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Remote Sensing of Cloud, Aerosol, and Land Properties from MODIS

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1 Remote Sensing of Cloud, Aerosol, and Land Properties from MODIS
Michael D. King,1 Steven Platnick,1,2 D. Allen Chu,1,3 and Eric G. Moody,1,4 1NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 2University of Maryland Baltimore County 3Science Systems and Applications Inc. 4Emergent Information Technologies, Inc. Outline MODIS atmosphere products Granule level (5 min.) product examples Global examples Summary

2 Global Level-1B Composite Image
R = 0.65 µm G = 0.56 µm B = 0.47 µm May 28, 2001

3 Global Level-1B Composite Image
R = 0.65 µm G = 0.56 µm B = 0.47 µm May 28, 2001 example data granule coverage (5 min)

4 MODIS Atmosphere Products
Pixel-level (level-2) products Cloud mask for distinguishing clear sky from clouds 47.4 MB/file) Cloud radiative and microphysical properties 44.6 MB/file) Cloud top pressure, temperature, and effective emissivity Cloud optical thickness, thermodynamic phase, and effective radius Thin cirrus reflectance in the visible Aerosol optical properties 10.5 MB/file) Optical thickness over the land and ocean Size distribution (parameters) over the ocean Atmospheric moisture and temperature gradients 32.3 MB/file) Column water vapor amount 12.7 MB/file) Gridded time-averaged (level-3) atmosphere product Daily, 8-day, and monthly products (409.2, 781.9, MB) 1° ´1° equal angle grid Mean, standard deviation, marginal probability density function, joint probability density functions

5 Cloud Mask MODIS cloud mask uses multispectral imagery to indicate whether the scene is clear, cloudy, or affected by shadows Cloud mask is input to rest of atmosphere, land, and ocean algorithms Mask is generated at 250 m and 1 km resolutions Mask uses 17 spectral bands ranging from µm (including new 1.38 µm band) 11 different spectral tests are performed, with different tests being conducted over each of 5 different domains (land, ocean, coast, snow, and desert) temporal consistency test is run over the ocean and at night over the desert spatial variability is run over the oceans Algorithm based on radiance thresholds in the infrared, and reflectance and reflectance ratio thresholds in the visible and near-infrared Cloud mask consists of 48 bits of information for each pixel, including results of individual tests and the processing path used bits 1 & 2 give combined results (confident clear, probably clear, probably cloudy, cloudy)

6 Level-1B Image of Namibian Stratus during SAFARI 2000
September 13, 2000 Angola marine stratocumulus Etosha Pan Namibia Red = 0.65 µm Green = 0.56 µm Blue = 0.47 µm

7 Cloud Mask of Namibian Stratus

8 Cloud Properties Twelve MODIS bands are utilized to derive cloud properties 0.65, 0.86, 1.24, 1.38, 1.64, 2.13, 3.75, 8.55, 11.03, 12.02, 13.34, and µm Visible and near-infrared bands daytime retrievals of cloud optical thickness and effective radius 1.6 µm band will be used to derive thermodynamic phase of clouds during the daytime (post-launch) Thermal infrared bands determination of cloud top properties, including cloud top altitude, cloud top temperature, and thermodynamic phase

9 Liquid Water Clouds - ocean surface
Retrieval of tc and re The reflection function of a nonabsorbing band (e.g., 0.86 µm) is primarily a function of optical thickness The reflection function of a near-infrared absorbing band (e.g., 2.14 µm) is primarily a function of effective radius clouds with small drops (or ice crystals) reflect more than those with large particles For optically thick clouds, there is a near orthogonality in the retrieval of tc and re using a visible and near-infrared band Liquid Water Clouds - ocean surface

10 Ice Clouds - ocean surface
Retrieval of tc and re The reflection function of a nonabsorbing band (e.g., 0.86 µm) is primarily a function of optical thickness The reflection function of a near-infrared absorbing band (e.g., 2.14 µm) is primarily a function of effective radius clouds with small drops (or ice crystals) reflect more than those with large particles For optically thick clouds, there is a near orthogonality in the retrieval of tc and re using a visible and near-infrared band Ice Clouds - ocean surface

11 Liquid Water Clouds - ocean surface
Retrieval of tc and re The reflection function of a nonabsorbing band (e.g., 0.86 µm) is primarily a function of optical thickness The reflection function of a near-infrared absorbing band (e.g., 2.14 µm) is primarily a function of effective radius clouds with small drops (or ice crystals) reflect more than those with large particles For optically thick clouds, there is a near orthogonality in the retrieval of tc and re using a visible and near-infrared band Liquid Water Clouds - ocean surface

12 Liquid Water Clouds - ice surface
Retrieval of tc and re The reflection function of a nonabsorbing band (e.g., 0.86 µm) is primarily a function of optical thickness The reflection function of a near-infrared absorbing band (e.g., 2.14 µm) is primarily a function of effective radius clouds with small drops (or ice crystals) reflect more than those with large particles For optically thick clouds, there is a near orthogonality in the retrieval of tc and re using a visible and near-infrared band Liquid Water Clouds - ice surface

13 MOD12 (IGBP ecosystem classification) + USGS water + tundra
Ecosystem Map MOD12 (IGBP ecosystem classification) + USGS water + tundra For the time being we’re using ecosystem as a surrogate for surface albedo.

