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The World Between the Wars (1910–1939)

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1 The World Between the Wars (1910–1939)
Lesson 7 The Soviet Union Under Stalin

2 The World Between the Wars (1910–1939)
Lesson 7 The Soviet Union Under Stalin Learning Objectives Explain how Stalin built a command economy in the Soviet Union. Describe how Stalin used terror to build a totalitarian state. Analyze Stalin’s use of propaganda to control thought and the arts. Summarize the characteristics of Soviet society under Stalin. Understand the goals of Soviet foreign policy.

3 The World Between the Wars (1910–1939)
Lesson 7 The Soviet Union Under Stalin Key Terms command economy, collectives, kulaks, Gulag, socialist realism. Osip Mandelstam, Boris Pasternak, russification, atheism, Comintern.

4 Stalin Builds a Command Economy
By 1921, Lenin and the Communists had won the civil war that followed the Russian Revolution. They were then faced with the enormous task of rebuilding Russian society. Millions of Russians had died since the outbreak of World War I, from fighting and from famine, and Russia was in a state of chaos. Lenin's policy of 'war communism' outraged the people and brought the Russian economy to the brink of collapse.

5 Stalin Builds a Command Economy
Stalin Takes Charge Moved away from true Marxism Marxism- no countries or borders Stalinism- totalitarian govt Stalin’s Five-Year Plans Set target goals for economy Command Economy Punish those who don’t meet goals Industrial Policy Yields Mixed Results Wages stayed low Standard of living stayed low Inefficient, led to shortages Forced Collectivization in Agriculture Causes Misery Collectives- Peasants resisted- rather burn crops and kill animals than turn them over Kulaks- Policies led to famine- millions starved to death- 5-8 million in the Ukraine alone

6 Stalin Builds a Command Economy
Russians wait in line outside of a grocery store. Lenin's policy of 'war communism' during World War I limited people to basic needs.

7 Stalin Builds a Command Economy
Analyze Information Describe the effect of the Five-Year Plans on steel and corn production.

8 Control Through Terror
In addition to tactics like the Terror Famine, Stalin’s totalitarian state used secret police, torture, and violent purges to ensure obedience. Stalin tightened his grasp on every aspect of Soviet life, stamping out any signs of dissent even within the Communist elite.

9 Control Through Terror
Terror as a Weapon Secret police, work camps, purges, and torture No free press Encouraged people to spy on each other Gulag- Stalin's Great Purge Had to get rid of popular War heroes and army officers not loyal to him Got rid of Older party leaders, war heroes, generals, industrial managers, and anyone who thought could be a threat Show trials millions purged, at least four but probably more Impact of the Great Purge Stalin’s power secure Weakened Soviet Union Got rid of experts in different fields and good generals Will bight the in the butt in WWII

10 Control Through Terror
The Gulag was the system of Soviet forced-labor camps. It housed political prisoners as well as actual criminals and became a symbol of political repression in the Soviet Union.

11 Stalin Builds a Totalitarian State
The use of terror and intimidation was one of the major characteristics of Stalin's totalitarian stage. Like other totalitrarian rulers, Stalin sought to control the hearts and minds of Soviet citizens. He tried to do this by tirelessly distributing propaganda, censoring opposing ideas, imposing Russian culture on minorities, and replacing religion with communist ideology.

12 Stalin Builds a Totalitarian State
Propaganda and the 'Cult of Personality’ Propaganda- indoctrinate the people on communism and Stalin Censoring the Arts Socialist realism- show all soviet life as positive Osip Mandelstam- Boris Pasternak Russification of the Republics Russification- 15 separate republics- impose Soviet Culture Communists Wage War on Religion The leader and the state above all else Wanted to get rid of religion Atheism- Communism should replace religion Church officials purged

13 Stalin Builds a Totalitarian State
Stalin used propaganda to win the hearts and minds of Soviet citizens. This poster reads, 'Thanks to dear Stalin for a happy childhood.'

14 Stalin Builds a Totalitarian State
Analyze Maps Stalin used terror and labor camps to control the huge, multinational Soviet Union. In which part of the Soviet Union was the heaviest concentration of Gulag labor camps?

15 Soviet Society Under Stalin
The terror and cultural coercion of Stalin's rule made a mockery of the original theories and promises of communism. The lives of most Russians did change. But, while the changes had some benefits, they were often outweighed by continuous shortages and restricted freedoms.

16 Soviet Society Under Stalin
The Soviet Elite Takes Control Soviet elite controlled society Few could reach the top Limited Benefits Free schools Sports programs After school programs State housing Women Win Greater Equality Women more opportunities Equality under the law

17 Soviet Society Under Stalin
The majority of citizens in the Soviet Union were peasants. Here, Soviet women on a collective farm using machinery to clean grain.

18 Soviet Foreign Policy Between 1917 and 1939, the Soviet Union pursued two very different goals in foreign policy. As communists, both Lenin and Stalin wanted to bring about the worldwide revolution that Marx had predicted. But as Soviets, they wanted to guarantee their nation’s security by winning the support of other countries. The result was a contradictory and generally unsuccessful foreign policy.

19 Soviet Foreign Policy Promoting Communist Revolution Wanted to bring about world wide revolution Comintern “Red Scare” Seeking Recognition Open trade with other countries Gained recognition Joined league of nations Mostly isolated

20 Soviet Foreign Policy Lenin founded the Comintern to inspire revolution around the world. Here, he is giving a speech to the delegates of the third congress of the Comintern in 1921.

21 Quiz: Stalin Builds a Command Economy
Stalin's 'five-year plans' were aimed at A. raising the standard of living of the peasantry. B. confiscating the land of wealthy factory owners. C. building heavy industry and improving transportation. D. allowing limited capitalism to help the economy grow.

22 Quiz: Control Through Terror
In what ways did Stalin's terror tactics harm the Soviet Union? A. The country lost many intellectual and military leaders. B. Industrial production slowed dramatically. C. Lawlessness and violence plagued the entire nation. D. Civil war threatened Stalin's government.

23 Quiz: Stalin Builds a Totalitarian State
Why did Communists target the Russian Orthodox Church? A. because Church officials had become corrupt and abused their power B. because Stalin was a Roman Catholic C. because Stalin felt the Church promoted fascist beliefs D. because people's loyalties lay with the Church rather than the state

24 Quiz: Soviet Society Under Stalin
Which of the following best describes the Communist party in the Soviet Union? A. It was extremely popular with millions of members. B. Everyone in the country was required to be a member. C. Party members usually escaped Stalin's purges. D. A few elite groups became the party's rulers.

25 Quiz: Soviet Foreign Policy
The goal of the Comintern was to A. establish a state-run university to train elite members of the Communist Party. B. encourage the ideals of the Communist Party and worldwide revolutions. C. promote trade with capitalist countries and encourage foreign investment. D. set domestic policy and control internal rebellion.

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