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Case 3 Headache & Slurred Speech Case Presentation

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1 Case 3 Headache & Slurred Speech Case Presentation
Clinical Pathologic Case Conference The Fifth Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress Valencia, Spain September 16, 2009

2 Chief Complaints Headache Slurred Speech

3 History of Present Illness
52 year old African American male, 2 weeks ago went to a cookout, then complained of: constipation nausea & vomiting low grade fever

4 ED visit #1 Headache & neck pain  local ED 2 days later:
Negative abdominal xray phenergan and miralax improvement in his symptoms

5 ED visit #2 3 days later Food stuck in his throat Negative head CT
New symptoms: Food stuck in his throat Painful swallowing Workup at that time: Negative head CT GI Referral

6 GI referral Upper endoscopy revealed: Duodenal inflammation
Patient was prescribed: Carafate Omeprazole

7 Intermittent Symptoms:
ED visit #3 2 weeks later Intermittent Symptoms: headaches & neck pain fevers dizziness nausea & vomiting dysphagia New Symptoms: slowed & slurred speech transient right arm weakness balance problems

8 Headache diffuse right-sided right neck pain photophobia

9 Review of Systems urinary hesitancy itchiness and rash
about one week ago right calf resolved

10 Past Medical History HTN GERD BPH h/o Cat Scratch disease

11 Social History no sick contacts remote tobacco social alcohol
no travel history

12 Family History No history of: CVA/TIA TIA HTN DM CAD

13 Physical Exam General: Afican American male lying on right side in bed in discomfort from headache pain Vitals: Temp 36.8C (98.2F), BP 131/91, Pulse 89, Resp 18, O2 Sat 99% RA HEENT: PERRLA, EOMI, conjunctiva clear Neck: supple and non-tender, no lymphadenopathy Pulmonary: clear to auscultation bilaterally Cardiovascular: RRR, no murmurs, rubs, or gallops Abdomen: normal BS, soft, non-tender, no masses Extremities: good pulses x 4, no edema, tenderness, or swelling

14 Neurological Exam Alert & oriented Normal speech, motor, reflexes
Decreased sensation to pinprick on right CN V2-V3, R upper extremity & R lower extremity Dysmetria with finger-to-nose and heel-to-shin on the right Slow & wide based gait

15 Laboratory Data Complete Blood Count Our patient Normal values
WBC Hemoglobin Hematocrit Platelets 15

16 Laboratory Data (cont)
Metabolic Panel Our patient Normal values Sodium Potassium Chloride Carbon dioxide Blood urea nitrogen Creatinine Glucose Calcium Phosphorus 16

17 Laboratory Data (cont)
PT 12.6 sec sec PTT sec sec INR 1.1 sec sec 17

18 EKG

19 Head CT

20 Summary 52 year old previously healthy man with
intermittent right-sided headaches and neck pain dizziness, nausea and vomiting transient right-sided weakness/decreased sensation gait difficulties and ataxia dysphagia and dysarthria negative head CT And now Dr. Freeman will provide us with a discussion of the case

21 A diagnostic procedure was performed…

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