14 Surface Albedo Surface albedo = ecosystem + MOD43 (Strahler, Schaaf et al.) aggregation For the time being we’re using ecosystem as a surrogate for surface albedo.

15 Example spectral surface albedos (ecosystem + MOD43 aggregation)
0.50 0.45 0.40 0.35 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00

16 Weighting Functions for CO2 Slicing
CO2 slicing method ratio of cloud forcing at two near-by wavelengths assumes the emissivity at each wavelength is same, and cancels out in ratio of two bands The more absorbing the band, the more sensitive it is to high clouds technique the most accurate for high and middle clouds MODIS is the first sensor to have CO2 slicing bands at high spatial resolution (5 km) technique has been applied to HIRS data for ~20 years

17 Cloud Top Pressure Level-3 Daily May 28, 2001 pc (hPa) 1000 850 700
550 400 250 100

18 Cloud Top Temperature Level-3 Daily May 28, 2001 c (K) 300 280 260
240 220 200

19 Cloud Optical Thickness
Level-3 Daily May 28, 2001 tc 20 16 12 8 4

20 Cloud Effective Particle Radius
Level-3 Daily May 28, 2001 re(µm) 50 40 30 20 10

21 Atmospheric Water Vapor
April 12, 2000 R: 0.65, G: 0.86, B: 0.46 Precipitable Water Vapor (cm)

22 Precipitable Water over Land and Sunglint
Level-3 Daily May 28, 2001 q (cm) 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0

23 Aerosol Properties Seven MODIS bands are utilized to derive aerosol properties 0.47, 0.55, 0.65, 0.86, 1.24, 1.64, and 2.13 µm Ocean reflectance contrast between cloud-free atmosphere and ocean reflectance (dark) aerosol optical thickness ( µm) size distribution characteristics (fraction of aerosol optical thickness in the fine particle mode; effective radius) Land dense dark vegetation and semi-arid regions determined where aerosol is most transparent (2.13 µm) contrast between Earth-atmosphere reflectance and that for dense dark vegetation surface (0.47 and 0.66 µm) enhanced reflectance and reduced contrast over bright surfaces (post-launch) aerosol optical thickness (0.47 and 0.66 µm)

24 Gobi Dust Outbreak over China & Korea
March 20, 2001 ta (0.55 µm) 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0

25 Frequency of Aerosol Retrievals
20 40 60 80 100 Fraction of Aerosol Retrievals for 150 days

26 Aerosol Optical Thickness & Effective Radius
ta (0.55 µm) re 0.5 2.4 0.4 1.8 0.3 1.2 0.2 0.6 0.1 0.0 0.0

27 Continental to Regional Scale Pollution in Northern Italy
September 25, 2000 600 km 400 km 2030 km 2.0 a(0.55 µm) 1.0 Ispra Venice 2330 km 0.0

28 How Do Terra Aerosol Properties Compare to the Daily Cycle?

29 MODIS Surface Reflectance Product for Asia

30 MODIS Atmosphere Web Site Images Validation News Staff Staffing plan References Presentations Publications ATBDs & Plans Tools Granule locator tools Spatial and dataset subsetting Visualization and analysis Data products Format and content Sample images Known problems Modification history Acquiring data

31 Ordering MODIS Data Level-2 Products Release (beta or provisional)
Data processing facility Data dates Processing dates Software version number

32 Ordering MODIS Data Level-3 Products Release (beta or provisional)
Data processing facility Data dates Processing dates Software version number

33 Near-Term Plans for MODIS Data Processing
Updated algorithms submitted in May and integrated into production Consistent year processing (November 2000-November 2001) Will test both forward production and parallel reprocessing to fill in a continuous year of production Should be completed near the time of the Aqua launch Reprocessing of validation data ARM SGP mission (March 2000) SAFARI 2000 (August-September 2000) Products released thus far 35 products have been released to the public All atmosphere, land, and ocean products have been released (provisional version) Users are encouraged to order products from the DAACs

34 Summary MODIS provides an unprecedented opportunity for atmospheric studies 36 spectral channels, high spatial resolution Comprehensive set of atmospheric algorithms Archive of pixel level retrievals and global statistics Validation activities are high priority (ground-based, in situ, aircraft, and satellite intercomparisons)

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