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Senior Project Notes Requirements

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1 Senior Project Notes Requirements
Woodland Hills High School Pages Senior Project Handbook

2 Cover Page Every step in the Senior Project process from now on must have a cover page (see page 14) On cover page: Your name English teacher’s name Adviser’s name Assignment Date submitted to English teacher Spaces for English teacher & Adviser to indicate date received and initial No cover page = work not accepted Download a cover page on Dr. Moschetta’s website: English or English 12 Advanced Senior Project page

3 Notes from One Source Due Early
2 weeks before the deadline Submit notes from one source to English teacher Also submit a copy of the source (no books!) Due date: Wednesday, October 19 Purpose: To check that students are formatting, paraphrasing, and citing notes correctly If incorrect, feedback allows students to correct their mistakes

4 Minimum Notes Requirements
6 sources (includes source turned in early) Three different kinds At least one must be your firsthand source Minimum facts per source Rubric Wording: “Note-taking from this source is thorough” Due Date: November 2, 2011

5 What to Research Background on the topic
How the controversy developed, history, etc. Maximum 25% of notes on background Arguments/support for one side of the issue Arguments/support for the other side of the issue Approximately 75% of notes should be on the arguments Close to evenly split between the 2 sides – more on your side

6 Format for Notes See page 16 in Senior Project Handbook List of notes
Typed/handwritten Different page for each source Source information at top of each page – MLA format Page numbers for print sources only

7 Credibility of Sources
Refer to page 12 in Handbook Credibility, accuracy, reasonableness, support Not credible sources = not allowed: Wikipedia Yahoo Answers Blog posts Message boards (except in some firsthand research cases)

8 How Not To Plagiarize Go over pages in Handbook

9 What to Turn In: Cover Page For each source:
MLA formatted source information AT LEAST facts summarized, paraphrased, or quoted (as few quotes as possible) Printed out copy of the original source, attached to the notes (does not apply to books) Web page printout, magazine/newspaper article, etc.

10 How to Turn In: In your Senior Project Folder Cover Page on top
Attach notes, source information, and printed copy of source – 6 “packets” like this On time Penalty for late work (includes absence) Do not come to class on the due date and ask if you can go print your sources

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