Ventricularis septal defects (VSD) – usually at the pars membranacea region

16 6. Malformations

17 „Some people say, that the heart is a paired organ”
Images: Dr. Ádám Dr. Lendvai Dr. Kozsurek

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