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Proposal Transmittal Form (PTF)

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Presentation on theme: "Proposal Transmittal Form (PTF)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Proposal Transmittal Form (PTF)
Revising the Electronic PTF Form, Workflow Process, and Introducing Document Certification Presentation of Changes: January 9, 2018

2 Proposal Submission and Workflow Overview
5 DAYS BEFORE DEADLINE 2 DAYS BEFORE DEADLINE ORC monitors Proposal Pipeline Report On SUBMIT: All [R] required fields must be completed. Full proposal must be uploaded. RID assigned. PI, Research Coordinator, Project Asst, and ORC is notified. Cannot edit fields on PTF any more, but can access documents. PTF workflow begins. If DRAFT: Title, Sponsor, Deadline, Solicitation & PI are required. *Previously only Title was req’d. PI, Research Coordinator, Project Asst, and ORC is notified AND given permissions to edit. *Previously only submitter and ORC had permission. Technical portion can still be edited until Document Certification occurs ORC Research ID assigned Document Certification Begin Workflow PI, Research Coordinator or Proj Asst provide FINAL files and Certify Documents at least 2 days BEFORE agency deadline ORC Initial Review Workflow should commence at least 5 business days BEFORE agency deadline ORC will provide feedback within 2 full business days END/ WAIT for Response ORC sends proposal to agency Agency START NOTE: Based on number of units involved, you may wish to start workflow sooner! PI, Research Coordinator, Project Asst, etc complete proposal form.

3 Proposal Transmittal Form Changes
In addition to proposal Title (required before), to save a Draft, you must also provide the Sponsoring Agency, Agency Deadline, answer if proposal is in response to a solicitation, and list the PI Allows proposal to be reflected in the Proposal Pipeline report for ORC to track its submission Allows PI and his/her Research Coordinator to be identified and s to be sent regarding responsibilities and deadlines for submission “Limited Submissions” was removed from Research Attributes and “Faculty Cluster Initiative” was added RFP document is now required if a proposal is in response to a proposal announcement/ request Asks if proposal is associated with UCF applying to be a subaward recipient and if so, if Federal pass-through Various yes/no questions were added, reworded, and re-grouped on main tab If sponsor required cost share is indicated, now must specify what the sponsor’s requirement is Asks if VPR cost share is requested on Budget tab (if yes, adds VPR Cost Share segment to workflow) Full proposal file and Budget spreadsheet are now required on Documents tab Instructional text added to indicate requirement to receive proposal 5 days before agency deadline and final files 2 days before deadline. Outlines requirement to place all files considered final for agency submission in the FINAL folder and to “Certify Documents” are good to submit to agency.

4 Permissions and Emails
When a proposal record is saved as a Draft, in addition to the Submitter and ORC (who had permissions before), the PI, Research Coordinator for the PI, and Project Assistant (if specified) also now have permission to edit the proposal record. When a proposal record enters the workflow, PTF fields are no longer editable, but the documents are. is sent to the PI, Research Coordinator (for PI), and Project Assistant, when proposal record is saved as a Draft AND when submitted to the workflow. outlines: Their permissions to access the record in the system and work on the documents, Requirement to get documents finalized 2 business days before the agency deadline, and Requirement to “Certify Documents” as being ready for agency submission. DAILY Reminder is also sent. Sent when record is first saved into the system (as Draft or submitted to the workflow) until ARGIS has indication the proposal has been sent to the agency (Date Mailed) or the agency deadline has passed. outlines: Everything initial has, plus: How many days till the deadline Where the proposal is at within the electronic workflow process, along with any comments provided thus far for documents (ORC initial review), States it is the PI’s responsibility to monitor the workflow and keep things moving along. subject will now state it is from ARGIS vs My Research.

5 Workflow Routing ORC now in workflow 2 times (initial review and after document certification) New “Document Certification” group added after college/dept reviews and 2nd ORC review. Consists of PI, Research Coordinator and Project Assistant. Any of the 3 may respond. All College/Dept workflows were re-written to contain workflow groups for the Research Coordinator, Chair, and Dean. Script includes those with role of Associate XXX in group, allowing any member of the group to respond. Yellow box added with text highlighting what each reviewer’s responsibility is. Different text for PI/Co-PI, college/dept reviewers, and ORC reviewers is presented.

6 Document Certification
What is Document Certification? Document Certification is a required process during the electronic workflow review that identifies and confirms the files ready to be sent to the sponsor. When should it occur? At least 2 business days BEFORE the sponsor deadline. NOTE: The Doc Certification group falls after all Department reviews, right before ORC. The PI, Research Coordinator, and Project Assistant will need to monitor the workflow process and ensure departmental reviewers complete their review in a timely fashion. Who can perform Document Certification? The PI, Research Coordinator (for the PI) or the Project Assistant can access the proposal and move files into the FINAL folder and then use the Certify Documents button when the proposal reaches this point in the workflow.

7 New look!

8 Once logged in sidebar contains reminder of timeline

9 Questions

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