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Topic Titles- Week 1 IRSL Breakout 9/18/17.

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1 Topic Titles- Week 1 IRSL Breakout 9/18/17

2 Refresher Preliminary Topic Form Week 1 Topic Form
Week 2 Topic Form- Due next Monday! (always check syllabus for due dates)

3 Week 1 Topic Forms- Expectations
Typed form Progress from last week Searching for articles- found possibly 1 or 2 Have a revised topic in the box before you leave class today.

4 Revised topic Spend a few minutes talk with your neighbor about your topic. Does it meet all the criteria? Organism or system Phenomenon studied What question is being asked Variables manipulated Definition for abbreviations

5 Penguin Example! I read this article and thought it was interesting.
nguins-eat-jellyfish-unexpected-prey/ Prelim topic title: Why do penguins eat jellyfish? Revised: Diet of Adelie penguins

6 Week 1 Topic Form Topic Title:
Change in the diet of the Adelie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) due to climate change Revised: Adélie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) diet shift with increasing ocean temperatures in its Antarctic feeding range

7 Food for thought… Can I use the National Geographic article as one of my papers? What are some key search words I could use to find papers?

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