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The Empire of Persia Objectives: Explain rise of Persian Empire

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1 The Empire of Persia Objectives: Explain rise of Persian Empire
Discuss accomplishments under Cyrus and Darius

2 In 550 BCE, King Cyrus began to build the Persian Empire
Persia would conquer most of the Fertile Crescent, Egypt and Anatolia Persia is located in present-day Iran The empire spanned over 2,000 miles

3 1) Cyrus was a military genius
Armies included archers on horseback 2) Conquered the entire Fertile Crescent and most of Anatolia

4 3) Cyrus was most well-known for his tolerance of conquered peoples
He showed kindness and his armies refrained from looting and burning -was well-respected -conquered citizens enjoyed freedom, allowed to continue local customs and religions -

5 4) Jews (Hebrews) who had been deported from their homeland to Babylon were freed and allowed to return to Jerusalem

6 Under Cyrus, the Persians: 5) Advanced iron technology
Developed a new religion – Zoroastrianism Art flourished Tomb of Cyrus the Great; Cyrus died in 530 BCE

7 Cyrus the Great The Iranians regarded him as “The Father”
The Jews regarded him as “The Anointed Of the Lord” Monument to Cyrus in Sydney, Australia

8 Zoroastrianism founded by a Persian prophet named Zoroaster who lived around 600 BC 1) Supreme god was Ahuramazda or “Wise Lord” 2) Similar to Christianity - People must choose between right and wrong The right way is the way of Ahuramazda

9 A person’s soul faced judgement based on actions
Zoroastrian beliefs: A person’s soul faced judgement based on actions 3) Two spiritual armies, good and evil, fought for a person’s soul (Two opposing forces in the universe) Does this sound similar to any other religion? Zoroastrianism was uniquely Persian and did not spread. But, many historians believe it influenced Christianity. Ahuramazda

10 Cyrus’ ineffective son Cambyses was overthrown by Darius. Under Darius:
1) Built the royal road system – 1,677 miles from Sardis to Susa 2) Expanded empire into India and present-day Afghanistan 3) Created the imperial bureaucracy to govern the vast empire 4) Divided the kingdom into 20 provinces -Installed governors (satraps) in each province -Appointed inspectors to check on the Satraps; they were the “King’s Eyes and Ears” 5) Began using standardized metal coins DARIUS


12 Tomb of King Darius The Persian Empire would eventually fall to Alexander the Great of Macedonia

13 Photo Credits

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