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Unit 8, Part 2: The Late Roman REPUBLIC

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1 Unit 8, Part 2: The Late Roman REPUBLIC

2 GROWTH - Territory Roman territory mainly grew in response to outside threats. Gauls - In 387 BC attacked Rome and took over the city. The Romans had to give the Gauls a huge amount of gold to leave the city. Other neighboring cities thought they might also try the same thing, but the Romans managed to fight them off. As they defeated these attackers, they took over their lands. Rome soon controlled all of the Italian Peninsula except northern Italy.

3 GROWTH – Farming & Trade
Before Rome conquered Italy, most Romans were farmers. As the republic grew, many left their farms for Rome. In place of small farms, wealthy Romans built large farms called latifundia in the countryside that were worked by slaves and grew one or two crops. The owners stayed in the cities and let others run the farms for them. As the republic grew, trade expanded. Farmers couldn’t keep up with the growing populations, so merchants brought food from other parts of the Mediterranean. They also brought metal goods and slaves to Rome. Romans began to make metal coins to pay for these goods.

4 FIRST PUNIC WAR As Rome’s power grew, other countries saw them as a threat and declared war on Rome. Punic Wars – Series of 3 wars against Carthage, a city in northern Africa (Punic means “Phoenician” in Latin) that took place between 264 and 146 BC Began when Carthage sent its armies to Sicily (large island of the toe of the boot). Rome responded by sending an army to the island, and a war soon broke out that lasted almost 20 years before the Romans finally forced their enemies out and took control of Sicily.

5 SECOND PUNIC WAR Started in 218 BC when the Carthage general Hannibal attacked a Roman ally in Spain. Hannibal set out to attack Rome, taking an overland route starting in Spain, crossing the Alps, and coming from the north. (More about this on the next slide.) Although he came close to capturing Rome, the Romans had sent an army to attack Carthage, so Hannibal had to rush home to defend his city. His troops were defeated.

6 HANNIBAL One of the greatest generals and military strategists of the ancient world. Hated Rome Best known for his epic crossing of the Alps with an army, cavalry, and war elephants. Over half his army died from the severe cold, and Hannibal himself was blinded in one eye. After the Second Punic War, he was made leader of Carthage, but later was forced by the Romans to flee the city. He went to Asia and joined with a king fighting the Romans there. The king was defeated, and Hannibal killed himself so that he wouldn’t become a Roman prisoner. Hannibal

7 THIRD PUNIC WAR By the 140s BC many senators worried that Carthage was growing powerful again. They convinced the consuls to declare war on Carthage. An army was sent to Africa and destroyed Carthage. The Romans burned the city, killed most of its people, sold the rest into slavery, and took control of northern Africa. During the Punic Wars, Rome took control of Sicily, Corsica, Spain, and North Africa, and controlled most of the western Mediterranean region.

8 ROMAN ARMY Organization of the Roman army was one of the biggest reasons for Rome’s victories. While there were several levels, the most well-known are: Legions – groups of 6,000 soldiers Centuries – legions divided into centuries, or groups of 100 This organization provided a clear chain of command and allowed the army the flexibility of either fighting as a large group or as several small ones. Had to be at least 18 years old to join and between 5’ 3” and 5’ 10” tall. Could not get married After 25 years, could retire with a pension (paid retirement) Army couldn’t enter Rome except for parades celebrating a great victory. Only the emperor’s personal guards, the Praetorian Guard were allowed in the city limits.

9 ARMY LIFE For many poor Romans, joining the army was a step up in life. A legionnaire could earn up to 300 denarli a year, though the army kept some of the paycheck to cover food, weapons, and even pensions. Weapons weighed an average of 30 pounds Each group of 8 also had to split up and carry another 40 pounds of supplies such as their tents, cooking utensils, and digging equipment Had to be able to march 20 miles in 5 hours Much of daily life consisted of practicing battle formations and techniques, building roads (elaborate road system that allowed army to travel quickly), and building forts. HH Qualify for Triumph, A Book Roman Toilet (goes with quiz)

10 WEAPONS Pugio – dagger Gladius – sword Pilum – spear
Ballista – crossbow Catapult Caltrop – cavalry “landmine” Show battle scene

11 CRISIS – Gracchus Brothers
As Roman territory grew, problems arose in the republic. Rich were getting richer, and leaders feared that violence would erupt between rich and poor. Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus – brothers who were tribunes who tried to help the poor Tiberius – Wanted to create farms for poor Romans on public lands that wealthy citizens had illegally taken over. The public supported this, but the wealthy opposed it. Conflict over the idea led to riots in the city, during which Tiberius was killed. Gaius – A few years later tried to create new farms. Began selling food cheaply to the poor. Angered many powerful Romans and was killed for his ideas. The violent deaths of the Gracchus brothers changed Roman politics. From that time on people saw violence as a political weapon.

12 CRISIS – Marius and Sulla
Gaius Marius – Consul who encourage thousands of poor and unemployed citizens to join the Roman army in 107 BC because the army desperately needed more troops. Before, only people who owned property had been allowed to join. He was a good general, his troops were more loyal to him than to Rome, and the army’s support gave him great political power. Lucius Cornelius Sulla – Became consul in 88 BC and soon came into conflict with Marius, which resulted in a civil war (war between citizens of the same country). Sulla defeated Marius, named himself dictator, and used his power to punish his enemies.

13 CRISIS – Spartacus Former gladiator
Led thousands of slaves in an uprising, demanding freedom He and his followers defeated an army sent to stop them and took over much of southern Italy. Spartacus was killed in battle, and without his leadership, the revolt fell apart. The Romans crucified (executed by nailing them to a cross) 6,000 rebellious slaves along the road between Rome and Capua as an example to others who thought about rebelling. I'm Spartacus Movie Clip

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