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2016 vegetable judging CDE exam

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1 2016 vegetable judging CDE exam

2 Which of these is NOT known to improve soil structure?
Wetting and drying Action of burrowing insects and animals Adding and compacting soil Freezing and thawing

3 The soil profile refers to the arrangement and properties of the various soil layers including all BUT which of these? Subsoil Organic material Parent material Topsoil

4 Which of these is the neutral pH?
3.5 7.0 0.0 10.0

5 Any hydroponic solution must contain nitrogen, phosophorous, potassium, and:
Zinc Argon Cobalt All of these answers are correct

6 Which of these is NOT a recommended method of reducing water pollution and water waste when growing plants in pots? Using slow release fertilizer in pots Placing the pots on a sealed, graded surface Using overhead sprinklers for irrigation Using drip irrigation when feasible

7 Which of these is a disadvantage to hydroponics?
Plants will die quickly if the pumps fail Plants are more prone to soil-borne diseases Fertilization is more difficult than with traditional growing methods Edible crops are more easily contaminated

8 Which of these wavelengths is NOT absorbed by chlorophyll
Violet Red Blue Green

9 An apple that looks bright red is reflecting which color light?
Green Violet Orange Red

10 Incandescent bulbs emit very heavily in the ________ side of the spectrum.
Red Blue Green Indigo

11 Which of these is a consideration when examining light levels?
Quality of light Duration of the light Intensity of the lights All answers are correct

12 Respiration is affected by:
Temperature Soil conditions Metabolic activity of the tissues All answers are correct

13 Which of these is NOT a primary cause of delayed seedling emergence in corn?
Soil temperature variability within the seed zone Soil crusting after emergence Occurrence of certain types of herbicide injury Improper adjustment or functioning of the planter

14 Reniform nematodes are found most often in:
Very sandy soils and wet areas Fine-textured soils and very sandy soils Fine-textured soils and wet areas Very sandy soils, wet areas, and fine-textured soils

15 How much water do potatoes require each week?
.25 inch .75 inch 1 inch 2 inches

16 Which state is the largest producer of sugarcane in the United States?
Louisiana Hawaii Texas Florida

17 Hot and humid Hot and dry Cold and humid Cold and dry
Green peas tend to lose part of their sugar content unless they are promptly stored in _______ conditions Hot and humid Hot and dry Cold and humid Cold and dry

18 Which of these is a type of nematode that affects peanuts?
String nematode Ring nematode Northern root knot nematode All answers are correct

19 Fall-seeding alfalfa with small grains:
Increases weed problems Can cause excessive soil erosion Provides no early spring forage before the alfalfa becomes productive Protects young alfalfa seedlings

20 Annual lespedezas: Are cool-season legumes
Can be grown on acidic and low phosphorus soils Are relatively high yielding Do not grow well on well-drained soils

21 Which of these is a green grape?
Thompson Seedless Crimson Seedless Fantasy Seedless Niabell

22 With grapes, fruit is produced on:
The current year’s wood The previous year’s wood The current year’s wood and the previous year’s wood The wood from all previous years

23 In a crop rotation system, raspberries should NOT follow:
Cucumbers Tomatoes Carrots Grapes

24 Which of these is NOT and advantage to growing annuals?
They are relatively inexpensive They produce instant color They retain a fresh appearance throughout the season into late summer They are versatile and sturdy

25 Employees may encounter which of these hazards in the workplace?
Heavy lifting Stress Harassment All answers are correct

26 For employees, an important part of maintaining a safe workplace includes:
Wearing protective clothing at all times Knowing what to do in an emergency Focusing only on your own safety All answers are correct

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