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IPT-SWeISS Working Structure

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1 IPT-SWeISS Working Structure

2 IPT-SWeISS Co-chairs;
X Zhang (China) endorsed by CAeM R Rutledge (USA) endorsed by CBS WMO Secretariat; Space-based Observing System Division (OBS) Toshiyuki Kurino Aeronautical Meteorology Division (DRR) Dimitar Ivanov, Greg Brock Data-Processing and Forecasting Division (DRR) Abdoulaye Harou, Alice Soares

3 Ad-hoc Task Teams IPT-SWeISS would form ad-hoc task teams as appropriate, for topics requiring a specific expertise. In the context of a working arrangement with ISES, some of these ad hoc task teams could be jointly established with ISES and supported by ISES experts. TTs would hold telecon monthly basis with sharing the minutes

4 IPT-SWeISS Task Teams TT-SYS (Task Team on Space Weather Basic Systems) Space weather basic systems, including issues related to observation techniques and networks, data management and exchange, data centres, and space climatology TT leader: Larisa Trichtchenko (Canada) (2) TT-SCI (Task Team on Space Weather Science) Space weather science, including issues related to modelling, model evaluation and verification, interaction with climate, and transition from research to operations; TT leader: Mamoru Ishii (Japan) (3) TT-APP (Task Team on Space Weather Applications) Space weather applications, including requirements evaluation, the delivery of services, capacity building and user interaction TT leader: Mark GIBBS (UK) (4) TT-AVI (Task Team on Space Weather for Aviation) Space weather for Aviation TT leader: Daniel BIRON (Italy)

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